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[Opinions] Do you go by a nickname?
Inspired by the thread below.My family and friends sometimes call me Rach, which I kind of like. Every other Rachael/Rachel I've met doesn't seem to like it, though. How 'bout you? "What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." -Charles Bukowski
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I have all sorts of them.
When I was growing up I was always Bug, nicknamed so by my dad. No ideas where it came from or why! That also turned I to Buggles or Bugaloo. My brothers nn was Buddy Ruff.
When my nephew was first talking I became Auntie Ashey. My son called my sis Auntie Do-Do bc he couldn't say Kristal. My bro became Uncle Apple. We still call him Apple today sometimes!
My father in law calls me his Ash, or stretches out my first and mn and calls me Ash-el-y Nickel. Lol. (No, my mn is not nickel,)
My bro started calling me Battlehips as a teenager, and I would get so mad! We were both stick thin, but I knew he did it just to make me mad and that would make me more mad. Now he does it every once in awhile, but it doesn't bother me now. Lol. We are super close and I just tease him back about going bald:)
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Sorry! Computer spazzed! Don't know why it posted so many times!:)
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I have all sorts of nicknames, none of which bother me!
My dad always called me his little Bug. No clue where it came from or why! Sometimes was Buggles or Bugaloo.My brother was Buddy Ruff...
My father in law has always called me his Ash. Or he would stretch out my first and middle name and call me Ash-el-y Nickel. Lol. No, my mn isn't really nickel.
My nephew called me Auntie Ashey when he first started talking. My son called my sister Auntie Do-Do because he couldn't say Krystle:) my brother became Uncle Apple.
I suppose the only nickname that got on my nerves was when my I was a teenager and my brother would call me Battlehips. I was as skinny as a rail but he did it to drive me crazy and he knew it:) not he still calls me that sometimes, but i know he's just being silly, and I know I don't have Battlehips, like I worried about as a 100lb
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I have all sorts of nicknames, none of which bother me!
My dad always called me his little Bug. No clue where it came from or why! Sometimes was Buggles or Bugaloo.My brother was Buddy Ruff...
My father in law has always called me his Ash. Or he would stretch out my first and middle name and call me Ash-el-y Nickel. Lol. No, my mn isn't really nickel.
My nephew called me Auntie Ashey when he first started talking. My son called my sister Auntie Do-Do because he couldn't say Krystle:) my brother became Uncle Apple.
I suppose the only nickname that got on my nerves was when my I was a teenager and my brother would call me Battlehips. I was as skinny as a rail but he did it to drive me crazy and he knew it:) not he still calls me that sometimes, but i know he's just being silly, and I know I don't have Battlehips, like I worried about as a 100lb
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Only within my family. My mother often calls me Allie, and my brother taught his kids to do the same. He calls me V, from my middle name (Vanessa) or just "sis." I never introduce myself as anything but Alison, so that's what everyone else calls me.
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I don't go by a nickname - Lea is already short enough - but my dad will occasionally call me Lee, which I don't mind.
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Most people call me Caroline. Growing up, my mom and dad called me Carsie (care-zee) and my childhood friends picked up on it. When I see them they still call me Carsie about half of the time. When my little cousin Sophie was born, her mom wanted me to have a special name (I was 13 at the time and was baby crazy and thus with Sophie 24/7). So anyway, she decided on CC for cousin Caroline. So Soph and her little sister and my aunt call me CC (or Ceese or Cecil) and have for 15 years now. My sisters call me CC or Ceese or Cecil pretty much exclusively. My sisters' friends seem to think CC is my given name. A couple of my closest friends like to call me Cport.
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Cecil is awesome.
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Nope. And calling me Have is a great way to piss me off.
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Just be Have, already
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Oh, Have . ;)
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No. I don't like being called Rach either, though there were other girls named Rachel / Rachael who I went to school with who would be called that, so I'd assume they like it? I know a few Rachels who go by Rae / Ray, but not me.
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My mom called me Ray when I was little because I was her "ray of sunshine". Cheesy, but cute.
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That is cute :) I had a friend whose mom called her Rachelbee (her last name started with a "b") and I always thought it was adorable.
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Well my name is only two syllables so I don't really need a nn but my family and some friends call me Stace, which I like. I don;t like it when strangers call me that though
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No, I do not. I mean, occasionally a friend will call me Mads, which I don't mind. People do sometimes assume that I might go by Mady (and ask) but I hate that nickname and have never used it. There was a regular customer at my last retail job who insisted on calling me Mady and it annoyed me to no end
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Millie is hard to shorten but I've been called Mill and Mills by close friends and family every now and then which I don't really mind because it's not a regular thing.In terms of my sister Ellie, I sometimes call her Elle, but I seem to call her Eleanor more often than not, which is more of a longname than nickname! Everybody else calls her just Ellie.
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The only time I get called Arin is if a lecturer bothers to take role at uni ;) All other times it's Ari, which I like. I introduce myself as Ari too... it's kind of useful because if someone's called me and is all like "Is that Arin (last name)?" I'm like, "you're either from the government or trying to sell me something I don't want."
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My family and people who knew me when I was little call me Jenny. I was just Jennifer until my sister, who was immediately Suzy, was born. Since everyone called her by her nn without hesitation, my dad figured I should have a nn too, and started calling me Jenny. At work, I'm Jennifer, and all of my students with the name are also Jennifer- I can't get away from that name, can I? I tried switching to my mn in college, but that only worked with people who didn't know me as Jenny/ Jennifer.
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Aw, I like the nn Rach for Rachel :) Though now that I think of it of the four or five Rachels I went to school with only two went by a nn (Rach and Rae). The others only ever went by Rachel!
I prefer going by my full name Tabitha but after almost 30 years I'm not adverse to nicknames. I'm Tabby Cat, Tabby Tabs Tabby, Tab, and Tabs. Tabby Cat and Tabby Tabs is reserved for family and close friends, Tabby for the same plus kids cause I found out when I was a kid they can have problems saying Tabitha lol (and sometimes they even just call me Abby), and Tab and Tabs are for everyone. Hell, even in high school and college the teachers called me Tab/Tabs after hearing everyone else call me by those nns. Bosses and coworkers too. I don't know why I feel weird when strangers/folks I've only know a while use a nn other than Tab/Tabs though. Maybe cause the other ones are nns I've had since I was a kid while Tab/Tabs originated in hs? I dunno. It feels much too familiar lol

This message was edited 3/15/2014, 11:07 AM

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No.Used to, but now I'm just Nicole.
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Not quite.Close friends and family stick an"ie" on my name (Jean), always have.
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My family and friends call me Em. At work I'm usually Emma. The main problem with Em is that it's so short it gets missed. For example when I ring someone and say "hi, it's Em" I often have to repeat it because they don't hear me.
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I have always been Catherine-with-no-nickname. My nieces call me Aunt Kitty because I decided when the first one was born that it would be fun to have an aunt nickname, but no one else calls me anything but Catherine.
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That is fun. It's always been the exact opposite with me. Even though I detest the name Mady it's what my 3 aunts have always called me so they are the only ones allowed to, and it's sweet coming from them :)

This message was edited 3/15/2014, 1:23 PM

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I have an aunt nickname, too. The girls call me Auntie Way-Way.
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That is too cute! This is inspiring me now. When my sis has kids, I'm gonna come up with a cute aunty nn lol
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I'm sometimes called Star, and one cousin calls me Roxie, but that's it.
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I always liked Roxie. :)
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Same name, same occasional nn. It doesn't bother me when my brother calls me that nn, but it does get annoying when others do... The strange thing is that it usually come from someone I don't know well, and I'm just like what in the world. I never say anything about it though.
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Nope, I've never had one. Once in a while, my older sister would call me Jan, but she was the only one who ever did and it was only once in a while. Nobody else has ever shortened it, ever. I never kicked up a fuss about it, but I definitely would not want to be generally called Jan.Once I was waited on by a waitress whose name tag said "Jan" and somehow it came up and she told me that her full name was Janice but she always went by Jan. She's the only other Janice I've ever run into who went by that.B.'s real name is Kenneth and he knows so many people, whom I've met, who go by a nickname that is totally unrelated to the name that is on their birth certificates. Once I said to him, "Janice is what's on my birth certificate and Janice is what I'm called. Isn't that crazy?"
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That thing where nns are names totally different from their name always throws me for a loop, I find it so weird! I have an Uncle Pete is Pete to every except his real name is James or something, and my Uncle Troy is really a Robert, and in school one of my peers was Jamie except his real name was Dennis, and another went by Alice but apparently her real name was Janelle, etc All were revelations on learning the truth! Like, there's a moment where you feel like you never knew them at all lol
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My mom occasionally calls me "Chloeena" (I don't really know how that would be spelled, it's a combination of Chloe and Kristina. Chloina? LOL awful)
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lol that's cute! My friend's daughter is a Chloe and I jokingly call her Chloitsa sometimes. She's like 4 now and started pre-school in Jan and her mom told me that she told the teacher Chloe is nn and her real name is Chloitsa lmaoooo Luckily her mom is laidback and found it hilarious lol
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Haha, I'm one of those girls named Rachel who hates being called 'Rach'! xD There are a couple people in this world who more or less have my permission to sometimes (rarely) call me that, though.There are two people in this world (not my parents) who may call me Rachie. I like it fine, but it's 'special' and not for general use. Other nicknames based on my name I've been called: Rachiebell and Ruchelina. Lol. Otherwise, I am always Rachel, and that is my preference. I love my name and don't feel the need to shorten it. :)
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My stepfather sometimes calls me Rachie, or Rachie-Kachie. He started doing it when I was little and it stuck.Other Rachels tell me Rach sounds like "wretch", but I never got that from it.

This message was edited 3/15/2014, 8:25 AM

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I had never connected Rach to 'wretch' until you mentioned it. xD No, I just have never liked how Rach sounded. A little too short and clipped for me.
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