sneha स्नेह SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"love, tenderness, oiliness".
sò IgboIgbo word meaning
"follow, accompany".
som สม ThaiThai word meaning
"worthy, suitable", of Sanskrit origin.
soma सोम SanskritSanskrit word used in the Vedas to refer to a ritual drink.
son 1 EnglishPhonetic element /sʌn/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position, as /sən/).
sòng 宋 ChineseChinese character referring to the Song dynasty, which ruled in China from the 10th to 13th centuries.
sōng 松 ChineseChinese character meaning
"pine tree, fir tree".
śrī श्री SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"diffusing light, radiance, splendour, beauty", also used as an honorific meaning
"holy, sacred".
stān ستان PersianPersian suffix meaning
"land of, home of".
stoc Anglo-SaxonOld English word meaning
"place, dwelling" (occurring mostly in place names).
strod Anglo-SaxonOld English word meaning
"marshy ground overgrown with brushwood".
sù 1 素 ChineseChinese character meaning
"plain, simple".
sù 2 肃, 肅 ChineseChinese character meaning
sū 苏, 蘇 ChineseChinese character meaning
śubha शुभ SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"splendid, bright, auspicious".
sūn 孙, 孫 ChineseChinese character meaning
"grandchild, descendant".
suśīla सुशील SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"good-tempered, well-disposed".
svāti स्वाति SanskritSanskrit word referring to the star called Arcturus in the western world.
ta 1 太 JapaneseMeans
"thick, big, great", from a Japanese kan'yoon reading of
ta 5 EnglishPhonetic element /tɑ/ in English names (often in an unstressed final position or, in African-American names, an unstressed initial position, as /tə/).
tà 拓 ChineseChinese character meaning
"expand, open, support".
tāb تاب PersianPersian word meaning
"heat, glow, radiance".
tǎn 坦 ChineseChinese character meaning
"flat, smooth, level".
táng 唐 ChineseChinese character referring to the Tang dynasty, which ruled in China from the 7th to 10th centuries.
tāo 涛, 濤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"large waves".
tau SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
tay EnglishPhonetic element /teɪ/ in English names. It can be realized in spelling as
te', and so on.
teg WelshWelsh word meaning
"beautiful, handsome".
tejas तेजस् SanskritSanskrit word meaning
"brilliance, splendour".
téng 藤 ChineseChinese character meaning
"wisteria, creeper plant, rattan".
thato SothoSotho-Tswana word meaning
"will, desire".