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[Opinions] Re: Eden?
It's so bizarre for me to hear it called trendy. When I was growing up (and up until about 15 to 20) years ago, I never heard it on anyone anywhere.
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I have a somewhat similar name (Cayden) and had the same experience. Never knew any others growing up. I think both Eden and my name *have* been trendy over the past 20 years, though — Eden much less so, though.
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Ditto for me with Haven
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It's trendy now. Your parents were definitely ahead of the curve I think.
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I do understand that it is trendy now, but just seeing it/hearing it put that way is still bizarre.
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Tried making a joke, but just reread it and I just kind of sounded like a jerk. Lol!

This message was edited 12/14/2017, 1:51 PM

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lol That's ok. If it was something about me being ancient, I'm cool with that. ;p
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