Fictional Characters from Books

This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from fictional books. These include novels, short stories, graphic novels and comic books. If shown, the year indicates when the book was first published.
NameYearBookOther Names
Jerusha Abbott1912Daddy-Long-Legs
Vanessa Abrams2002Gossip Girl
Roger Ackroyd1926The Murder of Roger Ackroyd
Nick Adams1924In Our Time
Irene Adler1891A Scandal in Bohemia
Captain Ahab1851Moby-Dick
Alanna of Trebond1983Alanna: The First Adventure
Alex1962A Clockwork Orange(DeLarge)
Alexander1972Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Algernon1959Flowers for Algernon
Alice1865Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Altamiro1965Altamiro de la Cueva
Cathy Ames1952East of Eden(Albey, Trask)
Sophie Amundsen1991Sophie's World
Archie Andrews1942Archie Comics
Jane Andrews1908Anne of Green Gables
Pamela Andrews1740Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded
Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom1960Rabbit, Run
Anna1974Mister God, This Is Anna
Fern Arable1952Charlotte's Web
Aragorn1954The Lord of the Rings
Aramis1844The Three Musketeers(d'Herblay)
Nate Archibald2002Gossip Girl
Asterix1961Asterix the Gaul
Athos1844The Three Musketeers
Jack Aubrey1969Master and Commander
Steve Austin1972Cyborg
Babar1931Histoire de Babar
Abra Bacon1952East of Eden
Petyr Baelish1996A Game of Thrones
Bilbo Baggins1937The Hobbit
Frodo Baggins1954The Lord of the Rings
Hannah Baker2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Jordan Baker1925The Great Gatsby
David Balfour1886Kidnapped
Bambi1923Bambi, a Life in the Woods
Bruce Banner1962The Incredible Hulk
Joffrey Baratheon1996A Game of Thrones
Robert Baratheon1996A Game of Thrones
Tom Barnaby1987The Killings at Badger's Drift
Clive Barnard1984Frost at Christmas
Diana Barry1908Anne of Green Gables
Josephine Barry1908Anne of Green Gables
Lily Bart1905Edith Wharton
Mary Barton1848Mary Barton
Chuck Bass2002Gossip Girl
Patrick Bateman1991American Psycho
Paul Bäumer1929All Quiet on the Western Front
Jody Baxter1938The Yearling
Jamie Beauville1995What Jamie Saw
Becky Sharp1847Vanity Fair
Zaphod Beeblebrox1979The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Jancis Beguildy1924Precious Bane
Lyra Belacqua1995Northern Lights
Andy Bellefleur2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Terry Bellefleur2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Judah Ben-Hur1880Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Tirzah Ben-Hur1880Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ
Catherine Bennet1813Pride and Prejudice
Elizabeth Bennet1813Pride and Prejudice
Jane Bennet1813Pride and Prejudice
Lydia Bennet1813Pride and Prejudice
Mary Bennet1813Pride and Prejudice
James Benwick1818Persuasion
Tommy Beresford1922The Secret Adversary
Tuppence Beresford1922The Secret Adversary(Cowley)
Edmund Bertram1814Mansfield Park
Julia Bertram1814Mansfield Park
Maria Bertram1814Mansfield Park
Tom Bertram1814Mansfield Park
Pierre Bezukhov1869War and Peace
Friedrich Bhaer1869Little Women
Caroline Bingley1813Pride and Prejudice
Charles Bingley1813Pride and Prejudice
Sirius Black1999Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Stephen Blackpool1854Hard Times
Leopold Bloom1922Ulysses
Molly Bloom1922Ulysses
Katharina Blum1974The Lost Honor of Katharina Blum
Gilbert Blythe1908Anne of Green Gables
Lise Bolkonskaya1869War and Peace
Mariya Bolkonskaya1869War and Peace
Andrey Bolkonsky1869War and Peace
Campion Bond1999The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
James Bond1953Casino Royale
Charlie Bone2002Midnight for Charlie Bone
Billy Bones1883Treasure Island
Christopher John Francis Boone2003The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Anya Borzakovskaya2011Anya's Ghost
Josiah Bounderby1854Hard Times
Jason Bourne1980The Bourne Identity
Emma Bovary1856Madame Bovary
Bradamante1483Orlando Innamorato
Ilsa Brandes1946Ilsa
Colonel Brandon1811Sense and Sensibility
Madeline Bray1839Nicholas Nickleby
Brienne of Tarth1998A Clash of Kings
Niall Brigant2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Jean Brodie1961The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
John Brooke1868Little Women
John Browdie1839Nicholas Nickleby
Father Brown1910The Blue Cross
Ella Brown1999Just Ella
Junior Brown1971The Planet of Junior Brown
Velvet Brown1935National Velvet
William Brown1922Just William
Daisy Buchanan1925The Great Gatsby
Tom Buchanan1925The Great Gatsby
Charlie Bucket1964Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Aureliano Buendía1967One Hundred Years of Solitude
Benjamin Bunny1904The Tale of Benjamin Bunny
Bonnie Butler1936Gone With the Wind
Rhett Butler1936Gone With the Wind
Benjamin Button1922The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Sarah Byrnes1993Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes
Rupert Campbell-Black1986Riders
Campion2008House of Suns
Campion1972Watership Down
Demelza Carne1945; 1946Ross Poldark; Demelza
Katy Carr1872What Katy Did
Nick Carraway1925The Great Gatsby
Sydney Carton1854A Tale of Two Cities
Prince Caspian1951Prince Caspian
Chuck Cathcart1961Catch-22
Catherine1994Catherine, Called Birdy
Catherine Earnshaw1847Wuthering Heights
Holden Caulfield1951The Catcher in the Rye
Charlotte A. Cavatica1952Charlotte's Web
Celia2000Feeling Sorry for Celia
Christopher Chant1988The Lives of Christopher Chant
Annabeth Chase2005The Lightning Thief
Anton Chigurh2005No Country For Old Men
Christina1985Christina's Ghost
Frank Churchill1815Emma
Martin Chuzzlewit1844Martin Chuzzlewit
Claudia1976Interview with the Vampire
Noah Claypole1838Oliver Twist
Holly Cleary2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries(Darwin)
Sandor Clegane1996A Game of Thrones
Benjy Compson1929The Sound and the Fury
Jason Compson IV1929The Sound and the Fury
Quentin Compson III1929The Sound and the Fury
Bill Compton2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Conan the Barbarian1932Weird Tales
Marcus Cooley2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Betty Cooper1942Archie Comics
David Copperfield1849David Copperfield
Michael Corleone1969The Godfather
Vito Corleone1969The Godfather
Ichabod Crane1820The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Henry Crawford1814Mansfield Park
Mary Crawford1814Mansfield Park
Rawdon Crawley1847Vanity Fair
Courtney Crimsen2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Sophia Croft1818Persuasion
Lenina Crowne1932Brave New World
Robinson Crusoe1719Robinson Crusoe
Cthulhu1928The Call of Cthulhu
Edward Cullen2005Twilight
Marilla Cuthbert1908Anne of Green Gables
Matthew Cuthbert1908Anne of Green Gables
Adam Dalgliesh1962Cover Her Face
Stella Dallas1923Stella Dallas
Clarissa Dalloway1925Mrs Dalloway
Andy Dalziel1970A Clubbable Woman
Danny1975Danny, the Champion of the World
Edmond Dantès1844The Count of Monte Cristo
Carol Danvers1977Ms. Marvel
Olga da Polga1971The Tales of Olga Da Polga
Fitzwilliam Darcy1813Pride and Prejudice
Georgiana Darcy1813Pride and Prejudice
Dariel1897Dariel: a romance of Surrey
Sebastian Darke2007Sebastian Darke: Prince Of Fools
Wendy Darling1911Peter & Wendy
Charles Darnay1854A Tale of Two Cities
D'Artagnan1844The Three Musketeers
Elinor Dashwood1811Sense and Sensibility
Fanny Dashwood1811Sense and Sensibility
John Dashwood1811Sense and Sensibility
Margaret Dashwood1811Sense and Sensibility
Marianne Dashwood1811Sense and Sensibility
David1963I Am David
Jessica Davis2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Jack Dawkins1838Oliver Twist
Judalon de Bornay1951The Iron Mistress
Lady Catherine de Bourgh1813Pride and Prejudice
Phoebus de Chateaupers1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Stephen Dedalus1916; 1922A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; Ulysses
Thérèse Defarge1854A Tale of Two Cities
Maria DeLuca1998Roswell High
Zach Dempsey2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Arthur Dent1979The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Daniel Deronda1876Daniel Deronda
Roland Deschain1978The Gunslinger
Cruella de Vil1956The Hundred and One Dalmatians
Maxim de Winter1938Rebecca
Rebecca de Winter1938Rebecca
Jacob de Zoet2010The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
Diana of Themyscira1942Wonder Woman(Prince)
Cedric Diggory2000Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Jim Dixon1953Lucky Jim
William Dobbin1847Vanity Fair
Maisie Dobbs2003Maisie Dobbs
Zuleika Dobson1911Zuleika Dobson
Lorna Doone1869Lorna Doone
Amy Dorrit1857Little Dorrit
Eleanor Douglas2012Eleanor & Park
Tyler Down2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Charlotte Doyle1990The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
Count Dracula1897Dracula
Nancy Drew1930The Secret of the Old Clock
Khal Drogo1996A Game of Thrones
Edwin Drood1870The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Albus Dumbledore1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Tess Durbeyfield1981Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Tyler Durden1996Fight Club
Russell Edgington2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Elizabeth1967Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley and Me, Elizabeth
Ella1997Ella Enchanted
Anne Elliot1818Persuasion
Elizabeth Elliot1818Persuasion
Walter Elliot1818Persuasion
William Elliot1818Persuasion
Elrond1954The Lord of the Rings
Augusta Elton1815Emma(Hawkins)
Philip Elton1815Emma
Emily1961Emily's Runaway Imagination
Erik1909The Phantom of the Opera
Esmeralda1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Eva Luna1987Eva Luna
Isabel Evans1998Roswell High
Max Evans1998Roswell High
Katniss Everdeen2008The Hunger Games
Bathsheba Everdene1847Far From the Madding Crowd
Jane Eyre1847Jane Eyre
Fagin1838Oliver Twist
Jane Fairfax1815Emma
Fantine1862Les Misérables
Maisie Farange1897What Maisie Knew
Cosette Fauchelevant1862Les Misérables
Jude Fawley1895Jude the Obscure
George Fayne1931The Secret at Shadow Ranch
Edward Ferrars1811Sense and Sensibility
Robert Ferrars1811Sense and Sensibility
Atticus Finch1960To Kill a Mockingbird
Jem Finch1960To Kill a Mockingbird
Scout Finch1960To Kill a Mockingbird
Jeremy Fink2006Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life
Huckleberry Finn1876The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Geoffrey Firmin1947Under the Volcano
Billy Fisher1959Billy Liar
Jeremy Fisher1906The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher
Edred Fitzpiers1886The Woodlanders
Randall Flagg1978The Stand
Harry Flashman1969Flashman
Princess Flavia of Ruritania1894The Prisoner of Zenda
Captain Flint1883Treasure Island
Florete12xxFloriant et Florete
Floriant12xxFloriant et Florete
Phileas Fogg1872Around the World in Eighty Days
Justin Foley2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Hoyt Fortenberry2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Pauline Fossil1936Ballet Shoes
Petrova Fossil1936Ballet Shoes
Posy Fossil1936Ballet Shoes
Arlene Fowler2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Victor Frankenstein1818Frankenstein
Frankie2010Minding Frankie
Alice Franklin2014The Truth About Alice
Claude Frollo1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Ethan Frome1911Ethan Frome
Jack Frost1984Frost at Christmas
Harold Fry2012The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry
Galadriel1954The Lord of the Rings
Dorothy Gale1900The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
Samwise Gamgee1954The Lord of the Rings
Gandalf1937The Hobbit
Joe Gargery1860Great Expectations
Luna Garza2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Jay Gatsby1925The Great Gatsby(Gatz)
George Gently1955Gently Does It
Curious George1941Curious George
Geralt of Rivia1986The Witcher
Dilsey Gibson1929The Sound and the Fury
George Gideon1955Gideon's Day
Elena Gilbert1991The Vampire Diaries
Ruby Gillis1908Anne of Green Gables
Maximilian Glick1982The Outside Chance of Maximilian Glick
Sammy Glick1941What Makes Sammy Run?
Oscar Goldman1972Cyborg
Goldmund1930Narziß und Goldmund
Holly Golightly1958Breakfast at Tiffany's
Gollum1937The Hobbit
Louisa Gradgrind1854Hard Times(Bounderby)
Thomas Gradgrind1854Hard Times
Hermione Granger1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Alan Grant1990Jurassic Park
David Grantland1967Christy
Dorian Gray1890The Picture of Dorian Gray
Dick Grayson1940Batman
Will Grayson2010Will Grayson, Will Grayson
Agnes Grey1847Agnes Grey
Theon Greyjoy1996A Game of Thrones
Arthur Gride1839Nicholas Nickleby
Grigola1882The Patricide
Pierre Gringoire1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Michael Guerin1998Roswell High
Lemuel Gulliver1726Gulliver's Travels
Forrest Gump1986Forrest Gump
Ben Gunn1883Treasure Island
Rubeus Hagrid1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ruth Hall1854Ruth Hall
Basil Hallward1890The Picture of Dorian Gray
Charles Hamilton1936Gone With the Wind
Melanie Hamilton Wilkes1936Gone With the Wind
Wade Hampton Hamilton1936Gone With the Wind
Mike Hammer1947I, the Jury
Frank Hardy1927The Tower Treasure
Joe Hardy1927The Tower Treasure
Jonathan Harker1897Dracula
Mina Harker1897Dracula(Murray)
Gwendolen Harleth1876Daniel Deronda
Clarissa Harlowe1748Clarissa
Clarissa Harlowe1748Clarissa
Elam Harnish1910Burning Daylight
Helen Elizabeth Harper1986Wait Till Helen Comes: A Ghost Story
Dill Harris1960To Kill a Mockingbird
Barbara Havers1988A Great Deliverance
Estella Havisham1861Great Expectations
Sir Mulberry Hawk1839Nicholas Nickleby
Jim Hawkins1883Treasure Island
Gale Hawthorne2008The Hunger Games
George Hazard1982North and South
Heathcliff1847Wuthering Heights
Heather1989Heather Has Two Mommies
Uriah Heep1849David Copperfield
Alice Henderson1967Christy
Alcide Herveaux2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Jacob Heym1969Jakob the Liar
Fanny Hill1748Fanny Hill
Phillis Holman1864Cousin Phillis
Sherlock Holmes1887A Study in Scarlet
Arthur Holmwood1897Dracula
Honoria, Lady Dedlock1852Bleak House
Lottie Horn1949Lisa and Lottie
Horatio Hornblower1937The Happy Return
Alice Howland2007Still Alice
Christy Huddleston1967Christy
Humbert Humbert1955Lolita
Dan Humphrey2002Gossip Girl
Jenny Humphrey2002Gossip Girl
Iago1882The Patricide
Maura Isles2002The Apprentice
Ivan2012The One and Only Ivan
Bloody Jack2002Bloody Jack(Faber)
Earl Jackson2012Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
Percy Jackson2005The Lightning Thief
Inspector Javert1862Les Misérables
Jeeves1915Extricating Young Gussie
Henry Jekyll1886Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde(Hyde)
Jennifer1967Jennifer, Hecate, Macbeth, William McKinley and Me, Elizabeth
Clay Jensen2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Jeroentje1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Jerom1945Suske en Wiske
Jim1900Lord Jim
Tom Joad1939The Grapes of Wrath
John2007John Dies at the End
John the Savage1932Brave New World
Janie Johnson1990The Face on the Milk Carton
Jonathas13xxJonathas ende Rosafiere
Bridget Jones1996Bridget Jones's Diary
Coraline Jones2002Coraline
Forsythe "Jughead" Jones1942Archie Comics
Jemima Jones2001Jemima J
Tom Jones1749Tom Jones
Josef K.1925The Trial
Don Juan1819Don Juan
Julie2012Code Name Verity
Julie1972Julie of the Wolves
Cecelia Jupe1854Hard Times
Alyosha Karamazov1879The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Karamazov1879The Brothers Karamazov
Anna Karenina1877Anna Karenina
Kate Svetlana2010Plain Kate
Katherine2006An Abundance of Katherines
Tacy Kelly1940Betsy-Tacy
Cordelia Kenn2005This is All: The Pillow Book of Cordelia Kenn
Ella Lorena Kennedy1936Gone With the Wind
Frank Kennedy1936Gone With the Wind
Clark Kent1938Superman
Annie Kenyon1982Annie on My Mind
Kevin Khatchadourian2003We Need to Talk About Kevin
Felicity King1911The Story Girl
Tom Kitten1907The Tale of Tom Kitten
Olive Kitteridge2007Olive Kitteridge
George Knightley1815Emma
Isabella Knightley1815Emma
Koba1882The Patricide
George Kranky1981George's Marvellous Medicine
Felix Krull1954Confessions of Felix Krull
Anastasia Krupnik1978Anastasia Krupnik
Anatole Kuragin1869War and Peace
Hélène Kuragina1869War and Peace
Jenny Kurtz2007Thirteen Reasons Why
"Flat" Stanley Lambchop1964Flat Stanley
Hazel Grace Lancaster2012The Fault in Our Stars
Frankie Landau-Banks2008The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks
Lois Lane1938Superman
Scott Lang1979The Avengers
Robert Langdon2003The Da Vinci Code
Cersei Lannister1996A Game of Thrones
Jaime Lannister1996A Game of Thrones
Tyrion Lannister1996A Game of Thrones
Mirah Lapidoth1876Daniel Deronda
Lassie1940Lassie Come-Home
Theodore Laurence1868Little Women
Hannibal Lecter1981Red Dragon
Mary Lennox1910The Secret Garden
Leon1971The Mysterious Disappearance of Leon (I Mean Noel)
Naomi León2004Becoming Naomi León
Bellatrix Lestrange2000Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Robbie Lewis1975Last Bus to Woodstock
Lily1997Lily's Crossing
Catherine Linton1847Wuthering Heights
Isabella Linton1847Wuthering Heights
Stuart Little1945Stuart Little
David Livesey1883Treasure Island
Jonathan Livingston Seagull1970Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Veronica Lodge1942Archie Comics
Loedertje1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Logan "Wolverine"1974X-Men(Howlett)
Lolita1955Lolita(Haze, Schiller)
Tom Long1958Tom's Midnight Garden
Neville Longbottom1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Pippi Longstocking1945Pippi Longstocking(Långstrump)
Luna Lovegood2003Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Charlotte Lucas1813Pride and Prejudice
Luke1975Eight Days of Luke
Arsène Lupin1907Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar
Rachel Lynde1908Anne of Green Gables
Thomas Lynley1988A Great Deliverance
Bindy Mackenzie2006The Betrayal of Bindy Mackenzie
Neil MacNeill1967Christy
Abel Magwitch1860Great Expectations
Orry Main1982North and South
Ian Malcolm1990Jurassic Park
Draco Malfoy1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Lucius Malfoy1998Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Alexandre Manette1854A Tale of Two Cities
Lucie Manette1854A Tale of Two Cities
Amy March1868Little Women
Beth March1868Little Women
Jo March1868Little Women
Meg March1868Little Women
Jacob Marley1843A Christmas Carol
Philip Marlowe1939The Big Sleep
Silas Marner1861Silas Marner
Miss Jane Marple1930The Murder at the Vicarage
Marv1991Sin City
Bess Marvin1931The Secret at Shadow Ranch
Bernard Marx1932Brave New World
Bertha Antoinetta Mason1847Jane Eyre
Perry Mason1933The Case of the Velvet Claws
Matt1923King Matt the First
Stephen Maturin1969Master and Commander
Maurice2001The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
May1992Missing May
Rose Maylie1838Oliver Twist
Minerva McGonagall1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Alice McKinley1985The Agony of Alice
Randle McMurphy1962One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Owen Meany1989A Prayer for Owen Meany
Sam Meeker1974My Brother Sam Is Dead
Zac Meier2013Zac & Mia
Grace Melbury1886The Woodlanders
Tim Melville1974Tim
Karen Memery2015Karen Memory
Liesel Meminger2005The Book Thief
Aristotle Mendoza2012Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Sam Merlotte2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Isabelle de Merteuil1782Dangerous Liaisons
Daisy Miller1878Daisy Miller
Skye Miller2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Milly-Molly-Mandy1928Milly-Molly-Mandy Stories
George Milton1937Of Mice and Men
Walter Mitty1939The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Adrian Mole1982The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾
Guy Montag1953Fahrenheit 451
Molly Moon2002Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism
André-Louis Moreau1921Scaramouche
Gertrude Morel1913Sons and Lovers
Paul Morel1913Sons and Lovers
Dexter Morgan2004Darkly Dreaming Dexter(Moser)
Harry Morgan2004Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Harry Morgan1937To Have and Have Not
James Moriarty1894The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Catherine Morland1817Northanger Abbey
James Morland1817Northanger Abbey
Quincey Morris1897Dracula
Ruby Mae Morrison1967Christy
Endeavour Morse1975Last Bus to Woodstock
Chet Morton1927The Tower Treasure
Briar Moss1999Briar's Book
Mowgli1894The Jungle Book
Tib Muller1940Betsy-Tacy
Charles Musgrove1818Persuasion
Henrietta Musgrove1818Persuasion
Louisa Musgrove1818Persuasion
Mary Musgrove1818Persuasion
Nancy1838Oliver Twist
Narziß1930Narziß und Goldmund
Captain Nemo1869Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas
Sophie Neveu2003The Da Vinci Code
Steve Newlin2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Kate Nickleby1839Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby1839Nicholas Nickleby
Ralph Nickleby1839Nicholas Nickleby
Newman Noggs1839Nicholas Nickleby
Crystal Norris2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Eric Northman2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Nunu1882The Patricide
Gabriel Oak1847Far From the Madding Crowd
Tom Oakley1981Goodnight Mister Tom
Obelix1961Asterix the Gaul
Carreen O'Hara1936Gone With the Wind
Gerald O'Hara1936Gone With the Wind
Kim O'Hara1901Kim
Scarlett O'Hara1936Gone With the Wind
Suellen O'Hara1936Gone With the Wind
Nick O'Leary2005Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Anna Oliphant2010Anna and the French Kiss
Olive2003Olive's Ocean
Jimmy Olsen1941Superman
Eugene Onegin1833Eugene Onegin
Orlando1928Orlando: A Biography
Esperanza Ortega2002Esperanza Rising
George Osborne1847Vanity Fair
Paddington1958A Bear Called Paddington(Brown)
Lisa Palfy1949Lisa and Lottie
Peter Pan1902The Little White Bird
Sancho Panza1605Don Quixote
Peter Parker1962Spider-Man
Peter Pascoe1970A Clubbable Woman
Piscine Molitor Patel2002Life of Pi
Leonard Peacock2013Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
Ham Peggotty1849David Copperfield
Angeline Persopolis1983Someday Angeline
Peter1845Der Struwwelpeter
Peter Rabbit1910Old Mother West Wind
Peter Rabbit1902The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Henrietta Petowker1839Nicholas Nickleby
Edmund Pevensie1950The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Lucy Pevensie1950The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Peter Pevensie1950The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Susan Pevensie1950The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Mia Phillips2013Zac & Mia
Mildred Pierce1941Mildred Pierce
Joey Pigza1998Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key
Billy Pilgrim1969Slaughterhouse-Five
Scott Pilgrim2004Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life
Pinocchio1883The Adventures of Pinocchio
Cosimo Piovasco di Rondò1957The Baron in the Trees
Philip "Pip" Pirrip1860Great Expectations
Herbert Pocket1860Great Expectations
Hercule Poirot1920The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Ross Poldark1945Ross Poldark
Marius Pontmercy1862Les Misérables
Mary Poppins1934Mary Poppins
Jane Porter1912Tarzan of the Apes
Porthos1844The Three Musketeers(du Vallon)
Cameron Post2012The Miseducation of Cameron Post
Harry Potter1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ford Prefect1979The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Fanny Price1814Mansfield Park
Homer Price1943Homer Price
Matilda Price1839Nicholas Nickleby
William Price1814Mansfield Park
Beatrice Prior2012Divergent
J. Alfred Prufrock1915The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Hester Prynne1850The Scarlet Letter
Jemima Puddle-Duck1908The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck
Josie Pye1908Anne of Green Gables
Quasimodo1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Peter Quill1976Marvel Preview
Ramona Quimby1950Henry Huggins
Dante Quintana2012Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Don Quixote1605Don Quixote(Quijano, Quijote, Quixano)
Jessica Rabbit1981Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
Roger Rabbit1981Who Censored Roger Rabbit?
Arthur "Boo" Radley1960To Kill a Mockingbird
Rebecca Rowena Randall1903Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
Thérèse Raquin1867Thérèse Raquin
Rodion Raskolnikov1866Crime and Punishment
Betsy Ray1940Betsy-Tacy
Julia Ray1940Betsy-Tacy
Margaret Ray1940Betsy-Tacy
Ellis Redding1982Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption
Ignatius J. Reilly1980A Confederacy of Dunces
Francis Reynaud2012Chocolat
Lafayette Reynolds2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Tom Ripley1955The Talented Mr. Ripley
Jane Rizzoli2001The Surgeon
Rob Roy1817Rob Roy(MacGregor)
Ellen Robillard O'Hara1936Gone With the Wind
Christopher Robin1926Winnie-the-Pooh
Fanny Robin1847Far From the Madding Crowd
Edward Fairfax Rochester1847Jane Eyre
Steve Rogers1940Captain America Comics
Natasha Romanova1964Tales of Suspense
Rosafiere13xxJonathas ende Rosafiere
Count Ilya Rostov1869War and Peace
Nikolai Rostov1869War and Peace
Petya Rostov1869War and Peace
Natasha Rostova1869War and Peace
Sonya Rostova1869War and Peace
Nicholas Rubashov1940Darkness at Noon
Ruth2000Drowning Ruth
Jack Ryan1984The Hunt for Red October
Salem Saberhagen1971Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Lisbeth Salander2005The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Damon Salvatore1991The Vampire Diaries
Stefan Salvatore1991The Vampire Diaries
Gregor Samsa1915The Metamorphosis
Angélique Sancé1957Angélique, Marquise des Anges
Rachel Sangalletti1951My Cousin Rachel
Santiago1952The Old Man and the Sea
Gideon Sarn1924Precious Bane
Prue Sarn1924Precious Bane
Saruman1954The Lord of the Rings
Ellie Sattler1990Jurassic Park
Sauron1954The Lord of the Rings
Edgar Sawtelle2008The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
Tom Sawyer1876The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Ebenezer Scrooge1843A Christmas Carol
Amelia Sedley1847Vanity Fair
Joseph Sedley1847Vanity Fair
Serafina2015Serafina and the Black Cloak
John Seward1897Dracula
Gideon Seymour2006Gideon the Cutpurse
Tristram Shandy1759Tristram Shandy
Ryan Shaver2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Sheena1938Sheena, Queen of the Jungle
Anne Shirley1908Anne of Green Gables
Ivan Denisovich Shukhov1962One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Tante Sidonia1945Suske en Wiske
Bill Sikes1838Oliver Twist
Long John Silver1883Treasure Island
Norah Silverberg2005Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist
Margaret Simon1970Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret
Albertine Simonet1919In Search of Lost Time
Mary Ann Singleton1978Tales of the City
Peg Sliderskew1839Nicholas Nickleby
Lennie Small1937Of Mice and Men
George Smiley1974Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Harriet Smith1815Emma
Winston Smith1949Nineteen Eighty-Four
Alexander Smollett1883Treasure Island
Severus Snape1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Jon Snow1996A Game of Thrones
Sophie Zawistowski1976Sophie's Choice
Tadeusz Soplica1834Pan Tadeusz
Marty South1886The Woodlanders
Dolfje Spaan1996Dolfje Weerwolfje
Sam Spade1930The Maltese Falcon
Hilda Spellman1971Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Sabrina Spellman1971Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Zelda Spellman1971Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Fairlight Spencer1967Christy
Simon Spier2015Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda
Fanny Squeers1839Nicholas Nickleby
Wackford Squeers1839Nicholas Nickleby
Jason Stackhouse2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Sookie Stackhouse2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Muriel Stacy1908Anne of Green Gables
Alex Standall2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Beryl Stapleton1902The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arya Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Bran Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Catelyn Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Ned Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Robb Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Sansa Stark1996A Game of Thrones
Tony Stark1963Iron Man
Clarice Starling1988The Silence of the Lambs
Emily Byrd Starr1923Emily of New Moon
Sarah Starzynski2006Sarah's Key
Amber St. Clair1944Forever Amber
Charlie St. Cloud2004The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud
Anne Steele1811Sense and Sensibility
Lucy Steele1811Sense and Sensibility
Whitney Stone1985Whitney, My Love
Jonathan Strange2004Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Stephen Strange1963Strange Tales
Michel Strogoff1876Michel Strogoff
Henry Sugar1977The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More
Lucy Sullivan1996Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married
Esther Summerson1852Bleak House
Sun Wukongc. 1592Journey to the West
Suske1945Suske en Wiske
Louden Swain1979Vision Quest
Bella Swan2005Twilight
Josh Swenson2001The Gospel According to Larry
Daenerys Targaryen1996A Game of Thrones
Viserys Targaryen1996A Game of Thrones
Samwell Tarly1996A Game of Thrones
Tarzan1912Tarzan of the Apes
T'Challa1966Fantastic Four
Jeremy Thatcher1991Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher
Azelma Thénardier1862Les Misérables
Éponine Thénardier1862Les Misérables
Thomas the Tank Engine1946Thomas the Tank Engine
Bigger Thomas1940Native Son
Sadie Thompson1921Rain
Tara Thornton2001The Southern Vampire Mysteries
Isabella Thorpe1817Northanger Abbey
John Thorpe1817Northanger Abbey
Theodosia Throckmorton2007Theodosia and the Serpents of Chaos
Eric Thursley1990Eric
Eleanor Tilney1817Northanger Abbey
Frederick Tilney1817Northanger Abbey
Henry Tilney1817Northanger Abbey
Tintin1929Tintin in the Land of the Soviets
Emil Tischbein1928Emil and the Detectives
Thomasina Tittlemouse1910The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse
Uncle Tom1852Uncle Tom's Cabin
Jack Torrance1977The Shining
Adam Trask1952East of Eden
Aron Trask1952East of Eden
Caleb Trask1952East of Eden
Charles Trask1952East of Eden
Cyrus Trask1952East of Eden
Treebeard1954The Lord of the Rings
John Trelawney1883Treasure Island
Johnny Tremain1943Johnny Tremain
Emily Trevelyan1869He Knew He Was Right
Louis Trevelyan1869He Knew He Was Right
Trillian1979The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(McMillan)
Catootje Tromp1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Gerrit Tromp1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Jan Tromp1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Jans Tromp1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
Karlijn Tromp1970Jan, Jans en de kinderen
James Henry Trotter1961James and the Giant Peach
Betsey Trotwood1849David Copperfield
Clopin Trouillefou1831The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Kilgore Trout1965God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
Francis Troy1847Far From the Madding Crowd
Gavin Troy1987The Killings at Badger's Drift
Sheila Tubman1972Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great
Data Tutashkhia1975Data Tutashkhia
Oliver Twist1838Oliver Twist
John Tyree2007Dear John
Dolores Umbridge2003Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Jim Valenti1998Roswell High
Kyle Valenti1998Roswell High
Jean Valjean1862Les Misérables(Fauchelevent)
Sebastian Valmont1782Dangerous Liaisons
Serena van der Woodsen2002Gossip Girl
Sibyl Vane1890The Picture of Dorian Gray
Abraham Van Helsing1897Dracula
Irène Verhœven2006Irène
Lord Frederick Verisopht1839Nicholas Nickleby
Lady Susan Vernon1871Lady Susan
Veronika1998Veronika Decides to Die
Lord Voldemort1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone(Riddle)
Jessica Wakefield1983Double Love
Blair Waldorf2002Gossip Girl
Bryce Walker2007Thirteen Reasons Why
Rachel Wallace1980Looking For Rachel Wallace
Kurt Wallander1991Faceless Killers
Helmholtz Watson1932Brave New World
Dr. John Watson1887A Study in Scarlet
Kit Watson1999Kit's Wilderness
Bruce Wayne1939Batman
Ginny Weasley1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Ron Weasley1997Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Rudy Wells1972Cyborg
Harriet Welsch1964Harriet the Spy
Frederick Wentworth1818Persuasion
Lucy Westenra1897Dracula
Sarah Wheaton1985Sarah, Plain and Tall
Samuel Whiskers1908The Tale of Samuel Whiskers
Carrie White1974Carrie
Agnes Wickfield1849David Copperfield
George Wickham1813Pride and Prejudice
Wilbur1952Charlotte's Web
Ashley Wilkes1936Gone With the Wind
Beauregard Wilkes1936Gone With the Wind
John Willoughby1811Sense and Sensibility
Carrie Willow1973Carrie's War
Peter Wimsey1923Whose Body?
Emily Windsnap2003The Tail of Emily Windsnap
Winnetou1875Old Firehand
Giles Winterborne1886The Woodlanders
Barb Wire1994Barb Wire
Wiske1945Suske en Wiske
Suzie Wong1957The World Of Suzie Wong
Willy Wonka1964Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Allan Woodcourt1852Bleak House
Emma Woodhouse1815Emma
Henry Woodhouse1815Emma
Rosemary Woodhouse1967Rosemary's Baby
Caddie Woodlawn1936Caddie Woodlawn
Alex Woods2013The Universe Versus Alex Woods
Kester Woodseaves1924Precious Bane
Bertie Wooster1915Extricating Young Gussie
Matilda Wormwood1988Matilda
Lord Henry Wotton1890The Picture of Dorian Gray
Charles Wycliffe1968Wycliffe and the Three-Toed Pussy
John Yossarian1961Catch-22
Zorro1919The Curse of Capistrano(de la Vega)