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[Games] Re: Ceevie's Build-A-Family Round 2
LN: Hunter
DW: Jessica Abigail Anderson "Jess"
DH: William James "Will"Names William and Jessica chose:
DS: Nicholas Damian "Nic"
DD: Melanie Clare "Anie"------------------In my story I whiched to third person becuase I am much more comfortable writting in third person (as that is how I genreally write) and then whiched back to first person, sorry for that.----------------------Jessica stood in front of Dr. Hunter's door and stared at the gold engraving, too cowardly to lift her hand an knock. That last place she wanted to be right now was back at Dr. Hunter's office, especially after have left so suddenly yesterday. However as she had failed to learn everything she needed, and had been stonewalled by every nurse as they all said 'Mrs. Anderson's account is on hold you will have to speak to Dr. Hunter.', so here she was about to speak to Dr. Hunter. Jessica couldn't seem to bring herself to knock on the door though. Why had he made sure that she would have to see him to get the information she needed? Did he want to criticize her more? She wasn't sure she could handle that.
"Unfortunately no matter how long you stare at the door, it will never open on its own." said a deep voice from behind her.
Jessica whirled around, and looked up... and up. Man he was tall, even at her own six foot height she had to look up, and it didn’t help that he was so close. So close she could smell soap and a faint hint of cologne. Jessica quickly stepped back, hoping to elude that faint appealing scent and looked into his eyes. They were twinkling at her again, inviting her to join in his amusement. Jessica tried to summon something to say but Dr. Hunter didn’t wait for an answer, instead he reached around her, and for one brief startling second she was sure he was going to kiss her then the door behind her opened.
"Here, why don't you come in and sit down." he said as he ushered her in and indicated the seat in front of his desk. While she would have much preferred to sit on the couch, it wouldn't be practical for her to do so and talk to him while he was at his desk. He might even decide he would have to sit next to her on the couch and she definitely didn't want that so instead she sat down at his desk.
"I must apologize..." Jessica and Dr. Hunter said at the same time. Jessica blinked at him, "What?"
"I said I must apologize..." Dr. Hunter stated again his eyes direct. "My behavior yesterday was uncalled for. I wasn't having the best of days to begin with and learning who you were, who I assumed you were only made everything worse. I had assumed some things that I shouldn't have and as a result was unforgivably rude. I am sorry."
Jessica blinked again and felt like pinching herself, only that would probably offend him. William watched her, her eyes round with disbelief and burst out laughing. He couldn't help it, her expression was priceless and definitely worth his apology.
Jessica couldn't help but smile as his rich laugh filled the room, he had a laugh that made you want to join in even if you didn’t know what you were laughing at.
"Apology accepted, as for mine I am sorry I left so suddenly I had just remembered I had an appointment elsewhere, thinking that it couldn't take me more then a few hours at the hospital." Jessica said.
And as quick as that he sobered and looked straight at her with an intensity that made her want to squirm. "You don't have to lie, Jessica, I was being quite callous."
Since she couldn't think of anything to say to that she ignored it, "I won't take much of your time, I just need to know where my mother's... ashes are... and ....and a copy of... her certificate... for the funeral." Jessica said haltingly, a funeral with no body.
"Do you have any family of friends here?" Dr. Hunter's impressive green eyes were soft, and slightly inquisitive.
A frown pulled at Jessica's brow, "No, why does it matter."
"Because you should have some one here so you don't have to go through it alone." Dr. Hunter answered.
Jessica though of Lilliana and her assortment of friends and shook her head, "No, there is no one."
Dr. Hunter was quiet for a moment then he leaned forward and gently took her hand. "Then let me help you. If only to assuage my guilt to my treatment of you." His eyes twinkled at the last sentence, saying that both he and she knew that wasn't why he would be doing it.
But suddenly it didn't matter because the last thing she wanted to do was to go through this by herself. "Yes, thank you."
Dr. Hunter took care of everything, seeing that she got her mother's ashes, the death certificate, saw to getting a plot and the setting up of a funeral for her mother. He would come by her hotel every evening to tell her how everything was progressing and make subtle advances, a simple kiss on the cheek, a brush of a comforting hand along her back and other things. Jessica felt herself falling and didn't know how to stop it. After the funeral, which he accompanied her to, Jessica couldn't stand it anymore, standing in front of the car at the cemetery she burst out, "Why are you being so nice to me! Why are you helping me?! You haven't even asked for anything, and now I feel..." indebted to him... She didn't say it aloud but she knew he knew that was what she thought. He came to stand in front of her, much too close but with the car directly behind her there was no where for her to move.
"I don't want you to feel like you owe me something. I helped you because it was the right thing to do and because I wanted to. No other reason." William told her.
"What about..." the kiss, that was the only way she could think of it. It was not simply a kiss but the kiss, the kiss he had given her in parting the night before.
Once again she'd didn't have to tell him what she was talking about, he knew, "That was a part of my wanted to do it. Jessica I don't know what it is but even though I know it is wrong and I shouldn't especially since you are vulnerable right now, I can't stop wanting you."
I found a job and went to work, and William and I started seeing each other. Learning the small details of the others life's. I learned that William's father owned a winery in California, and he knew more about wine then much lawyers knew about law. I learned the he had two brothers and one was a Air Force pilot and the other was a horse breeder in Montana. And I told him about my life and how my father left my mother when I was really young. Before you knew it he proposed and we started talking about getting married. We went and had the wedding in California and I met Naomi Claire and Robert Wyatt William's parents. I also met Matthew Ryan 'Matt' and Andrew Nathan 'Drew', William's two brothers and a lot of family friends. It was a simply beautiful wedding, Naomi was ecstatic that one of her sons was getting married and secretly told me to give her lots of grandchildren, which shouldn't be a problem as both William and I agreed that we wanted to have at least three though not immediately.
After the wedding William and I went to Paris, France for our honeymoon. Although we didn't do much tourist-ing while we were there we had a great time. Returning to work (like after any vacation) was rather difficult but that’s life.
William had a beautiful house, and as I had only rented an apartment I was going to move in with him. However it took longer then I thought it would especially when I had to fly out to New York because Lilliana had gotten in an car accident and was in a coma; and like me she had no family and few friends and had listed me as the person to contact if something should happen to her. I stayed two weeks in New York until she got released for the hospital. I noticed as I talked to her that the accident had probably helped her more then hurt her. She no longer acted, or talked, as though the next big party was all she lived from, but then near death experiences where enlightening.
I came back from New York happy and to a cluttered apartment and eager husband. Since I had planned on being gone before a month was up I had not paid my rent for the next month and had to get out of my apartment as soon as possible. When I was convinced I would have to spend all night packing William simply picked up the phone called a moving company and told them he pay them extra to pack up everything and transport it to his house, and nothing better get broken. They movers obviously happy to serve a wealthy doctor immediately agreed and William carried me out to the car and drove to his home.
To our surprise not three weeks later I realized something was up and bought an at home pregnancy test. I was so happy (even though we hadn't wanted to have kids immediately) to have a part of both of us growing in me that I screamed and ran down stairs to where William had been happily read a book until me scream and hugged him. He was not-surprisingly stupefied and asked me what I was so happy about so I told him and he picked me up and twirled me around and grinned up at me and I knew that he was happy too. Then he suddenly set me down and asked me if I had gone to the doctor yet, had I gotten any pills for it yet, had I.... It was then that I realized he was going to be an overprotective possessive man while I was pregnant and I thought as he set me in his truck, that I didn't mind.
Everything after this is from the previous round.
My name is Jessica Abigail Anderson, I was named Jessica after my mother's sister who died as a child and I was name Abigail after my grandmother. I have long dirty blond wavy hair, and sparkling eyes that vary from blue to grey, in short I look exactly like my mother except from my height. While my mother is a short petite woman, I got my father's genes for height and stand at almost 6'0". My mother hasn't had an easy life, my father didn't hang around after I was conceived and my mother had to work two different jobs and as a result I matured faster then many kids my age. I never whined about doing all the housework as I knew there was no way my mother could do everything, I cleaned the house and made meals. My mother always thanked me when she was around long enough, and not in an exhausted sleep. I became protective of my mother and as soon as possible I started working for the neighbors and when I got older, as a waitress, helping to pay the bills. After a while my mother was able to give up her second job. When I went to the university to get my degree my mother was still working but since the house was paid off she could support herself alone, so I went to work and paid my own tuition. And now I am finally done getting my law degree.
"Yes, finally! We're done! It's Over! Yay!"
I looked over at my over exuberant friend Lilliana as she jumped up and down for joy.
"I can't believe we are finally done with college!" Lilliana yelled. I smiled rather wistfully, I couldn't either but unlike my friend and roommate I loved school.
"Aren't you excited?!" Lilliana asked.
"Yes, I can't believe I already have my law degree, I haven't even decided where to practice yet." I said, slightly surprised at myself for not having a list of prospective employers.
"That's Jess for you," Lilliana told her suitcase as she packed, "Always in control, always having a plan of attack." Lillianna turned around to look at me, her brilliant died red hair swinging into her face and sticking on her shiny lip glossed lips. "You know some of the best times in my life were pure coincidences. You need to go with the flow more, not be such a plan-maker. As my father always said 'the best way for plans not to go awry is to never have a plan'."
"I can't not have a plan." And it was true, it was much easier to know and plan out what you were going to do then to go into something blind.
"Miss Anderson?" A mildly inquisitive voice came from the door.
"Yes?" I asked as I turned around, and recognized the man's uniform as a couriers' uniform, couriers were often used in New York, especially if the message was important.
"I have a message for you," The man handed me a sealed yellow envelope and proffered a clipboard from me to sign after asking to see my ID.
"What is it?" Lilliana asked after he left.
"I don't know." I answered as I opened the envelope. A large sheet of paper fell into my hand along with a small piece of paper. I picked up the large sheet and smiled at the sight of my mother hand writing, however after a moments reading my legs gave out.
"What is it!" Lilliana's question was practically a scream as she kneeled down beside me and snatched the letter from my lax hand. Her hand rose to her throat as she read and she whispered, "Oh, Jessica, I am so sorry."
I couldn't believe that my mother had died, couldn't believe that she had told her doctor not to contact me so I could be with her. Numbly I finished packing, said my good-byes and flew out to South Dakota. When I arrived all I did was check into a hotel and drop off my luggage before going to the hospital my mother had been at. I knew only because a short note, from the doctor, had informed me, along with telling me that Mrs. Anderson had told him not to contact me. When I arrived and asked for Dr. Hunter I was informed that he was in surgery but if I wanted to wait they'd tell him I was here as soon as he got out. Since I had nothing better to do I went and sat down and waited. And waited. After two hours I finally approached the front desk again to ask about Dr. Hunter. The secretary looked at me with a patronizing stare and stated, "Dr. Hunter has been out of surgery for an hour. Didn't you hear the page?"
I hadn't as I hadn't been listening, assuming they would tell him when he was out. "Did you tell him I was here?"
"Does it look like I've had the time?"
I took a deep breath and counted to ten, then decided to do it again just for good measure. I opened my eyes and looked at her mocking face and realized it hadn't helped any. "Where is his office?"
"Down the hall, turn right then keep going till you get to the end then turn left, now if you don't mind there are people waiting."
I did mind but I left anyways to keep from making a scene. I followed her instructions and found myself lost. I asked a young nurse standing nearby and got different directions that led me to his office door. I stared at the engraved gold plate and willed myself to calm down, but somewhere between arriving at the hotel and now I had lost the numbness that had protected me. I raised my hand and knocked on the door. There was no answer. After a second I tried the door and found it unlocked. Venturing inward I found that Dr. Hunter was not in his office. I didn't know why I was surprised, if the secretary had lied about where his office was she could lie about where he was. I left the door cracked open and sat down on the couch facing his cluttered desk and settled in to wait. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing a knew I heard a deep low voice speaking, "No, it's okay, she hardly looks like she is dangerous, I am sure I am capable of handling her should she turn violent. ...... No Mrs. Rodriguez. ...... Yes, I'll see you later."
I sat up and blearily opened my eyes. The only light in the room came from a soft light on his desk, the bright overhead lights remained off. "Well, I see you have woken up. How are you feeling?"
I watched as a big tall man walked over to the desk and sat. But I knew he couldn't be Dr. Hunter. No, he was much too big, much too strong looking to be a doctor. He looked more like a cowboy or an ancient warrior to be a doctor. His hair, long and black, was pulled back in a ponytail, his eyes too pure of an emerald green not to be enhanced by contacts. As a rule I didn’t like men with long hair, but some how it seemed to fit him.
"Where is Dr. Hunter?" I asked, my voice low and husky from residual sleep.
"I am Dr. William Hunter." the man answered.
Sleep must have still dulled my mind or else I never would have said what I did. "But you can't be, you're too big." And by big I didn't mean fat, as I didn't think he had an once of fat on him. Of course it could have been a remarkable illusion, but I doubted it, it was more likely that all his bulk was made up of muscles.
A deep rich laugh filled the room, bringing her back to reality. Dr. Hunter's eyes twinkled at her from across the room, "Too big, huh? I don't know whether to be offended or not."
It was clear he was not as he was still chuckling, however I felt heat rising in my cheeks and knew I was blushing, I hoped the dimness of the room would conceal it but from the way his eyes roved over her face she guessed it didn't. I cleared my throat and started again, "I'm sorry, you just startled me. I was waiting for you to return and must have fallen asleep."
"Don't be sorry, it's obvious that you needed your rest. Now why were you looking for me?" Dr. Hunter asked, as he leaned back comfortably in his chair, his piercing gaze never leaving her face.
"I..." My throat closed, and my eyes stung slightly. I quickly looked away from him and started again. "I came here because I was informed that my mother was a patient here when she... passed away."
For a second I hoped he would say he had no idea what I was talking about, that if I went home I'd find my mother waiting for me. I heard the chair creek and I looked up, Dr. Hunter was now sitting up his hands resting on the edges of the desk.
"You're Mrs. Anderson's daughter?" His voice seemed to have cooled quite a bit.
I was Emotional pain griped me tightly, closing my throat, so I nodded instead.
"I surprised you made it so quickly," He said almost absently.
"She... you said she had told you not to contact me?"
"Yes, I was under the impression that she didn't wish to disturb you." His voice was definitely cool bordering on cold, his eyes hard, and I suddenly realized that he thought I hadn't cared enough about my mother that I would have come had she called. That coldness was enough to push back the pain, to allow me my pride and give off an illusion of stoicism.
"How did she die?" I asked, and for a second I almost thought he would say 'alone' but he didn't.
"She died from cancer, she has apparently had it for some time but had no tests done and didn't come in until she could barely move around her house." the words were said with a professional-like calm but she could see the anger flashing in his eyes. Guilt crashed down at her, she should have called her mother more often, should have made sure she was taking care of herself, but she hadn't. She looked away from Dr. Hunter's accusing eyes. So what if he thought she didn’t care, so what if he though she was rich enough to provide a better home for her mother but didn’t, so what if he didn't know that she was about to shatter with a grief almost too deep to be borne alone.
"I'll have to arrange for... the funeral."
"It's a little late for that." I looked up startled, how could it be too late? "Mrs. Anderson requested that she be cremated immediately after she passed away. Something about not wanting to burden you with having the expense of a funeral."
Cremated? I sat in shock staring at him, complete devastation shook her. How could my mother have thought that she would have viewed having a funeral as a burden? How could she have believed her daughter was so callous? Had I acted in some way that had caused her to think that? Suddenly I knew I had to leave. I had to get away the cold eyes glaring at me. I stood up shakily and said, "It was nice to meet you, Dr. Hunter." and fled.
William studied the door as it closed behind the quickly retreating figure. The gorgeous young blond had not been what he had expected. Her eyes seemed too old for her face, her face drawn and tired. He had never expected someone so cruel could look so innocent. However he had to review his opinion that she had been unmoved. While she had not appeared to be overwhelmed with grief, or even a little grief-stricken, why had she fled so suddenly? Maybe he had been wrong he though thinking back over the way she had been sitting there her hands clenched together until her knuckles were white, blinking fast occasionally as though to stop tears. William swore. He had been wrong, he bet she was hurting, but just pushing the hurt away to get done what needed to be done. He thought back over his words and winced slightly, he had been unnecessary cruel but it angered him when he though of that sweet old woman dying alone. In his anger he had assumed that the daughter was responsible for her mother not telling her, but now he doubted that.

"Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live."
Mark Twain

This message was edited 4/8/2006, 4:45 PM

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