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Type Surname (from location)
Usage Catalan
Pronounced Pron. POO-yol(Spanish) poo-YAWL(Catalan)  [key]
Other Forms FormsPuig, Pujol, Pujols, Poujol, Puyal, Pojol, Poyol, Pujal, Pouyol, Pouiol, Pujole, Pujoll, Payole, Pujolle, Poujeol, Pajol, Pujel, Pujeolle, Poujal, Pajoul, Puhig, Puigt, Pujalt, Puche, Puchol, Pouchol, Pouzol, Paug, Paig, Peig, Piog, Puyg, Pueg, Pujals, Poujols, Pujales, Puyoles, Pouzols, Pejoles, Puchols, Puyals, Poigt, Dupuy, Poggi, Poggio, Dupuys, Dupui, Dupuis, Dupouy, Dupy, Pogio, Poggia, Pogi

Meaning & History

Catalan variant of Pujol. It is borne by the retired Spanish soccer player Carles Puyol (1978-).
Added 3/3/2023 by General9696