Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria

The first Patriarch of Alexandria is said to have been Saint Mark the Evangelist in the 1st century. After the schism at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451, the Coptic Church, lead by the Patriarchs of Alexandria, was divided from the rest of Christianity, as it is to this day.

The patriarchs have used the title pope (Coptic Ⲡⲁⲡⲁ meaning "father", of Greek origin) since the 3rd century.

NameYearsOther Names
Mark the Evangelistc. 30-c. 61
Anianus I of Alexandriac. 61-83
Avilius I of Alexandria83-95
Kedron I95-106
Primus I106-118
Justus I118-129
Eumenes I129-141
Markianos I141-152
Celadion I152-166
Agrippinus I166-178
Julian I178-188
Demetrius I of Alexandria188-230
Heraclas I232-248
Dionysius I248-264
Maximus I264-282
Theonas I282-300
Peter I302-311
Achillas I311-312
Alexander I312-328
Athanasius I of Alexandria328-373
Peter II373-381
Timothy I381-384
Theophilus I384-412
Cyril I412-444
Dioscorus I444-454
Timothy II457-477
Peter III477-489
Athanasius II489-496
John I496-505
John II505-516
Dioscorus II516-518
Timothy III518-536
Theodosius I536-567
Peter IV567-576
Damian I576-605
Anastasius I605-616
Andronicus I617-623
Benjamin I623-662
Agathon I662-680
John III680-689
Isaac I690-692
Simeon I692-699
Alexander II704-729
Cosmas I729-730
Tawadros I730-742
Michael I743-767
Mina I767-776
John IV777-799
Mark II799-819
James I819-830
Simeon II830
Joseph I831-849
Michael II849-851
Cosmas II851-858
Shenouda I859-880
Michael III880-907
Gabriel I910-920
Cosmas III920-932
Macarius I932-952
Theophilus II952-956
Mina II956-974
Abraham I975-978
Philotheus I979-1003
Zacharias I1004-1032
Shenouda II1032-1046
Christodulus I1047-1077
Cyril II1078-1092
Michael IV1092-1102
Macarius II1102-1128
Gabriel II1131-1145
Michael V1145-1146
John V1147-1166
Mark III1166-1189
John VI1189-1216
Cyril III1235-1243
Athanasius III1250-1261
John VII1262-1269
Gabriel III1268-1271
John VII1271-1293
Theodosius II1293-1300
John VIII1300-1320
John IX1320-1327
Benjamin II1327-1339
Peter V1340-1348
Mark IV1348-1363
John X1363-1369
Gabriel IV1370-1378
Matthew I1378-1408
Gabriel V1409-1427
John XI1427-1452
Matthew II1452-1465
Gabriel VI1466-1474
Michael VI1477-1478
John XII1480-1483
John XIII1484-1524
Gabriel VII1525-1570
John XIV1571-1586
Gabriel VIII1587-1603
Mark V1603-1619
John XV1619-1629
Matthew III1631-1646
Mark VI1646-1656
Matthew IV1660-1675
John XVI1676-1718
Peter VI1718-1726
John XVII1727-1745
Mark VII1745-1769
John XVIII1769-1796
Mark VIII1796-1809
Peter VII1809-1852
Cyril IV1853-1861
Demetrius II1861-1870
Cyril V1874-1927
John XIX1928-1942
Macarius III1944-1945
Joseph II1946-1956
Cyril VI1959-1971(Atta)
Shenouda III1971-2012(Roufail)
Tawadros II2012-(Sulayman)