Old Celtic Elements

This is a list of elements in which the usage is Old Celtic.
áed Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "fire".
agrom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "battle, carnage".
an 3 Old Welsh
Old Welsh intensive prefix.
ar 1 Old Welsh
Old Welsh prefix meaning "above, beyond".
ard Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "high".
argant Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "silver".
arth Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "bear (animal)".
artos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "bear (animal)".
bann Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "peak".
barr Old Irish, Old Welsh
Old Irish and Old Welsh word meaning "top, head".
barros Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "point, top".
Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "woman".
ben 2 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "woman".
bethu Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "life".
bláth Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "flower".
blātus Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "flower".
blawt Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "flowers, blossoms".
bleidd Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "wolf".
2 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "cow".
bráen Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "rain, moisture, drop".
bran Old Irish, Old Welsh
Irish and Welsh word meaning "raven".
branos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "raven".
brigā Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "might, power, prestige".
brií Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "hill".
briíg Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "might, power".
brixs Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "hill, high".
brokkos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "badger".
bron Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "breast".
bun Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "root, bottom".
bychan Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "little".
cáel Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "slender".
caer Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "fortress".
caín Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "handsome, beautiful, good".
caled Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "rough, hard, cruel".
camm Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "crooked, twisted".
carae Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "friend".
caraid Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "to love".
caru Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "to love, to desire".
cat Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "battle".
cath Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "battle".
cein Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "good, nice, lovely".
cenn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "head".
cíar Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dark, black".
cin Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "respect, esteem, affection".
cinid Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "be born, come into being".
cobar Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "desiring".
cóem Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dear, beloved".
com Old Irish
Old Irish prefix meaning "with, together, joint".
conn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "sense, reason".
cryf Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "strong".
Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dog, hound, wolf".
cuilén Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "whelp, young dog".
cullach Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "boar".
cunnail Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "prudent, constant".
cynt Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "first, before".
da 3 Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "good".
dair Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "oak".
dam 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "ox, deer".
dech Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "honour, better".
delb Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "form, image".
der 2 Old Irish
Old Irish prefix meaning "daughter".
derch Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "exalted".
dess Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "south".
dēwos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "god".
día Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "god".
did Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "day".
dol Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "meadow".
domun Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "world, deep".
donn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "brown".
dorchae Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dark".
dub Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "black".
dubnos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "world, deep".
duiu Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "god".
dūnom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "rampart, hill fort, citadel".
dwfr Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "water".
dy 2 Old Welsh
Welsh prefix meaning "to, toward" (in some cases perfective, intensifying or persistent; in other cases not changing the meaning of the root).
ech Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "horse".
eira Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "snow".
el 2 Old Welsh
Welsh intensive prefix.
Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "yew".
ét Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "jealousy, passion".
étig Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "ugly, misshapen".
étiud Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "armour, clothing".
fal Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "rule".
fer 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "man".
ffrau Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "stream, flow".
fiach Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "raven".
fích Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "battle, fight, feud".
fili Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "poet".
finn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "white, blessed".
flaith Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "ruler, sovereign, lord".
flann Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "blood red".
gal 3 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "valour".
gall Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "foreigner, stranger" (originally meaning "a Gaul", of Latin origin).
galnati Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "to be able".
gamuin Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "calf".
gan 2 Old Irish
Old Irish suffix meaning "family, birth, born of".
gein Old Irish
Old Irish suffix meaning "birth".
gel Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "bright, white".
gen Old Welsh
Old Welsh suffix meaning "birth, origin, born of".
genos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "kin, family, birth".
gēstlos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "pledge, hostage".
gíall Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "hostage".
glais Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "water, stream".
glan Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "clean".
glas 2 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "green".
glendos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "valley".
glenn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "valley".
glynn Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "valley".
gobae Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "smith".
goban Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "smith".
gof Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "smith".
goídel Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "Gael, Irishman".
gorm Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "blue" and figuratively "illustrious, splendid".
gual Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "ruler, leader".
guid Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "trees".
gulat Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "country, realm".
guocaun Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "glory".
guor Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "over".
gur Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "man".
guss Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "vigour, strength, force".
gwaladr Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "ruler, leader".
gwen Old Welsh
Feminine form of gwyn.
gwerth Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "value, worth".
gwydd Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "appearance, face".
gwyn Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "white, blessed" (masculine).
gwystyl Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "pledge, hostage".
hael Old Welsh, Medieval Breton
Welsh and Breton word meaning "generous".
ham 3 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "summer".
haul Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "sun".
hedd Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "peace".
hen Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "old".
hir Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "long, tall".
hwyfar Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "phantom, demon, magical being".
iesin Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "shining, radiant, beautiful".
inis Old Irish
Irish word meaning "island".
ior Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "lord".
iudd Old Welsh, Medieval Breton
Old Welsh and Old Breton word meaning "lord".
kambos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Old Celtic word meaning "crooked, twisted".
kantos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Old Celtic word meaning "border, edge, rim".
kareti Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Old Celtic word meaning "to love, to desire".
katus Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "battle".
kentus Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "first".
kom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "with".
1 Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "dog".
láech Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "warrior".
ler 2 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "sea".
liros Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "sea, ocean".
lirou Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "sea".
llanw Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "tide, flow".
lliant Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "flow, flood".
macc Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "son".
mad Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "good, fortunate".
máel Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "bald, shaved, tonsured", and by extension "devotee, servant".
mael Old Welsh, Medieval Breton
Welsh and Breton word meaning "prince, chieftain, lord".
maglos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "noble, chief".
maith Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "good".
makwos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "son".
māros Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "great, big".
math Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "bear (animal)".
mātīr Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "mother".
matis Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "good".
matus Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "bear (animal)", possibly originally from *matis "good".
maur Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "great, big".
mór 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "great, big".
mor 2 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "sea".
mor 3 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "demon, evil spirit".
mori 2 Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "sea".
mrogis Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "territory, region".
muir Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "sea".
noíb Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "holy".
odar Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dun-coloured, greyish brown, tan".
óen Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "one".
oíph Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "beauty, appearance, form".
ol Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "footprint, track".
ór Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "gold" (of Latin origin).
oss Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "deer, stag".
pritanī Brythonic (Hypothetical)
Brythonic word meaning "Briton, Celt of the British Islands".
rēnos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "expanse of water, waterway".
ri 1 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "king".
Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "king".
rígain Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "queen" (feminine form of ).
ris Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "ardour, enthusiasm, glory".
rīxs Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "king".
rod 2 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "wheel".
ron 3 Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "spear".
rúad Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "red".
sedom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "peace" or "fairy mound, tumulus".
sen 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "old".
senos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "old".
síd Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "peace" or "fairy mound, tumulus", both from a root meaning "to sit".
sídach Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "wolf".
slán Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "health, safety" and also "challenge, defiance".
sóer Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "free".
tagc Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "peace".
tal 2 Old Welsh, Medieval Breton
Old Welsh and Breton word meaning "forehead, brow, front, extremity, end".
taran Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "thunder".
tene Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "fire".
tigerna Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "lord, ruler".
tigernos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "lord, ruler".
tigirn Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "king".
toranos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "thunder".
toutā Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "people, tribe".
tref Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "village, settlement".
túath Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "people, country".
tuile Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "flooding, abundance".
tut Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "people, country".
walos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "chief".
wastos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "servant".
windos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "white".
wiros Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "man".
wlatis Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "sovereignty".