About the surname Baudi/Baudo:
A diminutive form of one of the many names having as final suffix -baldus, from the German bald (courageous).
the above text is taken from the following website:
http://www.italyworldclub.com/genealogy/surnames/b.htm caccia is the Italian word for 'hunt' (not the verb 'to hunt')
cacio is the Italian word for 'cheese'
I think it is most likely that the first part of Caciabauda is the Italian word
caccia and that the
-bauda part is from the firstname Baudo. The meaning of this surname would be something like 'Baudo's hunt'. It could also mean 'courageous hunt' as the meaning of the name Baudo means 'courageous'. There is an Italian word
baldo with
balda as the female form meaning probably 'courageous' or alike, but it's hardly used anymore.