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[Opinions] Re: Insults people should stop using for names
What's wrong with Beautiful Existence? S/he can go by Beau... And Like reminds me of Lika NN of Angelika. Moreover Like* can be a Dutch short form of Elisabeth...
But seriously... I'm not sure about Stalin, but I've just found Stalina** (f).
And there are Vladlen, Vladlena and Ninel. Are they still terrible?
I appear to have gone (slightly) off topic...*
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Her name was bad to me and others because it couldn't be taken seriously in a professional setting. She's a news reporter, so when she spoke on live TV, the screen said:"Seattle (yes, that is her real name)"How could anyone pay attention to the news report? They'd probably spend the whole time laughing at her. It would be really nice, if only didn't sound like a compliment to the universe, instead of to a person. I respect her for keeping her name and not letting get in the way of her career. But I still wouldn't name anyone a phrase.
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"How could anyone pay attention to the news report? They'd probably spend the whole time laughing at her."
Really? I doubt it, people would probably just get used to her name. I also think, that people tend to find smth like Jerry Perry or Hazel Nutt more funny/amusing, imo.
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Oh wow, this may come as a surprise to you but people are a lot more open and aware of place names these days. I'm sure no one would bat an eye from a woman named Seattle let alone Crack up laughing about it. I used to work with sisters named Beauty and Pretty in a professional office setting and we never had issue with it or had issue taking them seriously. I'm not saying it never happens anymore but people have become a lot less desensitized to unusual names the last decade or so. It's actually kind of uncool of you yourself to assume people with certain names can't work in certain settings. I've known professionals with all kinds and it's never stopped them. My best friend is about to become a PhD next spring and she has a very "undoctorly" type name but it hasn't kept her from getting jobs yet.

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 3:02 PM

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I apologize. I am happy for your best friend. Names really shouldn't matter as much as they do, but people react very immaturely. I guess my reaction was no better. Again, I'm happy for anybody who's so proud of their family or themselves that they don't change their names despite the reactions. It shows a healthy amount of dignity. But I don't think they're wimps if they change it.And sometimes people will be nice and you'll never consider changing it. The world is becoming more open, as you said.
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I guess Beau could work..but it is a boy name.

This message was edited 9/13/2021, 2:50 PM

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