Re: Nijboer/Nyboer/Nieboer
in reply to a message by CN
I think so too, the Nij- part anyway, so "new farmer"? Nieuwboer and Nieuweboer are also Dutch surnames.
The Family Names Databank at describes Nijboer as both occupational and as a habitation name (? adresnaam). So maybe there's a farm somewhere called Nijboer; Nij does occur as a component in place names, and there's a place in Holland called "Boer" so maybe a Nijboer too.
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Nijboer/Nyboer/Nieboer  ·  laurea  ·  7/25/2007, 1:38 PM
Re: Nijboer/Nyboer/Nieboer = neighbor?  ·  Andy ; --)  ·  7/31/2007, 11:17 PM
Re: Nijboer/Nyboer/Nieboer  ·  CN  ·  7/28/2007, 10:02 AM
Re: Nijboer/Nyboer/Nieboer  ·  Jim Young  ·  7/30/2007, 7:58 AM
Thanks very much!  ·  laurea  ·  7/30/2007, 7:39 PM