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[Opinions] Re: Fergus and India
in reply to a message by Bear
I actually quite like Fergus. I know a little boy named the very similar Fergal and it really suits him :)Can't stand India though, it's becoming kind of trendy here in England now, (I know two girls named India-May and one India-Rose)Fergus Oliver... and India May or Rose :P
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Fergal -- I've never heard of it before. I love it. Thanks! It reminds me of Fingal, one of Oscar Wilde's mns. Very storybook / mystical sounding to me.I'm sorry to hear India is becoming trendy. That makes sense because the show I was watching was British. At least your trends aren't awful concoctions like we have here in the US, like Destinee.
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Glad you like Fergal!I agree that India is much better than Destinee ;)
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