Arabic Elements

This is a list of elements in which the usage is Arabic.
ʾab أب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "father".
ʿabd عبد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "servant, slave".
ʿadala عدل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to act justly".
ʿadhrāʾ عذراء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "virgin, maiden".
ʿādil عادل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fair, honest, just".
ʿaffa عفّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to refrain, to be chaste".
ʾaḥad أحد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Sunday", usually written with the definite article: الأحد (al-ʾaḥad).
ʿalā علا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be high".
ʿalāʾ علاء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "excellence, height, elevation".
ʾalf ألْف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "thousand".
ʿalīy عليّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "lofty, sublime, high, exalted".
ʿamada عمد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to support".
ʾamala أمل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to hope for".
ʾamān أمان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "peace".
ʿamara عمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to live long, to thrive, to inhabit".
ʾamīn أمين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "true, trustworthy".
ʾamina أمن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be safe".
ʾamīr أمير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "prince, commander, amir".
ʾamīra أميرة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "princess".
ʾamuna أمن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be faithful".
ʾanisa أنس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be friendly".
ʿaqala عقل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to have intelligence, to be reasonable".
ʿArab عرب Arabic
Means "Arabs, Arabian people" in Arabic.
ʾarbaʿa أربعة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "four".
ʾarbiʿāʾ أربعاء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Wednesday", usually written with the definite article: الأربعاء (al-ʾarbiʿāʾ).
ʾasad أسد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "lion".
ʿasal عسل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "honey".
ʿaṣama عصم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to protect".
ʿāsha عاش Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to live".
ʾaṣīl أصيل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "pure, noble".
ʾaṣl أصل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "origin, source".
ʾaslama أسْلم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to surrender, to submit".
ʾaṣula أصل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to become rooted".
ʾaʿṭā أعطى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to give, to offer".
ʿaṭāʾ عطاء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "gift".
ʿaṭafa عطف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to incline, to be fond of".
ʿāyana عاين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to see".
ʿaẓama عظمة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "majesty, glory".
ʾazhar أزهر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "shining, brilliant, bright".
ʿazīz عزيز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "powerful, excellent".
ʿaẓuma عظم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be great".
ʿazza عزّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be powerful, to be cherished".
badr بدر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "full moon".
bahija بهج Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy, to rejoice in".
baraka 1 برك Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to kneel down, to be blessed".
baraka 2 بركة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "blessing".
basama بسم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to smile".
bashshara بشّر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to bring good news".
burhān برهان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "proof".
ḍamīr ضمير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "mind, heart, conscience".
darasa درس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to study, to learn".
dawla دولة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "country, state".
dhū ذو Arabic
Arabic word meaning "possessor, holder, master".
dīn دين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "religion, faith, belief".
dīnār دينار Arabic
Arabic word referring to a type of currency, ultimately from Latin denarius.
ḍiyāʾ ضياء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "splendour, light, glow".
fāḍa فاض Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to overflow, to flood".
faḍala فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be in excess, to excel, to be gracious".
fāḍil فاضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "remaining, virtuous, generous".
faḍl فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "overflow, grace, generosity".
fakara فكر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to think, to reflect".
faqār فقار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "spine, vertebra".
faraj فرج Arabic
Arabic word meaning "comfort, relief".
farḥān فرحان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "happy, cheerful".
fariḥa فرح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy".
fataḥa فتح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to open, to conquer".
fāza فاز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to triumph".
firdaws فردوس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "paradise" (of Iranian origin).
fiṭrī فطْري Arabic
Arabic word meaning "natural, innate".
ghalaba غلب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to conquer, to defeat".
ḥabba حبّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to love".
ḥabīb حبيب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "friend".
hadā هدى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to lead the right way, to guide".
ḥafiẓa حفظ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to preserve, to protect".
ḥajj حجّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "hajj, pilgrimage".
ḥakama حكم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to pass judgement, to decide".
ḥamīd حميد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "praiseworthy".
ḥamida حمد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to praise".
hanaʾa هنأ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be beneficial, to gladden, to enjoy".
ḥanna حنّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to sympathize, to pity, to yearn".
ḥaqq حقّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "truth".
ḥasama حسم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to sever, to finish, to decide".
ḥasan حسن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "beautiful".
hashama هشم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to crush, to destroy".
ḥasuna حسن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be good, to be beautiful".
ḥayiya حيي Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to live".
hijrān هجْران Arabic
Arabic word meaning "abandonment".
hilāl هلال Arabic
Arabic word meaning "crescent moon".
ḥusn حسْن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "beauty, goodness".
ī ي Arabic
Arabic suffix meaning "my".
ʿīd عيد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "festival, holiday, feast".
ikhtāra اختار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to choose".
ʾikrām إكرام Arabic
Arabic word meaning "honour, respect".
ʾilah إله Arabic
Arabic word meaning "god, deity".
ʾimām إمام Arabic
Arabic word meaning "leader".
ʾīmān إيمان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "faith".
imtāza امتاز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be distinguished".
ʿināya عناية Arabic
Arabic word meaning "care, concern".
iqraʾ اقْرأ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "read" (imperative).
ʾirāda إرادة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "will, determination, decree".
ʾIslām إسلام Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Islam", referring to the religion.
iṣṭafā اصطفا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to choose".
iʿtadala اعتدل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be balanced, to be moderate".
iʿtamada اعتمد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to depend, to rely on".
iʿtaṣama اعتصم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to hold fast, to adhere".
ʿizz عزّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "power, strength, glory, honour".
jabara جبر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to force, to compel, to restore, to console, to set a bone".
jabbār جبّار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "almighty, powerful".
jāda جاد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be excellent, to be generous".
jahada جهد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to struggle, to strive".
jalāl جلال Arabic
Arabic word meaning "greatness, splendour".
jalīl جليل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "great, important, exalted".
jalla جلّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be great".
jamāl جمال Arabic
Arabic word meaning "beauty".
jamala جمل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be beautiful".
jamīl جميل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "beautiful".
janna 1 جنّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to cover, to hide".
janna 2 جنّة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "paradise, garden".
jumʿa جمعة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Friday", usually written with the definite article: الجمعة (al-jumʿa).
kabīr كبير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "great, big".
kamāl كمال Arabic
Arabic word meaning "perfection".
kamala كمل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to become perfect".
kāmil كامل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "perfect, complete".
karāma كرامة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "nobility, generosity, miracle, wonder".
karīm كريم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "generous, noble".
karuma كرم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be generous".
khalada خلد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to last forever".
khalīfa خليفة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "successor, caliph".
khamīs خميس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Thursday", usually written with the definite article: الخميس (al-khamīs).
khamsa خمسة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "five".
khāra خار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to choose".
khayr خير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "goodness, charity".
lamaʿa لمع Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to shine, to gleam".
lāna لان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be soft".
laṭafa لطف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be kind".
laṭīf لطيف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "gentle".
laylak ليلك Arabic
Arabic word meaning "lilac", derived from Persian.
madaḥa مدح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to praise".
madīna مدينة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "city".
maḥmūd محْمود Arabic
Arabic word meaning "praised, commendable".
majada مجد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be glorious".
mājid ماجد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "glorious".
majīd مجيد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "glorious".
makram مكْرم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "noble trait".
malak ملك Arabic
Arabic word meaning "angel".
malaka ملك Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to acquire, to possess".
malik ملك Arabic
Arabic word meaning "king".
manā منا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to tempt, to put to the test".
maqṣid مقْصد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "goal, purpose, intention".
marjān مرْجان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "coral".
māza ماز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to separate, to distinguish".
minna 2 منّة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "favour, grace".
muḥammad محمّد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "praised, commendable".
munya منية Arabic
Arabic word meaning "wish, desire".
Muslim مسْلم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Muslim".
nādā نادى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to call, to announce, to invite".
nadiya ندي Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be moist, to be damp".
nafusa نفس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be precious".
naʿima نعم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to live in comfort, to be delighted".
najā نجا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to save, to entrust, to confide in".
najīb نجيب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "noble, distinguished".
najjār نجّار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "carpenter".
nāla نال Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to get, to reach".
nār 2 نار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fire".
naṣara نصر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to help, to aid".
naṣīb نصيب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fate, luck, chance".
nāṣir ناصر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "helper".
naṣīr نصير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "helper".
nasl نسْل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "progeny, offspring".
nawwara نوّر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to blossom, to illuminate, to light".
niʿma نعمة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "blessing".
nisāʾ نساء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "women".
nūr نور Arabic
Arabic word meaning "light".
qadara قدر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to have power, to be able".
qādir قادر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "capable, powerful, mighty".
qadīr قدير Arabic
Arabic word meaning "capable, powerful, mighty".
qamar قمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "moon".
qaraʾa قرأ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to read, to recite, to confess".
qasama قسم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to divide, to distribute".
qisma قسمة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fate".
qurbān قربان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sacrifice, sacrificial animal".
raḍiya رضي Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be satisfied, to be content".
raḥīm رحيم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "merciful".
raḥima رحم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to have mercy".
raḥma رحْمة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "mercy".
raḥman رحْمن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "merciful".
rajā رجا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to hope, to anticipate".
rajab رجب Arabic
Arabic word referring to the seventh month of the Islamic calendar.
ramaḍān رمضان Arabic
Arabic word referring to the ninth month of the Islamic calendar.
raml رمْل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sand, geomancy, divination, magic".
ranā رنا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to gaze, to look intently".
rashada رشد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be on the right path, to be rightly guided".
rāshid راشد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "rightly guided, on the right way".
rashīd رشيد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "rightly guided, on the right way".
rawḍa روضة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "meadow, garden".
riḍan رضًا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "satisfaction, contentment".
rizq رزْق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sustenance, boon, blessing".
ṣabāḥ صباح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "morning".
ṣabara صبر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to bind, to be patient".
sabt سبت Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Saturday", usually written with the definite article: السبت (al-sabt).
ṣadaqa صدق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to tell the truth".
ṣafā صفا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be clear, to be pure".
saʿida سعد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy, to be lucky".
sajada سجد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to bow down, to prostrate".
ṣalāḥ صلاح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "righteousness".
ṣalaḥa صلح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be good, to be proper".
salām سلام Arabic
Arabic word meaning "peace".
sālim سالم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "safe".
salīm سليم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "safe".
salima سلم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be safe".
samā سما Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be high".
samāʾ سماء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sky, heaven".
samara 2 سمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to talk in the evening".
sāmiḥ سامح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "forgiving, kind".
samīḥ سميح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "forgiving, kind".
samuḥa سمح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be kind, to be magnanimous".
sanā سنا Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to gleam, to shine".
sarā سرى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to travel by night".
sayf سيف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sword".
sayl سيل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "flood, stream, torrent".
shaʿbān شعبان Arabic
Arabic word referring to the eighth month of the Islamic calendar.
shafaqa شفق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to pity, to sympathize".
shakara شكر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to thank".
shamʿ شمْع Arabic
Arabic word meaning "candles, wax".
shams شمس Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sun".
sharaqa شرق Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to radiate, to shine, to rise".
sharufa شرف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be noble, to be illustrious".
shaykh شيخ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "elder, chief, sheikh".
shuhra شهرة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fame, reputation".
sulṭān سلطان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "sultan, ruler".
thamar ثمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "fruit, profit".
thulāthāʾ ثلاثاء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Tuesday", usually written with the definite article: الثلاثاء (al-thulāthāʾ).
ʿulwīy علْويّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "exalted, high".
ʾumm أمّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "mother".
ʾumniya أمنية Arabic
Arabic word meaning "wish, desire".
ʿumr عمر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "life".
wadda ودّ Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to love".
wafā وفى Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to fulfill, to live up to a promise".
wahaba وهب Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to give".
walī ولي Arabic
Arabic word meaning "guardian, friend".
wasama وسم Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to mark, to distinguish".
wazana وزن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to weigh, to balance".
yamana يمن Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be lucky, to go to the right".
yamīn يمين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "right hand, south".
yasira يسر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be easy, to be rich".
zāda زاد Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to grow, to increase".
ẓahara ظهر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be visible, to be clear".
zahara زهر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to shine, to bloom".
zahra زهْرة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "flower, splendour".
ẓarīf ظريف Arabic
Arabic word meaning "elegant, graceful, charming".
zawār زوار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "pilgrim, visitor".
zayn زين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "beauty".
zuhara زهرة Arabic
Arabic word meaning "Venus (planet)".