Surnames Categorized "fast food chains"

This is a list of surnames in which the categories include fast food chains.
Bell 1 English
From Middle English belle meaning "bell". It originated as a nickname for a person who lived near the town bell, or who had a job as a bell-ringer.
Castle English
From Middle English castel meaning "castle", from Late Latin castellum, originally indicating a person who lived near a castle.
Church English
From the English word, derived from Old English cirice, ultimately from Greek κυριακόν (kyriakon) meaning "(house) of the lord". It probably referred to a person who lived close to a church.
Horton English
From the names of various places in England, which are derived from Old English horh "dirt, mud" and tun "enclosure, yard, town".
Queen English
From a given name that was derived from Old English cwen meaning "queen, woman". In some occurrences it may have been a nickname.
Sweet English
From a nickname meaning "sweet, pleasant", from Old English swete.
White English
Originally a nickname for a person who had white hair or a pale complexion, from Old English hwit "white".