[Opinions] Re: Tobin
in reply to a message by hylo
I actually feel the opposite. I think Tobias seems a lot more everyday and down-to-earth than Tobin, which seems more pretentious. I know someone with one son named Tobin, and the other names in their family give me that sort of trying-to-be-posh association. I don't mean that in a bad way, though, I sort of enjoy that sort of vibe.
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Tobin  ·  hylo  ·  12/29/2016, 6:03 PM
Re: Tobin  ·  Llewella  ·  12/30/2016, 1:01 PM
Re: Tobin  ·  funmonkey  ·  12/30/2016, 10:44 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Joiya  ·  12/30/2016, 9:15 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Dorchadas  ·  12/30/2016, 5:37 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Ninor  ·  12/30/2016, 1:17 AM
Re: Tobin  ·  Julia  ·  12/29/2016, 10:15 PM