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Murakami 1
Type Surname (from location)
Usage Japanese
Scripts 村上, 邑上, 邨上, 村神, 邑神, 邨神, 村守(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. MOO-RAH-KAH-MEE  [key]

Meaning & History

From the Japanese 村, 邑 or 邨 (mura) "village" and 上 (kami, kan or ue) "upper," "above," 神 (kami, kan or shin) "god" or 守 (kami or mori) "guard," "protect," "defend."
Added 3/19/2015 by Aurelien
Edited 3/9/2020 by Mike C and Aurelien

See Also

User submission Murakami