Fictional Characters from Song Titles

This is a list of names (belonging primarily to fictional people) that appear in song titles.
NameYearTitleArtistOther Names
John Barleycorn15xx; 1970John Barleycorntraditional; Traffic
Barbara Allen16xxBarbara Allentraditional
Joan1705Gossip Joantraditional
Elise1810Für EliseLudvig van Beethoven
Cotton-Eyed Joe18xxCotton-Eyed Joetraditional
Maggie May18xx; 1970Maggie May; Maggie Maetraditional; The Beatles
Lorena1857LorenaHenry Webster
Maud1857Come into the Garden, MaudJohn McCormack
Johnny1862When Johnny Comes Marching HomePatrick Gilmore
Charlie1868Champagne CharlieGeorge Leybourne
Matilda1895Waltzing MatildaChristina Macpherson and Banjo Paterson
Bill Bailey1902Bill Bailey, Won't You Please Come Home?Hughie Cannon
Casey Jones1902; 1970The Ballad of Casey Jones; Casey Jonestraditional; Grateful Dead
Frankie1904Frankie and Johnnytraditional
Johnny1904Frankie and Johnnytraditional
Marie1907Marie from Sunny ItalyIrving Berlin
Bridget McGuire1910Bridget McGuireCole Porter
Alexander1911Alexander's Ragtime BandIrving Berlin
Danny1913Danny BoyFrederic Weatherly
Pauline1914Poor PaulineArthur Fields
Johnny1919Johnny's in TownJack Yellen
Barney Google1923Barney GoogleEddie Cantor
Georgia Brown1925Sweet Georgia BrownKenneth Casey
Sam Hall1925Ballad of Sam HallW. G. Ross
Mary Phagan1925Little Mary PhaganRosa Lee Carson
John Willie1926John Willie, Come On!George Formby
Jenny1928Pirate JennyKurt Weill
Lizzie1928Henry's Made a Lady out of LizzieTin Pan Alley Classic
Lorelei1928LoreleiNoël Coward
Amy1930AmyHoratio Nicholls
Minnie1931Minnie the MoocherCab Calloway
Mary1936Mary from the DairyMax Miller
Rosalie1937RosalieCole Porter
Tara1939Tara's ThemeMax Steiner
Lili Marleen1944Lili MarleenMarlene Dietrich
Nancy1944Nancy (With the Laughing Face)Frank Sinatra
Nina1944NinaNoël Coward
Linda1946LindaNoble Orchestra
Irene1950Goodnight, IreneLeadbelly
Agnes1953I Got It from AgnesTom Lehrer
Derek Bentley1953Ballad of Derek BentleyEwan MacColl
Annie1954Work with Me, AnnieHank Ballard & the Midnighters
Rose Marie1954Rose MarieSlim Whitman
Harry1955Uncle HarryNoël Coward
Lola1955Whatever Lola WantsRichard Adler and Jerry Ross
Maybellene1955MaybelleneChuck Berry
Ann1956Miss AnnLittle Richard
Nellie1956Nellie the ElephantMandy Miller
Sally1956Long Tall SallyLittle Richard
Susie Q1956Susie QDale Hawkins
Diana1957DianaPaul Anka
Mary1957Mary's Boy ChildHarry Belafonte
Susie1957Wake Up Little SusieThe Everly Brothers
Tammy1957TammyDebbie Reynolds
Peggy Sue1957; 1959Peggy Sue; Peggy Sue Got MarriedBuddy Holly
Lucille1957LucilleLittle Richard
John Axon1958The Ballad of John AxonEwan MacColl
Carol1958CarolChuck Berry
Claudette1958ClaudetteThe Everly Brothers
Donna1958DonnaRitchie Valens
Tom Dooley1958Tom DooleyThe Kingston Trio
Floyd1958Pretty Boy FloydWoody Guthrie
Johnny B. Goode1958Johnny B. GoodeChuck Berry
Jennie Lee1958Jennie LeeJan and Arnie
Miss Molly1958Good Golly, Miss MollyLittle Richard
Susie1958Susie Darlin'Robin Luke
Charlie Brown1959Charlie BrownThe Coasters
Carol1959Oh! CarolNeil Sedaka
Lee1959Stagger LeeLloyd Price
Mack1959Mack the KnifeBobby Darin
Rosalie1959RosalieFitzroy Coleman
Cathy1960Cathy's ClownThe Everly Brothers
Johnny1960Bye Bye JohnnyChuck Berry
Laura1960Tell Laura I Love HerRay Peterson
Lulu1960Don't Bring LuluDorothy Provine
Nancy1960Go Tell Aunt Nancyanonymous
Jack1961Hit the Road JackRay Charles
Jimmy1961Jimmy LoveCathy Carroll
John1961Big Bad JohnJimmy Dean
Johnny1961Johnny Remember MeJohn Leyton
Mary Lou1961Hello Mary LouRicky Nelson
Michael1961MichaelThe Highwaymen
Sue1961Runaround SueDion
Ahab1962Ahab the ArabRay Stevens
Angi1962AngiDavy Graham
Anna1962Anna (Go To Him)Arthur Alexander
Fred1962Right, Said FredBernard Cribbins
Johnny1962Johnny AngelShelley Fabares
Johnny1962Johnny Get AngryJoanie Sommers
Lana1962LanaRoy Orbison
Paula1962Hey PaulaPaul & Paula
Sheila1962SheilaTommy Roe
Sherry1962SherryThe Four Seasons
Betsy1963Ballad of Ole BetsyThe Beach Boys
Dominique1963DominiqueThe Singing Nun
Eddie1963Just Like EddieHeinz
Johnny1963Johnny CoolLittle Peggy March
Judy1963Judy's Turn to CryLesley Gore
Sally1963Sally Go 'Round the RosesThe Jaynetts
Hattie Carroll1964The Lonesome Death of Hattie CarrollBob Dylan
Charlotte1964Hush, Hush, Sweet CharlottePatti Page
Edna1964Edna the BarmaidThe Shining Postman
Elsie Molly1964Lazy Elsie MollyChubby Checker
Louie1964Louie LouieThe Kingsmen
Nadine1964Nadine (Is It You?)Chuck Berry
Wendy1964WendyThe Beach Boys
Barbara Ann1965Barbara AnnThe Beach Boys
Bill1965Don't Mess with BillThe Marvelettes
John1965John the RevelatorSon House
Laurie1965Laurie (Strange Things Happen)Dickey Lee
Maggie1965Maggie's FarmBob Dylan
Michelle1965MichelleThe Beatles
Rhonda1965Help Me, RhondaThe Beach Boys
Alfie1966AlfieDionne Warwick
Bert1966Bert's BluesDonovan
Boris1966Boris the SpiderThe Who
Caroline1966Caroline, NoThe Beach Boys
Cheryl1966Cheryl's Goin' HomeBob Lind
Richard Cory1966Richard CorySimon & Garfunkel
Emily1966For Emily, Whenever I May Find HerSimon & Garfunkel
Hazel1966Hooray for HazelTommy Roe
Jack1966Happy JackThe Who
Jane1966Lady JaneThe Rolling Stones
Jimmy Mack1966Jimmy MackMartha and the Vandellas
Joe1966Hey JoeJimi Hendrix
Johanna1966Visions of JohannaBob Dylan
Linda1966Legend of a Girl Child LindaDonovan
Mary1966Along Comes MaryThe Association
Mary1966I Miss My MaryHal Ketchum
Matthew1966Matthew and SonCat Stevens
Pamela1966Pamela, PamelaWayne Fontana
Renee1966Walk Away ReneeThe Left Banke
Eleanor Rigby1966Eleanor RigbyThe Beatles
Sally1966Mustang SallyWilson Pickett
Sunny1966SunnyBobby Hebb
Elvira1966; 1981ElviraDallas Frazier; The Oak Ridge Boys
Alice1967Alice's Restaurant MassacreeArlo Guthrie
Annie1967Dreamboat AnnieHeart
Bernadette1967BernadetteThe Four Tops
Billie Joe1967Ode to Billie JoeBobbie Gentry(McAllister)
Carrie Anne1967Carrie AnneThe Hollies
Denise1967Denise at SixteenAl Stewart
Donna1967DonnaHair Soundtrack
Emily1967See Emily PlayPink Floyd
Arnold Layne1967Arnold LaynePink Floyd
Lily1967Pictures of LilyThe Who
Lucy1967Lucy in the Sky with DiamondsThe Beatles
Martha1967MarthaJefferson Airplane
Mary1967Mary, MaryThe Monkees
Mary1967The Wind Cries MaryJimi Hendrix
Matilda1967Matilda MotherPink FLoyd
Rita1967Lovely RitaThe Beatles
Sam1967Lucifer SamPink Floyd
Susan1967SusanThe Buckinghams
Susannah1967Susannah's Still AliveDave Davies
Ruby Tuesday1967Ruby TuesdayThe Rolling Stones
Abraham1968Abraham, Martin and JohnDion
Annie1968Polk Salad AnnieTony Joe White
Bill1968The Continuing Story of Bungalow BillThe Beatles
Delilah1968DelilahTom Jones
Eloise1968EloiseBarry Ryan
Tim Evans1968Ballad of Tim EvansEwan MacColl
Jack Flash1968Jumpin' Jack FlashThe Rolling Stones
Joanna1968JoannaScott Walker
Joe1968Joe 90 ThemeBarry Gray
John1968Abraham, Martin and JohnDion
Jude1968Hey JudeThe Beatles
Judy1968Judy in Disguise (with Glasses)John Fred & His Playboy Band
Julia1968JuliaThe Beatles
Jennifer Juniper1968Jennifer JuniperDonovan
Marianne1968So Long, MarianneLeonard Cohen
Martha1968Martha My DearThe Beatles
Martin1968Abraham, Martin and JohnDion
Maureen1968Maureen Is a ChampFrank Sinatra
Prudence1968Dear PrudenceThe Beatles
Sadie1968Sexy SadieThe Beatles
Simon1968Simon Says1910 Fruitgum Company
Suzanne1968SuzanneLeonard Cohen
Billy1969Which Way You Goin' Billy?The Poppy Family
Caroline1969Sweet CarolineNeil Diamond
Eugene1969Careful with That Axe, EugenePink Floyd
Fanny1969Jiving Sister FannyThe Rolling Stones
Hermione1969Letter to HermioneDavid Bowie
Holly1969Holly HolyNeil Diamond
Izabella1969IzabellaJimi Hendrix
Jill1969Dear JillBlodwyn Pig
John1969Uncle John's BandGrateful Dead
Judy1969Suite: Judy Blue EyesCrosby, Stills & Nash
Kevin1969Cousin KevinThe Who
Maria1969Take a Letter MariaR. B. Greaves
Mary1969Proud MaryCreedence Clearwater Revival
Maxwell1969Maxwell's Silver HammerThe Beatles
Nancy1969Seems So Long Ago, NancyLeonard Cohen
Pam1969Polythene PamThe Beatles
Rosemary1969Why Didn't Rosemary?Deep Purple
Ruby1969Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to TownKenny Rogers
Sue1969A Boy Named SueJohnny Cash
Susan1969To Susan on the West Coast WaitingDonovan
Tracy1969TracyThe Cuff Links
Tommy Walker1969Tommy's Holiday CampThe Who
Amos Moses1970Amos MosesJerry Reed
Annie1970Antique Annie's Magic Lantern ShowMarian Henderson
Candida1970CandidaTony Orlando & Dawn
Cecilia1970CeciliaSimon & Garfunkel
Charlie1970Good Time Charlie's Got the BluesDanny O'Keefe
Frankie Crisp1970Ballad of Sir Frankie Crisp (Let It Roll)George Harrison
James1970Sweet Baby JamesJames Taylor
Jane1970Sweet JaneThe Velvet Underground
Layla1970LaylaDerek and the Dominos
Lola1970LolaThe Kinks
Lucille1970Lucille Has Messed My Mind UpJeff Simmons
Lucretia1970Lucretia Mac EvilBlood, Sweat & Tears
Molly1970MollyJohn Denver
Rebecca1970The Tide Will Turn for RebeccaEdward Woodward
Elizabeth Reed1970In Memory of Elizabeth ReedThe Allman Brothers Band
Rosie1970Cracklin' RosieNeil Diamond
Albert1971Uncle Albert/Admiral HalseyPaul McCartney
Angeline1971Sweet AngelineMott the Hoople
Carolyn1971CarolynMerle Haggard
Celia1971Celia of the SealsDonovan
Dwight Fry1971Ballad of Dwight FryAlice Cooper
Gabriel1971Gabriel and MeJoan Baez
Levon1971LevonElton John
Maggie May1971Maggie MayRod Stewart
Mary1971Cross-Eyed MaryJethro Tull
Bobby McGee1971Me and Bobby McGeeJanis Joplin
Rupert1971RupertJackie Lee
Seamus1971SeamusPink Floyd
Vanessa Simmons1971Vanessa SimmonsBarclay James Harvest
Mary Skeffington1971Mary SkeffingtonGerry Rafferty
Sylvia1971Sylvia's MotherDr. Hook & the Medicine Show
Timothy1971TimothyThe Buoys
Alice1972Slack AliceLarry Grayson
Angela1972AngelaJohn Lennon
Annie1972Annie, I'm Not Your DaddyKid Creole & The Coconuts
Ben1972BenMichael Jackson
Brandy1972Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)Looking Glass
Clair1972ClairGilbert O'Sullivan
Danny1972Danny's SongLoggins and Messina
Harry1972Harry's SongBarclay James Harvest
Jane1972Gudbuy T'JaneSlade
Jim1972You Don't Mess Around with JimJim Croce
John1972John, I'm Only DancingDavid Bowie
Julio1972Me and Julio Down by the SchoolyardPaul Simon
Mary Long1972Mary LongDeep Purple
Marlene1972MarleneTodd Rundgren
Martha1972Little MarthaThe Allman Brothers Band
Melissa1972MelissaThe Allman Brothers Band
Pancho1972Pancho and LeftyTownes Van Zandt
Richard1972A Song for Richard and His FriendsChicago
Sam1972Telegram SamT. Rex
John Sinclair1972John SinclairJohn Lennon
Ursula1972Ursula (The Swansea Song)Barclay James Harvest
Willy1972Little WillyThe Sweet
Alice1973All the Girls Love AliceElton John
Angie1973AngieThe Rolling Stones
Billy1973Wild Billy's Circus StoryBruce Springsteen
Leroy Brown1973Bad, Bad Leroy BrownJim Croce
Candy1973Candy's Going BadGolden Earring
Caroline1973CarolineStatus Quo
Claudie1973ClaudieStatus Quo
Daniel1973DanielElton John
Helen1973Helen WheelsPaul McCartney & Wings
Jack1973Captain JackBilly Joel
Jesse1973JesseJanis Ian
Jessica1973JessicaThe Allman Brothers Band
Marie Laveau1973Marie LaveauBobby Bare
Lorraine1973Sweet LorraineUriah Heep
Louie1973Brother LouieHot Chocolate
Lucille1973Letter to LucilleTom Jones
Maria1973My MariaB. W. Stevenson
Rosalita1973Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)Bruce Springsteen
Vince Taylor1973Just Like Vince TaylorGolden Earring
Angie1974Angie BabyHelen Reddy
Annie1974Annie's SongJohn Denver
Linden Arden1974Linden Arden Stole the HighlightsVan Morrison
Bennie1974Bennie and the JetsElton John
Billy1974Billy Don't Be a HeroBo Donaldson and The Haywoods
Emma1974EmmaHot Chocolate
Jolene1974JoleneDolly Parton
Judy1974Judy TeenSteve Harley & Cockney Rebel
Timmy Lea1974This Is Your Life Timmy LeaSue Cheyenne
Curtis Loew1974The Ballad of Curtis LoewLynyrd Skynyrd
Mandy1974I'm Mandy Fly Me10cc
Mandy1974MandyBarry Manilow
Persephone1974PersephoneThin Lizzy
Rikki1974Rikki Don't Lose That NumberSteely Dan
Yolanda1974YolandaBobby "Blue" Band
Carol1975CarolAl Stewart
Daisy Jane1975Daisy JaneAmerica
Dan Dare1975Dan Dare (Pilot of the Future)Elton John
Edith1975Edith and the KingpinJoni Mitchell
Hank1975Are You Sure Hank Done It This WayWaylon Jennings
Harry1975HarryCatherine Howe
Jackie1975Jackie BlueOzark Mountain Daredevils
Jonathan1975JonathanBarclay James Harvest
Keith1975Keith Don't Go (Ode to the Glimmer Twin)Nils Lofgren
Lily1975Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of HeartsBob Dylan
Mary1975Mother MaryUFO
Maxine1975Sweet MaxineThe Doobie Brothers
Olivia1975Ode to OliviaStella Parton
Ophelia1975OpheliaThe Band
Patricia1975Patricia the StripperChris de Burgh
Rhiannon1975RhiannonFleetwood Mac
Rosemary1975Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of HeartsBob Dylan
Roxie1975RoxieChicago Soundtrack
Sara1975Sara SmileHall & Oates
Stu1975Boogie with StuLed Zeppelin
Amelia1976AmeliaJoni Mitchell
Clarence1976ClarenceDavid Pomeranz
Corinne1976CorinneThe Hollies
Georgie1976The Killing of Georgie (Part I and II)Rod Stewart
Joey1976JoeyBob Dylan
Lido1976Lido ShuffleBoz Scaggs
Lorelei1976LoreleiWishbone Ash
Roland1976Roland the Headless Thompson GunnerWarren Zevon
Sara1976SaraBob Dylan
Shannon1976ShannonHenry Gross
Tom Traubert1976Tom Traubert's BluesTom Waits
Irene Wilde1976Irene WildeIan Hunter
Alison1977AlisonElvis Costello
Angelo1977AngeloBrotherhood of Man
Annie1977AnniePete Townshend and Ronnie Lane
Anthony1977Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)Billy Joel
Ariel1977ArielDean Friedman
Belle1977BelleAl Green
Betty1977Black BettyRam Jam
Desirée1977DesiréeNeil Diamond
Jack1977Jack-in-the-GreenJethro Tull
Josie1977JosieSteely Dan
Lucille1977LucilleKenny Rogers
Peg1977PegSteely Dan
Rosie1977Whole Lotta RosieAC/DC
Rosie1977RosieJackson Browne
Sally1977Lay Down SallyEric Clapton
Sheena1977Sheena Is a Punk RockerRamones
Angela1978AngelaBob James
Candy1978Candy's RoomBruce Springsteen
Guy1978Song for GuyElton John
Harry1978Hurry Up HarrySham 69
Jack1978Nice Man JackJohn Miles
James1978James and the Cold GunKate Bush
Jamie1978Jamie's Cryin'Van Halen
Joanie1978Hello, This Is Joanie (The Telephone Answering Machine Song)The Paul Evans Songbook
John1978Jilted JohnGraham Fellows
Judy1978Judy Is a PunkRamones
Lucy1978Almost LucyAl Stewart
Lydia1978LydiaDean Friedman
Mattie1978Mattie's RagGerry Rafferty
Rosalinda1978Rosalinda's EyesBilly Joel
Roxanne1978RoxanneThe Police
Sandy1978SandyJohn Travolta
Bobby Brown1979Bobby BrownFrank Zappa
Dirk1979Dirk Wears White SoxAdam & The Ants
Gloria1979GloriaUmberto Tozzi
Horace1979The Diary of Horace WimpElectric Light Orchestra
Jane1979JaneJefferson Starship
Jimmy1979Jimmy JazzThe Clash
Joe1979Joe's GarageFrank Zappa
Johanna1979Johanna (Judge's Song)Sweeney Todd Soundtrack
Jojo1979JojoBoz Scaggs
Lucy Jordan1979The Ballad of Lucy JordanMarianne Faithful
Melody Ann1979Melody AnnThe Marshall Tucker Band
Nigel1979Making Plans for NigelXTC
Oliver1979Oliver's ArmyElvis Costello
Sarah1979SarahThin Lizzy
Sharona1979My SharonaThe Knack
Tim1979King Tim III (Personality Jock)The Fatback Band
Agnes1980AgnesDonnie Iris
Carrie1980CarrieCliff Richard
Charlotte1980Charlotte the HarlotIron Maiden
Christine1980ChristineSiouxsie and the Banshees
Danny1980Danny SaysRamones
Dee1980DeeOzzy Osbourne
Gloria1980GloriaJohn Cassavetes
Ivan1980Ivan Meets G.I. JoeThe Clash
Johnny1980Johnny Hit and Run PaulineX
Johnny1980Johnny Bye ByeBruce Springsteen
Leah1980Ah! Leah!Donnie Iris
Leonard1980LeonardMerle Haggard
Margaret1980Stand Down MargaretThe English Beat
Olivia1980Princess OliviaAl Stewart
Pauline1980Johnny Hit and Run PaulineX
Persephone1980PersephoneWishbone Ash
Sara1980SaraFleetwood Mac
Sherry1980Sherry DarlingBruce Springsteen
Arthur1981Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)Christopher Cross
Jean-Pierre1981Jean-PierreMiles Davis
Jessie1981Jessie's GirlRick Springfield
Johnny1981Johnny's Gonna DieThe Replacements
Lisa1981Lisa Likes Rock 'N' RollIan Hunter
Mickey1981MickeyToni Basil
Pat1981Postman Pat and His Black and White CatPostman Pat
Athena1982AthenaThe Who
Billie Jean1982Billie JeanMichael Jackson
Darlene1982DarleneLed Zeppelin
Diane1982Jack & DianeJohn Mellencamp
Eileen1982Come On EileenDexys Midnight Runners
Sean Flynn1982Sean FlynnThe Clash
Jack1982Jack & DianeJohn Mellencamp
Jeanette1982JeanetteThe English Beat
Jenny1982Jenny (867-5309)Tommy Tutone
Johnny1982Be Good JohnnyMen at Work
Johnny1982Johnny Can't ReadDon Henley
Laura1982LauraBilly Joel
Tom1982Poor TomLed Zeppelin
Valerie1982ValerieSteve Winwood
Walter1982Walter's WalkLed Zeppelin
Alice1983A... My Name Is AliceMarta Kauffman and David Crane
Elizabeth1983ElizabethThe Statler Brothers
Jane1983Baby JaneRod Stewart
Joanna1983JoannaKool & The Gang
John1983Not Now JohnPink Floyd
Laura1983Think of LauraChristopher Cross
Lenny1983LennyStevie Ray Vaughn
Michelle1983Club MichelleEddie Money
Tom1983Major Tom (I'm Coming Home)Peter Schilling
Evangeline1984EvangelineLos Lobos
Jean1984Blue JeanDavid Bowie
Bobby Jean1984Bobby JeanBruce Springsteen
Joe1984Holy Joe from ScabsvilleEwan MacColl
Nikki1984Darling NikkiPrince
Sherrie1984Oh SherrieSteve Parry
William1984William, It Was Really NothingThe Smiths
Donna1985Who's Holding Donna NowDeBarge
Eddie1985Spanish EddieLaura Branigan
Frankie1985FrankieSister Sledge
Johnny1985Johnny Come HomeFine Young Cannibals
Lucille1985My LucilleB.B. King
Sally MacLennane1985Sally MacLennaneThe Pogues
Marian1985MarianThe Sisters of Mercy
Nikita1985NikitaElton John
Sheila1985Oh SheilaReady for the World
Stephanie1985Stephanie SaysThe Velvet Underground
Wendell1985Wendell GeeR.E.M
Willie1985Willie the WimpBill Carter
Al1986You Can Call Me AlPaul Simon
Charlotte1986Charlotte SometimesThe Cure
Jane1986Romeo and JaneTonio K
Lou1986Captain LouNRBQ
Ron1986Ron's PieceJean-Michel Jarre
Alex Chilton1987Alex ChiltonThe Replacements
Luka1987LukaSuzanne Vega
Mary1987Mary's PrayerDanny Wilson
Michelle1987My MichelleGuns N' Roses
Ben1988Ben's SongSarah McLachlan
Jane1988Jane SaysJane's Addiction
Margaret1988Margaret on the GuillotineMorrissey
Martha1988Martha's HarbourAll About Eve
Mary Jane1988Mary JaneMegadeath
Patti1988Oh Patti (Don't Feel Sorry for Loverboy)Scritti Politti
Ted1988Ted, Just Admit It...Jane's Addiction
Alexa1989The Downeaster "Alexa"Billy Joel
Alison1989Alison HellAnnihilator
Angelia1989AngeliaRichard Marx
Jackie Brown1989Jackie BrownJohn Mellencamp
Edie1989Edie (Ciao Baby)The Cult
Floyd1989Floyd the BarberNirvana
Ilene1989Don't Cry IleneVonda Shepard
Janie1989Janie's Got a GunAerosmith
Jessie1989Dear JessieMadonna
Johnny1989Johnny, Kick a Hole in the SkyRed Hot Chili Peppers
Lily1989Lily Was HereDavid Stewart
Margie1989MargieChris Jasper
Veronica1989VeronicaElvis Costello
Willie1989Kissing WillieJethro Tull
Alexis1990AlexisRory Gallagher
Carole Ann1990Carole AnnExcalibur
Donovan1990DonovanHappy Mondays
Jayne1990The Ballad of JayneL.A. Guns
Joey1990JoeyConcrete Blond
John1990John the FishermanPrimus
Sally1990Sally CinnamonThe Stone Roses
Tommy1990Tommy the CatPrimus
Wendy1990Tomorrow WendyConcrete Blonde
Angelina1991AngelinaBob Dylan
John Birch1991Talkin' John Birch Paranoid BluesBob Dylan
Frank1991Dirty FrankPearl Jam
Jeremy1991JeremyPearl Jam
Jerry1991Jerry Was a Race Car DriverPrimus
Luke1991The Gospel According to LukeSkip Ewing
Millie1991Millie Pulled a Pistol on SantaDe La Soul
Rosie1991RosieRichie Sambora
Alison1992Allison's Starting to HappenThe Lemonheads
Claire1992Claire's KitchenSoho
Elise1992A Letter to EliseThe Cure
Enid1992EnidBarenaked Ladies
Henry1992Papa Won't Leave You, HenryNick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Molly1992Molly's LipsThe Vaselines
Monty1992Monty Got a Raw DealR.E.M
Peter Pumpkinhead1992The Ballad of Peter PumpkinheadXTC
Ray1992It's a Shame About RayThe Lemonheads
Riley1992The Life of RileyThe Lightening Seeds
Anna1993Anna BeginsCounting Crows
Jane1993The Song That Jane LikesDave Matthews Band
Jessie1993JessieJoshua Kadison
Mary Jane1993Mary Jane's Last DanceTom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Susan1993Inside SusanPulp
Christine Irene1994Christine IreneGin Blossoms
Delia1994Delia's GoneJohnny Cash
John Doe1994John Doe No. 24Mary Chapin Carpenter
Eliza1994Eliza's DaughterJoan Aiken
Jane1994JaneBarenaked Ladies
Jonas1994My Name Is JonasWeezer
Kenneth1994What's the Frequency, Kenneth?R.E.M
George1995Oh, GeorgeFoo Fighters
Harry Hood1995Harry HoodPhish
Jerry1995Set the Ray to JerrySmashing Pumpkins
Joe1995Joe the GeorgianAl Stewart
Johnny1995Angry JohnnyPoe
Rebecca Lynn1995Rebecca LynnBryan White
Wynona1995Wynona's Big Brown BeaverPrimus
Doreen1996DoreenOld 97's
Elisabeth1996Goodnight ElisabethCounting Crows
Jack1996The House Jack BuiltMetallica
Kody1996KodyMatchbox Twenty
Lesley1996Ode to LesleyB J Snowden
Lorenzo1996LorenzoPhil Collins
Mary Jane1996What's the New Mary JaneThe Beatles
Ted1996Vavoom: Ted the MechanicDeep Purple
Brandon1997BrandonMötley Crüe
Dan1997Cowboy DanModest Mouse
Billy Davy1997Billy Davy's DaughterStereophonics
Sherry Fraser1997Sherry FraserMarcy Playground
Jake1997JakeLisa Loeb
John1997Dear JohnStyx
Kate1997KateBen Folds Five
Johnny Park1997Hey, Johnny Park!Foo Fighters
Michael Picasso1997Michael PicassoIan Hunter
Sarah1997Sarah Yellin'3 Doors Down
Tyrone1997TyroneErykah Badu
Elizabeth1998Elizabeth on the Bathroom FloorEels
Iris1998IrisGoo Goo Dolls
Kevin1998Mephisto and KevinPrimus
Leah1998My Beautiful LeahPJ Harvey
Brad Logan1998Brad LoganRancid
Martha1998For MarthaSmashing Pumpkins
Mary1998Bloody MaryThe Living End
Virginia1998Meet VirginiaTrain
Adam1999Adam's SongBlink 182
Ana1999Ana's SongSilverchair
Dottie1999I'm a Loner Dottie, a RebelThe Get Up Kids
Earl1999Goodbye EarlDixie Chicks
Gary1999Dysentery GaryBlink 182
Jack1999Crazy JackDonna Jo Napoli
Jimmy Kane1999Jimmy KaneMuse
Leonardo1999Hey, Leonardo (She Likes Me for Me)Blessid Union Of Souls
Maria1999MariaRage Against the Machine
Maria1999Maria MariaSantana
Molly1999MollyMindless Self Indulgence
Abbie2000Gaslighting AbbieSteely Dan
Amelia2000Waiting for AmeliaGretchen Peters
Andrew2000AndrewBowling For Soup
James2000Little JamesOasis
Jed2000Jed the Humanoid; Jed's Other Poem (Beautiful Ground)Grandaddy
Jill2000Everybody Loves JillCowboy Mouth
Jonathan2000Over Yonder (Jonathan's Song)Steve Earle
Judith2000JudithA Perfect Circle
Margaux2000Waiting for MargauxAl Stewart
Rose2000Damn It RoseDon Henley
Ruby2000Ruby's ShoesLori McKenna
Vivian2000VivianNerf Herder
Adrienne2001AdrienneThe Calling
Amanda2001Crazy Amanda BunkfaceSum 41
Damien2001DamienIced Earth
Eddie2001Eddie's First WifeGretchen Peters
Evan2001(This Is) The Dream of Evan and ChanDntel
Lee2001LeeTenacious D
Ronnie2001Ronnie and NeilDrive-By Truckers
Sara2001Sara's MaskCKY
Emily2002EmilyBowling For Soup
Jack2002Mr. JackSystem of a Down
Joe2002Waitin' on JoeSteve Azar
Charles C. Leary2002The Charles C. LearyDevendra Banhart
Lindsay2002Lindsay Quit LollygaggingChiodos
Sarah2002Sarah's WorldMark Scott
Scarlet2002Scarlet's WalkTori Amos
Simon2002Simon DiamondThe Coral
Steven2002StevenSenses Fail
Stu2002Chic 'n' StuSystem of a Down
Sal Villanueva2002The Ballad of Sal VillanuevaTaking Back Sunday
Barry Williams2002The Barry Williams ShowPeter Gabriel
Amber2003Sweet AmberMetallica
Martin Eden2003Martin EdenThe Twilight Singers
Eve2003Eve, the Apple of My EyeBell X1
Joe2003Joe's HeadKings of Leon
Keith2003An Original Man (A Song for Keith)The Yardbirds
Lana2003LanaThe Climb
Molly2003Molly's ChambersKings of Leon
Rachael2003Murder Me RachaelThe National
Stacy2003Stacy's MomFountains of Wayne
Taylor2003TaylorJack Johnson
Willie2003Weed with WillieToby Keith
Zoe2003Zoe JaneStaind
Andy2004Andy, You're a StarThe Killers
Annie2004AnnieVanessa Carlton
David2004Who's DavidBusted
Emily2004EmilyFrom First to Last
Helena2004HelenaMy Chemical Romance
Imogene2004ImogeneGretchen Peters
Jacqueline2004JacquelineFranz Ferdinand
Jenny2004Jenny Was a Friend of MineThe Killers
Jim2004Keep a-Workin' Big JimJohnny Rebel
Jimmy2004St. JimmyGreen Day
Joe2004Hello JoeBeatsteaks
Josef2004Josef's TrainThea Gilmore
Katie2004What Katie DidThe Libertines
Kitty Jay2004Kitty JaySeth Lakeman
Richie Lee2004The Ballad of Richie LeeSpiritualized
Lola2004Lola's ThemeThe Shapeshifters
Mary2004MaryScissor Sisters
Mia2004Me and MiaTed Leo & the Pharmacists
Michael2004MichaelFranz Ferdinand
Milo2004Milo (Interlude)Modest Mouse
Penny2004Penny & MeHanson
Sandy2004Hey SandyPolaris
Anne2005AnneJohn Frusciante
Anthony2005AnthonyNickel Creek
Caroline2005Caroline, YesKaiser Chiefs
Delilah2005Hey There DelilahPlain White T's
Eleanor2005Eleanor Put Your Boots OnFranz Ferdinand
Gina2005Gina in the Kings RoadAl Stewart
Gracie2005GracieBen Folds
Harry2005Harry Was a ChampionChas & Dave
Janice2005Janice's PartyFountains of Wayne
Jenny Wren2005Jenny WrenPaul McCartney
Jimmy2005So Long JimmyJames Blunt
Joanna2005JoannaGrey DeLisle
Johnny2005Johnny Met JuneShelby Lynne
Johnny2005JohnnyCraig David
June2005Johnny Met JuneShelby Lynne
Karen2005KarenThe National
Mandy2005MandyJonas Brothers
Mary2005MaryThe Subways
Paul2005The Ballad of Paul KMcFly
Sadie2005SadieAlkaline Trio
Sam2005Red SamFlyleaf
Sarah2005What Sarah SaidDeath Cab for Cutie
Tessie2005TessieDropkick Murphys
Anna Molly2006Anna MollyIncubus
Bonnie2006Little BonnieDrive-By Truckers
Benjamin Breeg2006The Reincarnation of Benjamin BreegIron Maiden
Cecilia2006Oh, CeciliaBurden Brothers
Charlie2006CharlieRed Hot Chili Peppers
Chelsea2006Chelsea DaggerThe Fratellis
Delilah2006DelilahThe Dresden Dolls
Jane2006The Diary of JaneBreaking Benjamin
Jenny2006Jenny Don't Be HastyPaolo Nutini
Jonny2006Uncle JonnyThe Killers
Judy2006Judy WouldAce Baker
Luca2006LucaBrand New
Marie2006Wings for Marie, Pt. 1Tool
Mary2006Mary's Song (Oh My My My)Taylor Swift
Mary2006Typhoid MaryGod Dethrones
Maxine2006MaxineJohn Legend
Mina2006Lovesick for MinaCradle of Filth
Penelope2006Penelope's SongLoreena McKennitt
Raoul2006RaoulThe Automatic
Sam2006Sam's TownThe Killers
Sam2006Swim with SamA Balladeer
Sheila2006SheilaJamie T
Sukie2006Sukie in the GraveyardBella & Sebastian
Will2006Everything'll Be Alright (Will's Lullaby)Joshua Radin
Alfie2007AlfieLily Allen
Alyssa2007Alyssa LiesJason Michael Carroll
Bobby2007Dear BobbyYellowcard
Anne Braden2007Anne BradenThe Flobots
Billy Brown2007Billy BrownMika
Colleen2007ColleenThe Heavy
Cynthia Margaret2007Cynthia MargaretMalcolm Holcombe
Debbie2007DebbieMary Magdalan
George2007Yo GeorgeTori Amos
Hannah2007Dear HannahMetro Station
Jenny2007JennyThe Click Five
Jessica2007JessicaElliot Minor
Jezebel2007JezebelGretchen Peters
Kelsey2007KelseyMetro Station
Liza2007LizaJoan Armatrading
Mariella2007MariellaKate Nash
Pandora2007PandoraMadina Lake
Patricia2007Patricia the StripperThe Wombats
Ray2007Worried About RayThe Hoosiers
Ruby2007RubyKaiser Chiefs
Terry2007Terry's SongBruce Springsteen
Alice2008Alice PracticeCrystal Castle
Alice2008Song for AlicePaul Weller
Amy2008If U Seek AmyBritney Spears
Annie2008Annie Use Your TelescopeJack's Mannequin
Tiffany Blews2008Tiffany BlewsFall Out Boy
Bobby2008Bobby's SongThe Aliens
Traci Brown2008Traci BrownHanson
Solomon Browne2008Solomon BrowneSeth Lakeman
Danny Callahan2008Danny CallahanConor Oberst
Charlie2008Charlie Don't SurfFuneral for a Friend
Chip2008Chip n' TonyAlejandro Escovedo
John Cockers2008John CockersJohn Mellencamp
Conor2008ConorThe Feeling
Donnie2008What a Catch, DonnieFall Out Boy
Emma2008For EmmaBon Iver
Greg2008Go-Getter GregLudo
Hayley2008Dream on HayleyJames Morrison
Hillary2008I Want a Girl Just Like HillaryJesse Goldberg
Hillary2008Hillary SongJesse Goldberg
Jane2008Hurricane JaneBlack Kids
Johnny2008Johnny & JuneHeidi Newfield
Josephine2008Oh JosephineThe Black Crowes
Judas2008JudasThe Verve
Julie2008Julie GraveCherry Poppin' Daddies
Juliet2008Juliet of the SpiritsThe B-52's
June2008Johnny & JuneHeidi Newfield
Kara Jane2008Kara JaneThe Vines
Kristy2008Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?The Offspring
Laura2008Dear LauraThe Loved Ones
Marie2008Marie CherieAnnie
Mary2008Ave Mary APink
Mary2008Blind MaryGnarls Barkley
Michael2008Michael's SongThe Coral
Missy2008MissyThe Airborne Toxic Event
Erin O'Connor2008Erin O'ConnorThe Long Blondes
Sally2008SallySam Sparro
Sissy2008Sissy's SongAlan Jackson
Stella2008StellaIda Maria
Stephen2008Hey StephenTaylor Swift
Tony2008Chip n' TonyAlejandro Escovedo
Winona2008She's My WinonaFall Out Boy
Wyatt2008Lullaby for WyattSheryl Crow
Alejandro2009AlejandroLady Gaga
Andrew2009You Wouldn't Cry (Andrew's Song)Mandisa
Angela2009AngelaJarvis Cocker
Anna2009AnnaTaken by Trees
Annie2009AnnieMat Kearney
Candy2009CandyPaolo Nutini
Caroline2009CarolineBrandi Carlile
Caroline2009CarolineAlexis Babini
Cassandra2009CassandraThe Galvatrons
Daniel2009DanielBat For Lashes
Dave2009Arkansas DaveGeorge Strait
Dave2009Diamond DaveThe Bird And The Bee
Diane2009Diane, the SkyscraperJacks Mannequin
Ella Jean2009Ella JeanTimothy B. Schmit
Eloise2009EloiseSay Anything
Eugene2009Scheme EugeneRed Light Company
Evelyn2009EvelynBoh Runga
Frank2009He's Frank (Slight Return)Brighton Port Authority
Gabriel2009Gabriel's MessageSting
Gloria2009¡Viva La Gloria!Green Day
Haley2009The Ballad of Jack and HaleyIke Reilly
Hank2009Hank ItJustin Moore
Isabel2009IsabelFrank Turner
Jack2009The Ballad of Jack and HaleyIke Reilly
John2009Dr. JohnMika
John2009Good Morning JohnKris Kistofferson
Johnny2009Johnny GuitarPearl Jam
Johnny2009Johnny MagicNeil Young
Jolene2009JoleneBob Dylan
Katherine2009Katherine Kiss MeFranz Ferdinand
Kathleen2009KathleenDavid Gray
Katie2009There, There, KatieJack's Mannequin
Patience Kershaw2009The Testimony of Patience KershawThe Unthanks
Larry2009I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?A Day To Remember
Lily2009Lily the LoverGolden Silvers
Lucy2009LucyJulian Lennon
Neal2009NealChester French
Nick2009Nick and Rob Are ConmenPaddy Wex
Harry Patch2009Harry Patch (In Memory Of)Radiohead
Paul2009Hey PaulThe Pains of Being Pure at Heart
John M. Perkins2009The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues)Switchfoot
Pete2009Outlaw PeteBruce Springsteen
Bobby Pyn2009Thunderclap for Bobby PynSonic Youth
Rob2009Nick and Rob Are ConmenPaddy Wex
Rosalyn2009RosalynBon Iver
Veronica Sawyer2009Veronica Sawyer SmokesAFI
Sinead2009Sister SineadKris Kristofferson
Tim Smith2009Tim SmithThe Wildhearts
Stella2009Stella the ArtistDavid Gray
William2009William's Last WordsManic Street Preachers
Alice2010AliceAvril Lavigne
Alice2010Her Name Is AliceShinedown
Annabelle2010For AnnabelleBand of Horses
Arlene2010ArleneCrystal Bowersox
Belinda2010BelindaBen Folds
Carol Kaye2010Carol KayeLaura Veirs
Carolyn2010CarolynBlack Veil Brides
Cece2010Cece's InterludeDrake
Chelsea2010Somebody's ChelseaReba McEntire
Cindy2010Cindy, I'll Marry You One DayRobert Plant
Delilah2010DelilahBlake Shelton
Jane Doe2010Jane DoeNever Shout
Dorothy2010DorothyAlkaline Trio
Harold2010The Harold SongKesha
Jackie2010Jackie Wants a Black EyeDr. Dog
Jerome2010JeromeBarenaked Ladies
Jimmie2010Jimmie Standing in the RainElvis Costello
John2010Dear JohnNorah Jones
John2010Dear JohnTaylor Swift
Laura2010Goodnight LauraSpoon
Lewis2010Lewis Takes ActionOwen Pallett
Lisa2010Aunt LisaMastodon
Jonathan Low2010Jonathan LowVampire Weekend
Lucy2010LucyLaurence Gonzales
Maggie2010Maggie and Milly and Molly and MayNatalie Merchant
Martha2010MarthaRufus Wainwright
Martin2010MartinZac Brown Band
Mary2010MaryKings of Leon
May2010Maggie and Milly and Molly and MayNatalie Merchant
Gillian McKeith2010Gillian McKeithBrett Domino
Milly2010Maggie and Milly and Molly and MayNatalia Merchant
Molly2010Maggie and Milly and Molly and MayNatalia Merchant
Anna Sun2010Anna SunWalk the Moon
Dan Treacy2010Song for Dan TreacyMGMT
Waylon2010Blame It on WaylonJosh Thompson
Alli2011Hey AlliRunner Runner
Amy2011Saving AmyBrantley Gilbert
Anna Lee2011Anna Lee (Sweetheart of the Sun)Bangles
Annabel2011Annabel LeeStevie Nicks
Anne2011Dear AnneLil Wayne
Avery2011Dear AveryThe Decemberists
Billy Paul2011Billy PaulVince Gill
Brendan2011Brendan's Death SongRed Hot Chili Peppers
Bill Butler2011Bonita and Bill ButlerAlison Krauss
Bonita Butler2011Bonita and Bill ButlerAlison Krauss
Cassandra2011CassandraEmmy the Great
Cassie2011Cassie's BrotherDrive-By Truckers
Chloe2011Chloe in the AfternoonSt. Vincent
Claudine2011ClaudineThe Rolling Stones
Daniel2011DanielDia Frampton
Desiree2011DesireeDavid Nail
Emily2011Emily (It's Love)Francesca Battistelli
Daniel Faulkner2011The Murder of Daniel FaulknerHurtsmile
Fred2011Fred and RoseKunt and the Gang
Helena2011Helena BeatFoster the People
Jacob2011Noah and Jacob's SongThree Bad Jacks
John2011Buttermilk JohnVince Gill
John2011JohnLil Wayne
Johnny2011Can't Keep Johnny DownThey Might Be Giants
Kate2011Darlin' KateEmmylous Harris
Keisha2011Keisha's Song (Her Pain)Kendrick Lamar
Lauren2011Lauren's SongBreathe Carolina
Leia2011LeiaNeil Young
Maggie2011The Adventures of Rain Dance MaggieRed Hot Chilli Peppers
Marilyn2011Marilyn's MansionLower Than Atlantis
Marvin2011Marvins RoomDrake
Mary2011Bloody MaryLady Gaga
Neil2011Ronnie and NeilDrive-By Truckers
Noah2011Noah and Jacob's SongThree Bad Jacks
Oliver2011Oliver Boy (All of Our Boys)Flogging Molly
Peggy2011Peggy Sang the BluesFrank Turner
Raymond2011RaymondBrett Eldredge
Reuben2011Richie and ReubenFountains of Wayne
Richie2011Richie and ReubenFountains of Wayne
Rory2011Rory's RadioAshton Shepherd
Rosalie2011RosalieConcrete Blonde
Rose2011Fred and RoseKunt and the Gang
Rosemary2011Dear RosemaryFoo Fighters
Sarah2011Sarah SmilesPanic! at the Disco
Sophia2011SophiaLaura Marling
Stevie2011Stevie on the RadioPixie Lott
Suzanne2011Suzanne and IAnna Calvi
Yael2011Hush YaelOh, Sleeper
Andrew2012Andrew in DragMagnetic Fields
Annie2012Sweet AnnieZac Brown Band
Barbara2012BarbaraRufus Wainwright
Candy2012CandyRobbie Williams
Carmen2012CarmenLana Del Rey
Carrie2012CarrieShiny Toy Guns
Dee Dee2012No Black Clouds for Dee DeeCrocodiles
Eddie2012She's Just a Girl EddieThe Darkness
Frank2012Frank D. FixerJason Mraz
Jennifer2012Jennifer's JacketThe Johnstones
John Joe2012It's O.K. John JoeDexy's Midnight Runners
John2012Roll On JohnBob Dylan
Jonathan2012JonathanFiona Apple
Julia Anne2012Julia AnneMac Powell
Laura2012LauraBat For Lashes
Leonard2012LeonardSharon Van Etten
Lynn2012Lynn's ThemeÓlafur Arnalds
Marcello2012Oh Marcello!Regina Spektor
Maria2012MariaJustin Bieber
Maria2012MariaPatti Smith
Marilyn2012MarilynBat for Lashes
Mary2012Hail MaryTrey Songz
Miriam2012MiriamNorah Jones
Natalie2012NatalieBruno Mars
Olivia2012Something Like OliviaJohn Mayer
Raina2012RainaNick Waterhouse
Ronan2012RonanTaylor Swift
Alice2013AliceDarwin Deez
Amy2013AmyGoodie Mob
Anita2013Chez Keith et AnitaCarla Bruni
Annie2013Annie I Owe You a DanceTim McGraw
Arabella2013ArabellaArctic Monkeys
Ashley2013AshleyBig Sean
Harvey Bodine2013Harvey BodineBrad Paisley
Brandon2013Winter Dreams (Brandon's Song)Kelly Clarkson
Chloe2013Chloe (You're the One I Want)Emblem3
Chuckie2013Chuckie's GoneToby Keith
Cindy2013Indie CindyPixies
Daniel2013DanielDevandra Banhart
Diana2013DianaOne Direction
Dixie2013The Heart of DixieDanielle Bradbery
Dixie Cleopatra2013Dixie CleopatraHarper Simon
John Doe2013John DoeB.o.B
Selma Drye2013Selma DryeKellie Pickler
Eliza2013ElizaAnna Calvi
Danny Galway2013The Songs of Danny GalwayPrefab Sprout
Pearl Hart2013Pearl HartVolbeat
Henry2013Oh HenryThe Civil Wars
Hannah Hunt2013Hannah HuntVampire Weekend
Jack2013Ramblin' JackKris Kristofferson
Jock2013Jock the Singing WelderSting
John2013Book of JohnTim McGraw
Johnny2013Johnny Bagga' DonutsPalma Violets
Jon2013Carry on… JonBlackmore's Night
Judas2013Hey JudasBlack Star Riders
June2013Waiting on JuneHolly Williams
Keith2013Chez Keith et AnitaCarla Bruni
Kitty2013Hello KittyAvril Lavigne
Lorraine2013Oh Sweet LorraineGreen Shoe Studio
Maria2013Michael and MariaSteven Curtis Chapman
Marie2013Dear MarieJohn Mayer
Michael2013Michael and MariaSteven Curtis Chapman
Minnie2013MinnieSleigh Bells
Moses2013Shadow MosesBring Me the Horizon
Raymond2013Mon RaymondCarla Bruni
Richard2013Reach Out RichardMayer Hawthorne
Rusty2013RustyTyler, the Creator
Susanna2013SusannaLori McKenna
Tina2013Don't Talk About Him, TinaPistol Annies
Tom2013Tom the DrumPalma Violets
Diane Young2013Diane YoungVampire Weekend
Zula2013Song for ZulaPhosphorescent
Al2014Al's CoralHowler
Alexandra2014AlexandraHamilton Leithauser
Matthew Arnold2014Matthew Arnold's FieldBen Watt
Atlas2014AtlasCoheed and Cambria
Cathy2014CathySkinny Lister