The Italian Pronunciation:Mahn-Freyh-DOH-Nyah"A" as in "Father." Roll your "R." Next is "E"-- please think of the English casual greeting of "Hey" (excluding "H"). "O" is as usual, "Oh" (otherwise similar to what is found in "Open"). The last part ("Nia") involves the stressing of an "I" (to "EE") and another soft "A" (as in "Father"). In all technicality it creates "Nee-Ah," but you will find that it typically morphs to "Nyah" when spoken.
"A" as in "Father." Roll your "R." Next is "E"-- please think of the English casual greeting of "Hey" (excluding "H"). "O" is as usual, "Oh" (otherwise similar to what is found in "Open"). The last part ("Nia") involves the stressing of an "I" (to "EE") and another soft "A" (as in "Father"). In all technicality it creates "Nee-Ah," but you will find that it typically morphs to "Nyah" when spoken.