Re: Surname of Kécskés
Having done a dictionary check I'm pretty sure that the mark over the first E is a gatecrasher, shouldn't be there. So I'm going for the meaning "goatherd", and the prounciation KETCHKAYSH, stressed on the first syllable, as is always the case in Hungarian.
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Surname of Kécskés  ·  Elfy  ·  12/8/2005, 9:53 AM
Re: Surname of Kécskés  ·  Jim Young  ·  12/8/2005, 4:20 PM
Re: Surname of Kécskés  ·  Jim Young  ·  12/10/2005, 5:38 AM
Re: Surname of Kécskés  ·  Elfy  ·  12/11/2005, 4:53 AM