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Paul Lambert was a French equestrian who competed at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris.E. Lambert was a French football player who competed at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris. He won a silver medal as member of Club Français club team.André Lambert (1876-1901) was a French football player who competed in the 1900 Olympic Games. In Paris he won a silver medal as a member of Club Français club team.Albert Bond Lambert (1875–1946) was an American golfer who competed in the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris and in the 1904 Summer Olympics in St. Louis. He was also a prominent aviator and benefactor of aviation.
According to, “Another source of the name can be the Olde English 'Lambhierd', representing the occupation of lamb-herd.”
Adam Mitchel Lambert, American singer and song writer.

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