Surnames with "hole" in Meaning

This is a list of surnames in which the meaning contains the keyword hole.
See Also
hole meaning
Caldwell English
From various English place names derived from Old English ceald "cold" and wille "spring, stream, well".
Cuyler Dutch
Variant of Kuijlaars or Koole.
Kuijlaars Dutch
Derived from Middle Dutch cule "hole, pit".
Pittman English
Variant of Pitt.
Waller 3 English
From Old English wille meaning "well, spring, water hole".
Walton English
From the name of any of several villages in England, derived from Old English wealh "foreigner, Celt", weald "forest", weall "wall", or wille "well, spring, water hole" combined with tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Wells English
Derived from Middle English wille meaning "well, spring, water hole".