Shakespearian Characters

Thank-you to Selwyn and Phyllis for this information.

William Shakespeare was a writer and actor who lived from 1564 to 1616. Although he was successful and admired in his own time, it was not until the later part of the 18th century that he came to be thought of as a universal genius.

The Folio, which this list is based upon, was started soon after Shakespeare's death in 1616. It was concluded 7 years later in 1623 and contained what were considered Shakespeare's collected plays. Shakespeare's impressive poetry (e.g. Venus and Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece) and his sonnets were not found in the Folio.

Today we have knowledge of two lost plays (Cardenio and Love's Labour's Won) and two other plays (Pericles and The Two Noble Kinsmen) which were not included in the 1623 Folio, perhaps because they were collaborative works. Since this list is based on the Folio, the names from the other plays are not included.

NamePlayOther Names
Nick BottomA Midsummer Night's Dream
CobwebA Midsummer Night's Dream
DemetriusA Midsummer Night's Dream
EgeusA Midsummer Night's Dream
Francis FluteA Midsummer Night's Dream
HelenaA Midsummer Night's Dream
HermiaA Midsummer Night's Dream
HippolytaA Midsummer Night's Dream
LysanderA Midsummer Night's Dream
MothA Midsummer Night's Dream
MustardseedA Midsummer Night's Dream
OberonA Midsummer Night's Dream
PeaseblossomA Midsummer Night's Dream
PhilostrateA Midsummer Night's Dream
PuckA Midsummer Night's Dream(Goodfellow)
Peter QuinceA Midsummer Night's Dream
Tom SnoutA Midsummer Night's Dream
SnugA Midsummer Night's Dream
Robin StarvelingA Midsummer Night's Dream
TheseusA Midsummer Night's Dream
TitaniaA Midsummer Night's Dream
Count BertramAll's Well That Ends Well
DianaAll's Well That Ends Well
Lord DumainAll's Well That Ends Well
Lord DumainAll's Well That Ends Well
HelenaAll's Well That Ends Well
LafewAll's Well That Ends Well
LavatchAll's Well That Ends Well
MarianaAll's Well That Ends Well
ParollesAll's Well That Ends Well
ReynaldoAll's Well That Ends Well
ViolentaAll's Well That Ends Well
AgrippaAntony and Cleopatra(Vipsanius)
AlexasAntony and Cleopatra
Mark AntonyAntony and Cleopatra(Antonius)
Augustus CaesarAntony and Cleopatra
CamidiusAntony and Cleopatra(Canidius, Crassus)
CharmianAntony and Cleopatra
CleopatraAntony and Cleopatra
DecretasAntony and Cleopatra
DemetriusAntony and Cleopatra
DiomedesAntony and Cleopatra
DolabellaAntony and Cleopatra(Cornelius)
Domitius EnobarbusAntony and Cleopatra(Ahenobarbus)
ErosAntony and Cleopatra
EuphroniusAntony and Cleopatra
GallusAntony and Cleopatra(Cornelius)
IrasAntony and Cleopatra
LepidusAntony and Cleopatra(Aemilius)
Gaius MaecenasAntony and Cleopatra(Cilnius)
MardianAntony and Cleopatra
MenasAntony and Cleopatra
MenecratesAntony and Cleopatra
OctaviaAntony and Cleopatra
PhiloAntony and Cleopatra
Sextus PompeyAntony and Cleopatra(Pompeius)
Caius ProculeiusAntony and Cleopatra
ScarusAntony and Cleopatra(Aemilius, Scaurus)
SeleucusAntony and Cleopatra
SiliusAntony and Cleopatra
TaurusAntony and Cleopatra(Statilius)
ThidiasAntony and Cleopatra
VarriusAntony and Cleopatra
VentidiusAntony and Cleopatra
AdamAs You Like It
AlienaAs You Like It
AmiensAs You Like It
AudreyAs You Like It
CeliaAs You Like It
CharlesAs You Like It
CorinAs You Like It
Oliver de BoisAs You Like It
Sir Rowland de BoisAs You Like It
Jacques de BoysAs You Like It
DennisAs You Like It
Duke FrederickAs You Like It
GanymedeAs You Like It
HymenAs You Like It
JaquesAs You Like It
Le BeauAs You Like It
Sir Oliver MartextAs You Like It
OrlandoAs You Like It
PhebeAs You Like It
RosalindAs You Like It
SilviusAs You Like It
TouchstoneAs You Like It
WilliamAs You Like It
Adrian VolsceCoriolanus
Tullus AufidiusCoriolanus(Tullius)
Junius BrutusCoriolanus
Titus LarciusCoriolanus(Lartius)
Young MarciusCoriolanus
Caius Marcius CoriolanusCoriolanus
Menenius AgrippaCoriolanus(Lanatus)
Sicinius VelutusCoriolanus(Vellutus)
Lord ClotenCymbeline
King CymbelineCymbeline
Princess ImogenCymbeline
Posthumus LeonatusCymbeline
Sicilius LeonatusCymbeline
Caius LuciusCymbeline
King ClaudiusHamlet
Queen GertrudeHamlet
Prince HamletHamlet
BardolphHenry IV (1)
Sir Walter BluntHenry IV (1)(Blount)
Sir John FalstaffHenry IV (1)
FrancisHenry IV (1)
GadshillHenry IV (1)
Owen GlendowerHenry IV (1)(Glyndŵr)
Henry IVHenry IV (1)
Prince HenryHenry IV (1)
John of Lancaster, Duke of BedfordHenry IV (1)
Sir MichaelHenry IV (1)
Lady MortimerHenry IV (1)
Edmund MortimerHenry IV (1)
Henry "Hotspur" PercyHenry IV (1)
Henry Percy, Earl of NorthumberlandHenry IV (1)
Kate PercyHenry IV (1)
Thomas PercyHenry IV (1)
PetoHenry IV (1)
Edward PoinsHenry IV (1)
Mistress QuicklyHenry IV (1)
Richard Scrope, Archbishop of YorkHenry IV (1)
Sir Richard VernonHenry IV (1)
Lord Thomas BardolfHenry IV (2)
BardolphHenry IV (2)
Sir John BluntHenry IV (2)
Peter BullcalfHenry IV (2)
Sir John ColevilleHenry IV (2)
DavyHenry IV (2)
Sir John FalstaffHenry IV (2)
FangHenry IV (2)
Francis FeebleHenry IV (2)
GowerHenry IV (2)
HarcourtHenry IV (2)
Lord HastingsHenry IV (2)
Henry IVHenry IV (2)
Prince HenryHenry IV (2)
Humphrey, Duke of GloucesterHenry IV (2)
John of Lancaster, Duke of BedfordHenry IV (2)
MortonHenry IV (2)
Ralph MouldyHenry IV (2)
Lord Thomas MowbrayHenry IV (2)
Lady Maud NorthumberlandHenry IV (2)
Kate PercyHenry IV (2)
PetoHenry IV (2)
Ancient PistolHenry IV (2)
Edward PoinsHenry IV (2)
Mistress QuicklyHenry IV (2)
RumourHenry IV (2)
Richard Scrope, Archbishop of YorkHenry IV (2)
Simon ShadowHenry IV (2)
Robert ShallowHenry IV (2)
SilenceHenry IV (2)
SnareHenry IV (2)
SneakHenry IV (2)
Doll TearsheetHenry IV (2)
Thomas, Duke of ClarenceHenry IV (2)
TraversHenry IV (2)
Thomas WartHenry IV (2)
AliceHenry V
BardolphHenry V
John BatesHenry V
CatharineHenry V
Charles VIHenry V
Alexander CourtHenry V
Sir Thomas ErpinghamHenry V
Captain FluellenHenry V
Captain GowerHenry V
Lord GrandpreHenry V
Sir Thomas GreyHenry V
Henry VHenry V
Humphrey, Duke of GloucesterHenry V
IsabelHenry V
Captain JamyHenry V
John of Lancaster, Duke of BedfordHenry V
Louis the DauphinHenry V
Captain MacmorrisHenry V
MontjoyHenry V
NymHenry V
Ancient PistolHenry V
Mistress QuicklyHenry V
Lord RamburesHenry V
Richard, Earl of CambridgeHenry V(Cambridge)
SalisburyHenry V(Montagu)
Lord Henry ScropeHenry V
WarwickHenry V(Beauchamp)
WestmorelandHenry V(Neville)
Michael WilliamsHenry V
BassetHenry VI (1)
Dauphin CharlesHenry VI (1)
Sir John FalstaffHenry VI (1)(Fastolf, Fastolfe)
Sir Thomas GargraveHenry VI (1)
Sir William GlansdaleHenry VI (1)
Henry VIHenry VI (1)
Humphrey, Duke of GloucesterHenry VI (1)
Joan la PucelleHenry VI (1)
John of Lancaster, Duke of BedfordHenry VI (1)
John the Bastard of OrleansHenry VI (1)
Sir William LucyHenry VI (1)
Margaret of AnjouHenry VI (1)
Edmund MortimerHenry VI (1)
Richard PlantagenetHenry VI (1)
Reignier of AnjouHenry VI (1)
Lord TalbotHenry VI (1)
John TalbotHenry VI (1)
VernonHenry VI (1)
Richard WoodvileHenry VI (1)
AsmathHenry VI (2)
Cardinal Henry BeaufortHenry VI (2)
Roger BolingbrokeHenry VI (2)
Jack CadeHenry VI (2)
Lord John CliffordHenry VI (2)
Lord Thomas CliffordHenry VI (2)
Dame Eleanor CobhamHenry VI (2)
Dick the ButcherHenry VI (2)
Edward IVHenry VI (2)
EmmanuelHenry VI (2)
James Fiennes, Lord SayeHenry VI (2)
Matthew GoughHenry VI (2)
Henry VIHenry VI (2)
John HollandHenry VI (2)
Thomas HornerHenry VI (2)
John HumHenry VI (2)(Hume)
Humphrey, Duke of GloucesterHenry VI (2)
Alexander IdenHenry VI (2)
Margery JourdayneHenry VI (2)(Jordan, Jourdemayne)
Queen MargaretHenry VI (2)
Richard PlantagenetHenry VI (2)
Richard PlantagenetHenry VI (2)
Lord Thomas ScalesHenry VI (2)
Saunder SimpcoxHenry VI (2)
Smith the WeaverHenry VI (2)
John SouthwellHenry VI (2)
Sir Humphrey StaffordHenry VI (2)
William StaffordHenry VI (2)
Sir John StanleyHenry VI (2)
Peter ThumpHenry VI (2)
VauxHenry VI (2)
Walter WhitmoreHenry VI (2)
Lady BonaHenry VI (3)
Lord John CliffordHenry VI (3)
Edward IVHenry VI (3)
Edward of WestminsterHenry VI (3)
Lady Elizabeth GreyHenry VI (3)(Woodville)
Lord HastingsHenry VI (3)
Henry VIHenry VI (3)
Henry, Earl of RichmondHenry VI (3)
Lewis XIHenry VI (3)
Queen MargaretHenry VI (3)
Sir John MontgomeryHenry VI (3)
Sir Hugh MortimerHenry VI (3)
Sir John MortimerHenry VI (3)
Edmund PlantagenetHenry VI (3)
George Plantagenet, Duke of ClarenceHenry VI (3)(Clarence)
Richard PlantagenetHenry VI (3)
Richard PlantagenetHenry VI (3)
Sir John SomervilleHenry VI (3)
Lord Humphrey StaffordHenry VI (3)
Sir William StanleyHenry VI (3)
Anthony Woodville, Lord RiversHenry VI (3)
Anne BoleynHenry VIII
BrandonHenry VIII
Doctor ButtsHenry VIII
Cardinal CampeiusHenry VIII(Campeggio)
Lord CapuciusHenry VIII(Chapuys)
Thomas CranmerHenry VIII
Thomas CromwellHenry VIII
Sir Anthony DennyHenry VIII
Princess ElizabethHenry VIII
Stephen GardinerHenry VIII
GriffithHenry VIII
Sir Henry GuildfordHenry VIII
Henry VIIIHenry VIII
Queen KatherineHenry VIII
Sir Thomas LovellHenry VIII
George Nevill, Lord AbergavennyHenry VIII
PatienceHenry VIII
Sir William SandsHenry VIII(Sandys)
Sir Nicholas VauxHenry VIII
Cardinal Thomas WolseyHenry VIII
Mark AntonyJulius Caesar(Antonius)
ArtemidorusJulius Caesar
BrutusJulius Caesar(Junius)
Decius BrutusJulius Caesar(Junius, Albinus)
Julius CaesarJulius Caesar
CalpurniaJulius Caesar
CascaJulius Caesar(Servilius, Longus)
CassiusJulius Caesar(Longinus)
Young CatoJulius Caesar(Porcius)
CiceroJulius Caesar(Tullius)
Metellus CimberJulius Caesar(Tillius)
CinnaJulius Caesar(Helvius)
CinnaJulius Caesar(Cornelius)
ClaudiusJulius Caesar
ClitusJulius Caesar
DardaniusJulius Caesar
FlaviusJulius Caesar(Caesetius, Flavus)
Popilius LenaJulius Caesar
LepidusJulius Caesar(Aemilius)
Caius LigariusJulius Caesar
LuciliusJulius Caesar
LuciusJulius Caesar
MarullusJulius Caesar(Epidius)
MessalaJulius Caesar(Valerius, Messalla, Corvinus)
Octavius CaesarJulius Caesar
PindarusJulius Caesar
PortiaJulius Caesar
PubliusJulius Caesar
StratoJulius Caesar
TitiniusJulius Caesar
TreboniusJulius Caesar
VarroJulius Caesar
VolumniusJulius Caesar
ArthurKing John
Lord Roger BigotKing John(Bigod)
Lady BlancheKing John
ChatillonKing John
Lady ConstanceKing John
Queen EleanorKing John
Lady FalconbridgeKing John
Robert FalconbridgeKing John
James GurneyKing John
Prince HenryKing John
Hubert de BurghKing John
JohnKing John
Louis the DauphinKing John
Louis the DauphinKing John
MelunKing John
Cardinal PandolfKing John(Verraccio)
Peter of PomfretKing John
Philip II of FranceKing John
Philip the BastardKing John
CaiusKing Lear
CordeliaKing Lear
CuranKing Lear
EdgarKing Lear
EdmundKing Lear
GonerilKing Lear
King LearKing Lear
OswaldKing Lear
ReganKing Lear
Don Adriano de ArmadoLove's Labour's Lost
BironLove's Labour's Lost
BoyetLove's Labour's Lost
CostardLove's Labour's Lost
Anthony DullLove's Labour's Lost
DumaineLove's Labour's Lost
FerdinandLove's Labour's Lost
HolofernesLove's Labour's Lost
JaquenettaLove's Labour's Lost
KatharineLove's Labour's Lost
LongavilleLove's Labour's Lost
MariaLove's Labour's Lost
MercadeLove's Labour's Lost
MothLove's Labour's Lost
Sir NathanielLove's Labour's Lost
RosalineLove's Labour's Lost
Lady MacbethMacbeth
Lady MacduffMacbeth
Earl SiwardMacbeth
Young SiwardMacbeth
AbhorsonMeasure For Measure
AngeloMeasure For Measure
BarnardineMeasure For Measure
Pompey BumMeasure For Measure
ClaudioMeasure For Measure
ElbowMeasure For Measure
EscalusMeasure For Measure
FrancescaMeasure For Measure
FrothMeasure For Measure
IsabellaMeasure For Measure
JulietMeasure For Measure
LucioMeasure For Measure
MarianaMeasure For Measure
Mistress OverdoneMeasure For Measure
Friar PeterMeasure For Measure
Friar ThomasMeasure for Measure
VarriusMeasure For Measure
Duke VincentioMeasure For Measure
AntonioMuch Ado About Nothing
BalthasarMuch Ado About Nothing
BeatriceMuch Ado About Nothing
BenedickMuch Ado About Nothing
BorachioMuch Ado About Nothing
ClaudioMuch Ado About Nothing
ConradeMuch Ado About Nothing
DogberryMuch Ado About Nothing
Friar FrancisMuch Ado About Nothing
HeroMuch Ado About Nothing
Don JohnMuch Ado About Nothing
LeonatoMuch Ado About Nothing
MargaretMuch Ado About Nothing
Don PedroMuch Ado About Nothing
UrsulaMuch Ado About Nothing
VergesMuch Ado About Nothing
Michael CassioOthello
BagotRichard II
Lord BerkeleyRichard II
BushyRichard II(Bussy)
Sir Piers ExtonRichard II
Lord Walter FitzwalterRichard II
GreenRichard II
Henry BolingbrokeRichard II
John of GauntRichard II
Thomas MowbrayRichard II
Henry "Hotspur" PercyRichard II
Henry Percy, Earl of NorthumberlandRichard II
Richard IIRichard II
Lord RossRichard II(Ros)
Sir Stephen ScropeRichard II
Lord William WilloughbyRichard II
Sir James BlountRichard III(Blunt)
Sir Robert BrakenburyRichard III
Sir William BrandonRichard III
Sir William CatesbyRichard III
Edward IVRichard III
Prince EdwardRichard III
Edward of WestminsterRichard III
Queen ElizabethRichard III(Grey, Woodville)
Sir Richard GreyRichard III
Thomas Grey, Marquis of DorsetRichard III
Lord HastingsRichard III
Henry, Earl of RichmondRichard III
Henry VIRichard III
Sir Walter HerbertRichard III
Queen MargaretRichard III
John MortonRichard III
Lady Anne NevilleRichard III
George Plantagenet, Duke of ClarenceRichard III(Clarence)
Sir Richard RatcliffRichard III(Ratcliffe)
Richard, Duke of YorkRichard III
Richard IIIRichard III(Plantagenet)
Lord StanleyRichard III
Sir James TyrrelRichard III
Sir Christopher UrswickRichard III
Sir Thomas VaughanRichard III
Anthony Woodville, Lord RiversRichard III
AbramRomeo and Juliet
BalthasarRomeo and Juliet
BenvolioRomeo and Juliet
CapuletRomeo and Juliet
Lady CapuletRomeo and Juliet
Prince EscalusRomeo and Juliet
GregoryRomeo and Juliet
Friar JohnRomeo and Juliet
JulietRomeo and Juliet(Capulet)
Friar LaurenceRomeo and Juliet
MercutioRomeo and Juliet
MontagueRomeo and Juliet
Lady MontagueRomeo and Juliet
Count ParisRomeo and Juliet
PeterRomeo and Juliet
PetruchioRomeo and Juliet
RomeoRomeo and Juliet(Montague)
RosalineRomeo and Juliet
SampsonRomeo and Juliet
TybaltRomeo and Juliet
BartholomewTaming of the Shrew
BiondelloTaming of the Shrew
CambioTaming of the Shrew
CurtisTaming of the Shrew
GremioTaming of the Shrew
GrumioTaming of the Shrew
HortensioTaming of the Shrew
JosephTaming of the Shrew
LicioTaming of the Shrew
LucentioTaming of the Shrew
Baptista MinolaTaming of the Shrew
Bianca MinolaTaming of the Shrew
Katherina MinolaTaming of the Shrew
NathanielTaming of the Shrew
NicholasTaming of the Shrew
PeterTaming of the Shrew
PetruchioTaming of the Shrew
PhilipTaming of the Shrew
Christopher SlyTaming of the Shrew
TranioTaming of the Shrew
VincentioTaming of the Shrew
AdrianaThe Comedy of Errors
AngeloThe Comedy of Errors
Antipholus of EphesusThe Comedy of Errors
Antipholus of SyracuseThe Comedy of Errors
BalthasarThe Comedy of Errors
Dromio of EphesusThe Comedy of Errors
Dromio of SyracuseThe Comedy of Errors
EgeonThe Comedy of Errors
EmiliaThe Comedy of Errors
LucianaThe Comedy of Errors
NellThe Comedy of Errors
Doctor PinchThe Comedy of Errors
SolinusThe Comedy of Errors
AntonioThe Merchant of Venice
BalthasarThe Merchant of Venice
BassanioThe Merchant of Venice
GobboThe Merchant of Venice
GratianoThe Merchant of Venice
JessicaThe Merchant of Venice
LauncelotThe Merchant of Venice
LeonardoThe Merchant of Venice
LorenzoThe Merchant of Venice
NerissaThe Merchant of Venice
PortiaThe Merchant of Venice
SalarinoThe Merchant of Venice
ShylockThe Merchant of Venice
SolanioThe Merchant of Venice
StephanoThe Merchant of Venice
TubalThe Merchant of Venice
BardolphThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Doctor CaiusThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Sir Hugh EvansThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Sir John FalstaffThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Master FentonThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Mistress Alice FordThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Master Frank FordThe Merry Wives of Windsor
NymThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Anne PageThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Master George PageThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Mistress Margaret PageThe Merry Wives of Windsor
William PageThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Ancient PistolThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Mistress QuicklyThe Merry Wives of Windsor
RobinThe Merry Wives of Windsor
John RugbyThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Robert ShallowThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Peter SimpleThe Merry Wives of Windsor
Master Abraham SlenderThe Merry Wives of Windsor
AdrianThe Tempest
King AlonsoThe Tempest
AntonioThe Tempest
ArielThe Tempest
CalibanThe Tempest
CeresThe Tempest
FerdinandThe Tempest
FranciscoThe Tempest
GonzaloThe Tempest
IrisThe Tempest
JunoThe Tempest
MirandaThe Tempest
ProsperoThe Tempest
SebastianThe Tempest
StephanoThe Tempest
SycoraxThe Tempest
TrinculoThe Tempest
AntonioThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
EglamourThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
JuliaThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
LaunceThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
LucettaThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
PanthinoThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
ProteusThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
SilviaThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
SpeedThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
ThurioThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
ValentineThe Two Gentlemen of Verona
AntigonusThe Winter's Tale
ArchidamusThe Winter's Tale
AutolycusThe Winter's Tale
CamilloThe Winter's Tale
CleomenesThe Winter's Tale
DionThe Winter's Tale
DorcasThe Winter's Tale
EmiliaThe Winter's Tale
FlorizelThe Winter's Tale
HermioneThe Winter's Tale
King LeontesThe Winter's Tale
MamilliusThe Winter's Tale
MopsaThe Winter's Tale
PaulinaThe Winter's Tale
PerditaThe Winter's Tale
King PolixenesThe Winter's Tale
TimeThe Winter's Tale
AlcibiadesTimon of Athens
ApemantusTimon of Athens
CaphisTimon of Athens
CupidTimon of Athens
FlaminiusTimon of Athens
FlaviusTimon of Athens
HortensiusTimon of Athens
HostiliusTimon of Athens
IsidoreTimon of Athens
LuciliusTimon of Athens
LuciusTimon of Athens
LucullusTimon of Athens
PhilotusTimon of Athens
PhryniaTimon of Athens
SemproniusTimon of Athens
ServiliusTimon of Athens
TimandraTimon of Athens
TimonTimon of Athens
TitusTimon of Athens
VarroTimon of Athens
VentidiusTimon of Athens
AaronTitus Andronicus
AemiliusTitus Andronicus
AlarbusTitus Andronicus
BassianusTitus Andronicus
CaiusTitus Andronicus
ChironTitus Andronicus
DemetriusTitus Andronicus
LaviniaTitus Andronicus
LuciusTitus Andronicus
Young LuciusTitus Andronicus
Marcus AndronicusTitus Andronicus
MartiusTitus Andronicus
MutiusTitus Andronicus
PubliusTitus Andronicus
QuintusTitus Andronicus
SaturninusTitus Andronicus
SemproniusTitus Andronicus
TamoraTitus Andronicus
Titus AndronicusTitus Andronicus
ValentineTitus Andronicus
AchillesTroilus and Cressida
AeneasTroilus and Cressida
AgamemnonTroilus and Cressida
AjaxTroilus and Cressida
AlexanderTroilus and Cressida
AndromacheTroilus and Cressida
AntenorTroilus and Cressida
CalchasTroilus and Cressida
CassandraTroilus and Cressida
CressidaTroilus and Cressida
DeiphobusTroilus and Cressida
DiomedesTroilus and Cressida
HectorTroilus and Cressida
Helen of TroyTroilus and Cressida
HelenusTroilus and Cressida
MargarelonTroilus and Cressida
MenelausTroilus and Cressida
NestorTroilus and Cressida
PandarusTroilus and Cressida
ParisTroilus and Cressida
PatroclusTroilus and Cressida
PriamTroilus and Cressida
ThersitesTroilus and Cressida
TroilusTroilus and Cressida
UlyssesTroilus and Cressida
Sir Andrew AguecheekTwelfth Night
AntonioTwelfth Night
Sir Toby BelchTwelfth Night
CesarioTwelfth Night
CurioTwelfth Night
FabianTwelfth Night
FesteTwelfth Night
MalvolioTwelfth Night
MariaTwelfth Night
OliviaTwelfth Night
Duke OrsinoTwelfth Night
SebastianTwelfth Night
ValentineTwelfth Night
ViolaTwelfth Night