Re: italian surname Pavarotti
by Menke (guest)
12/14/2005, 6:08 AM doesn't list this surname, so i have to do this myself. I searched and i found the surnames Pavarotti, Pavarelli, Pavarini and Pavaretti. These all have the same structur: Pavaro + a diminutive. Pavaro is likely to be a firstname, which often is with Italian names with such diminutives. I checked and Pavarus seems to be a Latin name as well. There is a Iohanninus Pavarus listed on the Internet in a Latin text, so maybe it comes from a Latin second name or surname, i don't know much about the system of Latin names. The meaning of the name Pavarus/Pavaro i don't know, but two Latin possible roots that i found are the verb pavere "to shake of fear" and pavo "peacock".