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Type Surname (from location)

Meaning & History

Derived from Roascio, the name of a municipality in the province of Cuneo in the Piedmont region of Italy. The meaning of the municipality's name is uncertain, but since it is located in Piedmont and known as Roass in the Piedmontese language, the etymological origin of the name is most likely Piedmontese. Roascio would then be the italianized form of the actual Piedmontese name (instead of vice versa). The municipality was known as Roaxius in early medieval times, which led one source to claim that the name is ultimately derived from Latin rubus "bramble, blackberry bush" combined with the adjectival suffix -ax(ius). Also compare the Italian word rovo meaning "blackberry, bramble", which descends from the aforementioned Latin rubus.

Lastly, you might want to take a look at the surname Roasio, which is also of Piedmontese origin and might possibly be etymologically related.
Added 2/16/2016 by Lucille