It's been theorised that the name was derived from "Drumpf" (alternately Drumpft), which dates back to the 16th century. Information on when the spelling changed varies, Gwenda Blair identified Hanns Drumpf who moved to Kallstadt in 1608. And that the spelling of his last name had changed by the end of the 17th century. Meanwhile, in 2011, the International Business Times repeated an unverified claim that Donald Trump's paternal grandfather Frederich Trump changed his name from Drumpf to Trump, and in 2019, DW Akademie reported from Kallstadt that there were no more people with the surname and that according to the city's transportation association the spelling had likely been changed around the turn of the 19th century.
Trump /trŭmp/ Noun 1) A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand. 2) A card of such a suit. 3) A Trump card. -American Heritage Dictionary.
Aside from the surname being a bearer of a highly controversial politician, it just doesn't fit well with me. The pronunciation is just taken straight out of the English word "Trump", and there's just no originality to it whatsoever.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2021
It also means Trumpet.
― Anonymous User 12/27/2020
Donald Trump. Hopefully he gets voted out.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2020
Also: EnglishPronounced: TRUHMP (English)Meaning: Means 'triumph above someone or something'.