Name | Gender | Categories | |
Avitus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Epher | m | Biblical Characters | |
Epher | m | Biblical Characters | |
Epher | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ephrem the Syrian | m | Saints | |
Ephysius | m | Saints | |
Epictetus | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Epicurus | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Epiphanius of Salamis | m | Saints | |
Epiphanius of Pavia | m | Saints | |
Epipodius | m | Saints | |
Er | m | Biblical Characters | |
Er | m | Biblical Characters | |
Er | m | Biblical Characters | |
Desiderius Erasmus | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Erastus of Paneas | m | Biblical Characters, Saints | |
Eratosthenes of Cyrene | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan | m | Turkish Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Paul Ereng | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ludwig Erhard | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Oris Erhuero | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Erik IX the Holy | m | Saints, Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik the Victorious | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik VII | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik VIII the Pagan | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik X | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik XI | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik XII | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik XIV | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik I Evergood | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik II the Memorable | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik III the Lamb | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik IV Ploughpenny | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik V Klipping | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik VI Menved | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Erik VII of Pomerania | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens, Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Erik the Red | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Jens Eriksen | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Erik Erikson | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Leif Erikson | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Henry Eriksson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Nihat Erim | m | Turkish Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Altan Erkekli | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Joseph Erlanger | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Eysteinn Erlendsson | m | Saints | |
Ermengol | m | Saints | |
R. Lee Ermey | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Erminold | m | Saints | |
Ernest | m | Saints | |
Ernie | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Max Ernst | m | Notable Artists | |
Richard R. Ernst | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Derviş Eroğlu | m | Other Leaders | |
Gaetano Errico | m | Saints | |
Gerhard Ertl | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Anthony Ervin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Julius Erving | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Reona Esaki | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Nicușor Eșanu | m | Olympic Medalists | |
M. C. Escher | m | Notable Artists | |
Andrés Escobar | m | Notable Athletes | |
Pablo Escobar | m | Notable Evildoers | |
Josemaría Escrivá | m | Saints | |
Levi Eshkol | m | Israeli Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Jalmari Eskola | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Robert Esmie | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Franck Esposito | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Phil Esposito | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Tony Esposito | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Manuel Estiarte | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Paul-Henri-Benjamin d'Estournelles de Constant | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Ethan | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ethan | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ethan | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ethan | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ethriel | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Rudolf Christoph Eucken | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Euclid | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Jean Eudes | m | Saints | |
Eudoxius of Sebaste | m | Saints | |
Eugendus | m | Saints | |
Eugene I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Eugene II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Eugene III | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Eugene IV | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Eugène of Mazenod | m | Saints | |
Jeffrey Eugenides | m | Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners | |
Eugenius of Carthage | m | Saints | |
Eulalius | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Leonhard Euler | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Eulogius of Alexandria | m | Saints | |
Eulogius of Cordova | m | Saints | |
Eunoicus | m | Saints | |
Euphrasius of Illiturgis | m | Saints | |
Euplius of Catania | m | Saints | |
Euripides | m | Notable Writers | |
Eusébio | m | Notable Athletes | |
Eusebius | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Eusebius of Samosata | m | Saints | |
Eusignius | m | Saints | |
Eustace | m | Saints | |
Eustathius of Antioch | m | Saints | |
Eustorgius I | m | Saints | |
Eustorgius II | m | Saints | |
Euthymius the Great | m | Saints | |
Eutropius of Orange | m | Saints | |
Eutychian | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Giovanni Evangelisti | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Corry Evans | m | Notable Athletes | |
David "The Edge" Evans | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Dwayne Evans | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fred Evans | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Joey Evans | m | Fictional Characters from Movies, Fictional Characters from Plays and Musicals | |
Jonny Evans | m | Notable Athletes | |
Lee Evans | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Luke Evans | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Martin Evans | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Max Evans | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Philip Evans | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Evaristus | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
André Even | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tom Evenson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Adam Everett | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Don Everly | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Johnny Evers | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Evil-Merodach | m | Biblical Characters | |
Affonso Évora | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Nelson Évora | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ewald the Fair | m | Saints | |
Weeb Ewbank | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Buck Ewing | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Patrick Ewing | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Ray Ewry | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
William Exmew | m | Saints | |
Pierre-Julien Eymard | m | Saints | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezer | m | Biblical Characters | |
Davidson Ezinwa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Osmond Ezinwa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ezra | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezra | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ezra | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ali Ezzine | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Francesco Faà di Bruno | m | Saints | |
Peter Faber | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Urban Clarence "Red" Faber | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fabian | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Giacinto Facchetti | m | Notable Athletes | |
Luigi Facelli | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fachtna Fáthach | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Nicolás Factor | m | Saints | |
Arthur Fadden | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Aigars Fadejevs | m | Olympic Medalists | |
August Fager | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Otto Fahr | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Thomas Fahrner | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Faildergdóid | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Pierre Failliot | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gavin Fairfax | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Simon Fairweather | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ted Fairwell | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Ismo Falck | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Robert Falconbridge | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Alessio Falconieri | m | Saints | |
Waldo Geraldo Faldo | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Peter Falk | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Armand Fallières | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Nick Fallon | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Eugene Fama | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Michael Faraday | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Tamás Faragó | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Dennis Farina | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Giovanni Antonio Farina | m | Saints | |
Pete Farndon | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Arthur Farrell | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
J. G. Farrell | m | Notable Writers | |
Perry Farrell | m | Notable Musicians | |
Timothy Farthing | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Francesco Antonio Fasani | m | Saints | |
Ekkehard Fasser | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Hans Fassnacht | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ernst Fast | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Olusoji Fasuba | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Marshall Faulk | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Ben Faulkner | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
William Faulkner | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners | |
Sebastian Faulks | m | Notable Writers | |
Félix Faure | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Faustus of Milan | m | Saints | |
Faustus of Riez | m | Saints | |
Pascal Fauvel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Pierre Favre | m | Saints | |
Brandon Fayette | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Fazzio | m | Saints | |
Tom Fears | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Miguel Febres Cordero | m | Saints | |
Roger Federer | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Bernie Federko | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
George Feeny | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Constantin Fehrenbach | m | German Chancellors and Presidents | |
Ben Feldman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Marty Feldman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Craig Feldspar | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Felipe I the Handsome | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Felipe II the Prudent | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens, Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Felipe III the Pious | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens, Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Felipe IV | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens, Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Felipe V of Anjou | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Felix of Nola | m | Saints | |
Felix I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Felix II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Felix of Como | m | Saints | |
Felix III | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Felix IV | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Felix of Bourges | m | Saints | |
Felix of Rhuys | m | Saints | |
Felix of Valois | m | Saints | |
Felix | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Felix of Denmark | m | Other Royalty | |
László Felkai | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bob Feller | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
John Felton | m | Saints | |
James Fenn | m | Saints | |
John Fenn | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Wallace Fennel | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gérard Fenouil | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Csaba Fenyvesi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Feodor I | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars | |
Feodor II | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars | |
Feodor III | m | Russian Grand Dukes and Tsars | |
Leonid Feodorov | m | Saints | |
Ferchar Fota | m | Scottish Kings and Queens | |
Mem Ferda | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Ferdinand I | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Ferdinand II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Ferdinand III | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Ferdinand I | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Ferdinand | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Franz Joseph I | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Fergus Mor | m | Scottish Kings and Queens | |
Alex Ferguson | m | Notable Athletes | |
Shane Ferguson | m | Notable Athletes | |
Enrico Fermi | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Fernandel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gélson Fernandes | m | Notable Athletes | |
Junior Fernándes | m | Notable Athletes | |
Francisco Fernández de Capillas | m | Saints | |
Raimundo Fernández Villaverde | m | Spanish Prime Ministers | |
Fernando III the Saint | m | Saints, Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando I the Handsome | m | Portuguese Kings and Queens | |
Fernando I the Great | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando II | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando IV the Summoned | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando I | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando II the Catholic | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando VI | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando VII | m | Spanish Kings and Queens | |
Fernando | m | Notable Athletes | |
Lyndon Ferns | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Pedro Ferrándiz | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Andrea Carlo Ferrari | m | Saints | |
Edward Ferrars | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Robert Ferrars | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Francisco Joaquim Ferreira do Amaral | m | Portuguese Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Yannick Ferreira Carrasco | m | Notable Athletes | |
Rick Ferrell | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
José Ferrer | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Vincent Ferrer | m | Saints | |
Massimiliano Ferretti | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Contardo Ferrini | m | Saints | |
John Ferris | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bryan Ferry | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Albert Fert | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gaston Féry | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Sergei Fesenko | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Richard Fetherston | m | Saints | |
Viacheslav Fetisov | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Fernand Feyaerts | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Richard Feynman | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Nick Ffrost | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Johannes Fibiger | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Fibonacci | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Johann Gottlieb Fichte | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Fidelis of Como | m | Saints | |
Fidelis of Sigmaringen | m | Saints | |
Hero Fiennes Tiffin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Joseph Fiennes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Ralph Fiennes | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gary Figueroa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Roger Filcock | m | Saints | |
Filip | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Filipe Luís | m | Notable Athletes | |
Millard Fillmore | m | American Presidents | |
Ubaldo Fillol | m | Notable Athletes | |
Douglas Filmore | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Filoumenos of Jacob's Well | m | Saints | |
Atticus Finch | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Movies | |
Dennis Finch | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Harold Finch | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Jem Finch | m | Fictional Characters from Books | |
Peter Finch | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
David Fincher | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Rollie Fingers | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Gavin Fingleson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
John Fingley | m | Saints | |
Finian Lobhar | m | Saints | |
Larry Finkelstein | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Jim Finks | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Don Finlay | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Charles Finn | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Mickey Finn | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Finnat Már | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Finnian of Clonard | m | Saints | |
Finnian of Moville | m | Saints | |
Filopimin Finos | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Niels Ryberg Finsen | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Fintan of Clonenagh | m | Saints | |
Domenico Fioravanti | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Mario Fiorillo | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Andrew Fire | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
William Firmatus | m | Saints | |
Colin Firth | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Edmond H. Fischer | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Emil Fischer | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Ernst Otto Fischer | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Hans Fischer | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Erik Fish | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Richard Fish | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Laurence Fishburne | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Andrew Fisher | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Colin Fisher | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
John Fisher | m | Saints | |
Leo Fisher | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Nate Fisher | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Nathaniel Fisher | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Chuck Fishman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Carlton Fisk | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Émile Fisseux | m | Olympic Medalists | |
George Fissler | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Horatio Fitch | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Val Logsdon Fitch | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
F. Scott Fitzgerald | m | Notable Writers | |
Martin Fitzgerald | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Augustus FitzRoy | m | British Prime Ministers | |
Lord Walter Fitzwalter | m | Shakespearian Characters | |
Edwin Flack | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ray Flaherty | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fernie Flaman | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Firmin Flamand | m | Olympic Medalists | |
John Flanagan | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Matthew Flathers | m | Saints | |
Gustave Flaubert | m | Notable Writers | |
Flavian of Constantinople | m | Saints | |
Martin Flavin | m | Pulitzer Award Winners | |
Flavitus | m | Saints | |
Flavius Clemens | m | Saints | |
Flavius Latinus of Brescia | m | Saints | |
Severus II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Constantine II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Constantius II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Constans | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Julian the Apostate | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Jovian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Valentinian I | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Valens | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Gratian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Valentinian II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Honorius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Constantius III | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Valentinian III | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Petronius Maximus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Libius Severus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Arcadius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Theodosius II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Leo I | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Leo II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Zeno | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Basiliscus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Anastasius I | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Justin I | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Justin II | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Tiberius II Constantine | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Maurice | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Phocas | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Heraclius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Mick Fleetwood | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Alexander Fleming | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Colin Fleming | m | Notable Athletes | |
Ian Fleming | m | Notable Writers | |
Todd Fleming | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Victor Fleming | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Thomas Flemming | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Toby Flenderson | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Alan Fletcher | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Andy Fletcher | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Georges Fleurix | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Elmer Flick | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Otto Flick | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Matthew Flinders | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Hartmut Flöckner | m | Olympic Medalists | |
David Florence | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Esquiva Florentino | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Florentius of Carracedo | m | Saints | |
Gerardo Flores | m | Notable Athletes | |
Howard Florey | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Florian | m | Saints | |
Peter Florrick | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Zach Florrick | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Paul John Flory | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Richard Flower | m | Saints | |
Sébastien Flute | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Andy Flynn | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Larry Flynt | m | Notable Businesspeople | |
Dario Fo | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
James Foad | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bror Fock | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Robert Fogel | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
John Fogerty | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Christopher Fogt | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Laurent Foirest | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ödön Földessy | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Justin Foley | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Owain Fôn Williams | m | Notable Athletes | |
Henry Fonda | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Peter Fonda | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Just Fontaine | m | Notable Athletes | |
Joe Fontana | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Forannan | m | Saints | |
B. C. Forbes | m | Notable Businesspeople | |
George Forbes | m | New Zealand Prime Ministers | |
George Ford | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gerald Ford | m | American Presidents | |
Gilbert Ford | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Harrison Ford | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
John Ford | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Len Ford | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Richard Ford | m | Notable Writers, Pulitzer Award Winners | |
Ross Ford | m | Notable Athletes | |
Thomas Ford | m | Saints | |
Whitey Ford | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Frank Forde | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Eric Foreman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
John Forest | m | Saints | |
Dean Forester | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Dallán Forgaill | m | Saints | |
Eric Forman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Miloš Forman | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Red Forman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Formosus | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Werner Forssmann | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
E. M. Forster | m | Notable Writers | |
Fraser Forster | m | Notable Athletes | |
Robert Forster | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Bruce Forsyth | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Charles Forsyth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
William Forsythe | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Hoyt Fortenberry | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Adrian Fortescue | m | Saints | |
Dan Fortmann | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Fortunatus the Apostle | m | Biblical Characters, Saints | |
Bob Fosse | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Ben Foster | m | Notable Athletes | |
Bill Foster | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Brendan Foster | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Cade Foster | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Clem Foster | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Harold "Bud" Foster | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Mark Foster | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Rube Foster | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
William Foster | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Michel Foucault | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Emmanuel Foulon | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Joseph Fourier | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Pierre Fourier | m | Saints | |
Dan Fouts | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Calvin Fowler | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Logan Fowler | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
William Alfred Fowler | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Bernard Fox | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Laurence Fox | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Michael J. Fox | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Nellie Fox | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Jamie Foxx | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Jimmie Foxx | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Glenn Foy | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Frank Foyston | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Anatole France | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Francesco di Paola | m | Saints | |
Francis of Assisi | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Saints | |
Francis | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Charlie Francis | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Clive Francis | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Henry Francis | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Ron Francis | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Tomas Francis | m | Notable Athletes | |
James Franck | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
François de Sales | m | Saints | |
François I | m | Frankish and French Kings | |
François II | m | Frankish and French Kings | |
Tomislav Franjković | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ilya Frank | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Viktor Frankl | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Franklin | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Benjamin "C-Note" Franklin | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
John Franklin | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Ryan Franklin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Sam Franklin | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Valner Franković | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Franz II | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, Bohemian Kings, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors, Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Franz I | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Bob Fraser | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Malcolm Fraser | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Pier Giorgio Frassati | m | Saints | |
Herm Frazier | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Walt Frazier | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Stephen Frears | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Fred | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Frederick of Liege | m | Saints | |
Frederik I | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VII | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VIII | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik IX | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Frank Fredrickson | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Fredrik I | m | Swedish Kings and Queens | |
Frederik II | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik III | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik IV | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik V | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Frederik VI | m | Danish Kings and Queens, Norwegian Kings and Queens | |
Morgan Freeman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Noel Freeman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
William Freeman | m | Saints | |
Gottlob Frege | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Stephan Freigang | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Jörg Freimuth | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Joseph Freinademetz | m | Saints | |
Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski | m | Saints | |
Peter Frenkel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Walthère Frère-Orban | m | Belgian Prime Ministers | |
Lucian Freud | m | Notable Artists | |
Sigmund Freud | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Roland Freund | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Julius Frey | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Oszkár Frey | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alexander Frick | m | Other Leaders | |
Fridianus | m | Saints | |
Fridrich V | m | Bohemian Kings | |
Alfred Hermann Fried | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Peter Friedhofen | m | Saints | |
William Friedkin | m | Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Gerry "DJ Ötzi" Friedle | m | Notable Musicians | |
Benny Friedman | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Jerome Isaac Friedman | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Marty Friedman | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Milton Friedman | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Friedrich I Barbarossa | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich II | m | German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich III | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors, German Kings and Holy Roman Emperors | |
Friedrich I the Catholic | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich II the Quarrelsome | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Friedrich I the Fair | m | Austrian Dukes and Emperors | |
Caspar David Friedrich | m | Notable Artists | |
Ugo Frigerio | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frankie Frisch | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Ragnar Frisch | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Jan Frodeno | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Vladislav Frolov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Erich Fromm | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Jack Frost | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Robert Frost | m | Notable Writers | |
Fructuosus of Tarragona | m | Saints | |
Fructuosus of Braga | m | Saints | |
Fructus | m | Saints | |
Ryan Fry | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Nils Frykberg | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Cornelius Fudge | m | Harry Potter Characters | |
Rodolfo Fuentes | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Grant Fuhr | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Atsushi Fujimoto | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tatsuo Fujimoto | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Kosuke Fukudome | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Kenichi Fukui | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Makoto Fukui | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Fulbert of Chartres | m | Saints | |
Fulgentius of Ruspe | m | Saints | |
Joe Fulks | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Brian Fuller | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Fulrad | m | Saints | |
Thomas Fulthrop | m | Saints | |
Robert Fulton | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Jorge Fumero | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Lorenz Funk | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tobias Fünke | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Ivan Fuqua | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Robert F. Furchgott | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Bruce Furniss | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Masaru Furukawa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Lionel Fusco | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Heinz Fütterer | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Elyes Gabel | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Jean Gabin | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Dennis Gabor | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gabriel the Archangel | m | Biblical Characters, Saints | |
Gabriel of Belgium | m | Other Royalty | |
Gabriel VII | m | Coptic Popes and Patriarchs of Alexandria | |
Gabriel of Sweden | m | Other Royalty | |
Peter Gabriel | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
John Wayne Gacy | m | Notable Evildoers | |
Tallo Gadji | m | Notable Athletes | |
Thierry Gadou | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bill Gadsby | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Fidelis Gadzama | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Yuriy Gagarin | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Dave Gahan | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Francis Gailey | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Jean-Marc Gaillard | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Étienne Gailly | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Paul Gailly | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Neil Gaiman | m | Notable Writers | |
Bob Gainey | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Serge Gainsbourg | m | Notable Musicians | |
Gaius of Ephesus | m | Biblical Characters, Saints | |
Gaius | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gaius | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gaius | m | Biblical Characters | |
Maximinus Thrax | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Decius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Hostilian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Trebonianus Gallus | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Diocletian | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Galerius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Maximinus II Daia | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Daniel Carleton Gajdusek | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Giacomo Galanda | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ippolito Galantini | m | Saints | |
Latino Galasso | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Galation | m | Saints | |
Jean François de Galaup | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Galdinus della Sala | m | Saints | |
Lauren "Laddie" Gale | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Galen | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Jean Galfione | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Galileo Galilei | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Michael Galitzen | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Liam Gallagher | m | Notable Musicians | |
Noel Gallagher | m | Notable Musicians | |
Michael Gallant | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Harry Gallatin | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Jack Gallo | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Valentino Gallo | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Simon Gallup | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Évariste Galois | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
John Galsworthy | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Rubén Galván | m | Notable Athletes | |
Luigi Galvani | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Antonio Galvão | m | Saints | |
Jim "Pud" Galvin | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gamaliel | m | Biblical Characters | |
Sandro Gamba | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Raffaello Gambino | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Michael Gambon | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Ferdinando Gandolfi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
James Gandolfini | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Mark Gangloff | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gangulphus | m | Saints | |
Dimitrius Gans | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Bruno Ganz | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gao Xingjian | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Jakob Gapp | m | Saints | |
Jorge Garbajosa | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Matthew Garber | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Sergei Garbuzov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alfonso García Robles | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Dámaso García | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gabriel García Márquez | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Gonsalo Garcia | m | Saints | |
Héctor García Otero | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Iván García | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Javier García | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Jerry Garcia | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Juan Carlos García | m | Notable Athletes | |
Manuel García Prieto | m | Spanish Prime Ministers | |
Yoel García Luis | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Jason Gardener | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Anders Gärderud | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Charlie Gardiner | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Herb Gardiner | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Louis Gardino | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Jimmy Gardner | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
James A. Garfield | m | American Presidents | |
Michel Garicoïts | m | Saints | |
Nicholas Garlick | m | Saints | |
James Garner | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Thomas Garnet | m | Saints | |
Kevin Garnett | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Charles Garnier | m | Saints | |
John Garrels | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Robert Garrett | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ted Garrett | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Luca Garri | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Garrincha | m | Notable Athletes | |
Clarke Garrison | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Clarke "C. J." Garrison Jr. | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Roland Garros | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Mike Gartner | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Bamber Gascoigne | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil | m | British Prime Ministers | |
Gaspare del Bufalo | m | Saints | |
Herbert Spencer Gasser | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Aaron Gate | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bill Gates | m | Notable Businesspeople | |
William "Pop" Gates | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
James Gathers | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Gatski | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gaucherius | m | Saints | |
Gaudentius of Brescia | m | Saints | |
Hartwig Gauder | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Antoni Gaudí | m | Notable Artists | |
Paul Gauguin | m | Notable Artists | |
Carl Friedrich Gauss | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gautama Buddha | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
John Gavan | m | Saints | |
Dave Gavitt | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Gavril Radomir | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Valentin Gavrilov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Khetag Gazyumov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Sylvain Gbohouo | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gebhard of Constance | m | Saints | |
Haile Gebrselassie | m | Notable Athletes, Olympic Medalists | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gedaliah | m | Biblical Characters | |
Géde Ollgothach | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
Hans Geering | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Yehonatan Geffen | m | Notable Writers | |
Gegeen Khan | m | Chinese Emperors, Other Royalty | |
Lou Gehrig | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Charlie Gehringer | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Andre Geim | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Ed Gein | m | Notable Evildoers | |
Theodor Geisel "Dr. Seuss" | m | Notable Writers | |
Hans Geister | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gelasius I | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes, Saints | |
Gelasius II | m | Bishops of Rome and the Popes | |
Murray Gell-Mann | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Jack Geller | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Gemellus of Ancyra | m | Saints | |
Archie Gemmill | m | Notable Athletes | |
Tristan Gemmill | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Genesius of Arles | m | Saints | |
Paul Genevay | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Genghis Khan | m | Notable Military Figures, Other Royalty | |
Edmund Gennings | m | Saints | |
Giuseppe Gentile | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Geoffrey of Monmouth | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers, Notable Writers | |
Bernie "Boom Boom" Geoffrion | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Georg of Liechtenstein | m | Other Royalty | |
George | m | Saints | |
George I | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George II | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George III | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George IV | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George V | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
George VI | m | English and British Kings and Queens | |
Boy George | m | Notable Musicians | |
Bill George | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Jamie George | m | Notable Athletes | |
Nick George | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Georgi Terter I | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Georgi Terter II | m | Bulgarian Kings and Tsars | |
Blagoja Georgievski | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alexis Georgoulis | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gera | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gera | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gera | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gera | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gera | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gerald of Aurillac | m | Saints | |
Gerald of Sauve-Majeure | m | Saints | |
Gérard of Brogne | m | Saints | |
Gerard of Toul | m | Saints | |
Gerard of Villamagna | m | Saints | |
Eddie Gerard | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Joseph Gérard | m | Saints | |
Michel Gerard | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Miles Gerard | m | Saints | |
Gerasimus of the Jordan | m | Saints | |
Gerbold | m | Saints | |
Richard Gere | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Gerebald | m | Saints | |
István Gergely | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Théodore Géricault | m | Notable Artists | |
Marco Gerini | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerlac | m | Saints | |
Gerland of Agrigento | m | Saints | |
Germanicus of Smyrna | m | Saints | |
Germanus of Auxerre | m | Saints | |
Germanus of Granfel | m | Saints | |
Germanus of Constantinople | m | Saints | |
Manfred Germar | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gerold of Cologne | m | Saints | |
Steven Gerrard | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gershom | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gershom | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gershom | m | Biblical Characters | |
Ricky Gervais | m | Emmy Award Winners, Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
George Gervase | m | Saints | |
George Gervin | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Marcel Gery | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Getulius | m | Saints | |
Géza I | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Géza II | m | Hungarian Kings and Queens | |
Jaouad Gharib | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alberto Ghibellini | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alessandro Ghibellini | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Aldo Ghira | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Domenico Ghirlandaio | m | Notable Artists | |
Riccardo Giacconi | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Eddie Giacomin | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Ivar Giaever | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Gíallchad | m | Characters in Celtic Mythology, Irish Kings | |
William Giauque | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Barry Gibb | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Robin Gibb | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Joe Gibbs | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Giuseppe Gibilisco | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Bob Gibson | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players, Notable Athletes | |
Eddie Gibson | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Josh Gibson | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Mel Gibson | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Notable Filmmakers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Orenthal "Gibby" Gibson | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Anthony Giddens | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
André Gide | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
John Gielgud | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners, Tony Award Winners | |
Merritt Giffin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank Gifford | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Enrico Gilardi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gilbert of Sempringham | m | Saints | |
Glenroy Gilbert | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Lewis Gilbert | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Rod Gilbert | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Walter Gilbert | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Grant Gilchrist | m | Notable Athletes | |
Gildas the Wise | m | Saints | |
Gilead | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gilead | m | Biblical Characters | |
Gilead | m | Biblical Characters | |
Giles of Assisi | m | Saints | |
Cyril Gill | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Pat Gillick | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Clark Gillies | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Nick Gillingham | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Duncan Gillis | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Sid Gillman | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Erwin Gillmeister | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Alfred G. Gilman | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Gilmar | m | Notable Athletes | |
Artis Gilmore | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Richard Gilmore | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Billy Gilmour | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
David Gilmour | m | Notable Musicians, Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Doug Gilmour | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Ceferino Giménez Malla | m | Saints | |
José Giménez | m | Notable Athletes | |
Newton Gimmick | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Allen Ginsberg | m | Notable Writers | |
Michael Ginsberg | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Vitaly Ginzburg | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Salvatore Gionta | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Mikhail Giorgadze | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giorgione | m | Notable Artists | |
Giotto di Bondone | m | Notable Artists | |
Giovanni da Pian del Carpine | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Graham Gipson | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Maurice Girardot | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Giric | m | Scottish Kings and Queens | |
Girolamo de Angelis | m | Saints | |
Carlos Girón | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing | m | French Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Lorenzo Giustiniani | m | Saints | |
Luca Giustolisi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Karl Adolph Gjellerup | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Writers | |
Joey Gladstone | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
William Ewart Gladstone | m | British Prime Ministers | |
Harvey Glance | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Donald A. Glaser | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Sheldon Lee Glashow | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Arlo Glass | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Roy J. Glauber | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Troy Glaus | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Kirk Gleason | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Iain Glen | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
John Glenn | m | Notable Explorers and Adventurers | |
Nebojša Glogovac | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Donald Glover | m | Emmy Award Winners, Grammy Award Winners, Notable Musicians | |
Ernest Glover | m | Olympic Medalists | |
John Glover | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Roger Glover | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Stanley B. Glover | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Will Gluck | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Glycerius of Nicomedia | m | Saints | |
Glycerius of Milan | m | Saints | |
Glycerius | m | Roman and Byzantine Emperors | |
Charles Gmelin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Goar of Aquitaine | m | Saints | |
Charles Albert Gobat | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Gobrain | m | Saints | |
Igor Gočanin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Trevor Goddard | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
James Godday | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gaston Godel | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Kurt Gödel | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Godfrey of Amiens | m | Saints | |
John Godina | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Godric of Finchale | m | Saints | |
Godwin of Stavelot | m | Saints | |
Joseph Goebbels | m | German Chancellors and Presidents, Notable Evildoers | |
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe | m | Notable Writers | |
Hugo Goetz | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Goeznoveus | m | Saints | |
Leri Gogoladze | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Matthew Gohdes | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Frank "Moose" Goheen | m | Hall-of-Famers, Olympic Medalists | |
Pavel Peter Gojdič | m | Saints | |
Vladimir Gojković | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tom Gola | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Eli Gold | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Scott Goldblatt | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Harry Goldenblatt | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Myron Goldman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Oscar Goldman | m | Fictional Characters from Books, Fictional Characters from Television | |
Béla Goldoványi | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Oliver Goldsmith | m | Notable Writers | |
Joseph L. Goldstein | m | Nobel Prize Winners | |
Dimitrios Golemis | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Camillo Golgi | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Vernon "Lefty" Gomez | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Yasser Gómez | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tom Gompf | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Ruslan Goncharov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Árpád Göncz | m | Hungarian Presidents and Prime Ministers | |
Lajos Gönczy | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Tullio Gonnelli | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Aloysius Gonzaga | m | Saints | |
Álvaro Rafael González | m | Notable Athletes | |
Asley González | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Norberto González | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Paul Gonzalez | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Roque González de Santa Cruz | m | Saints | |
Gonzo | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Alex Goode | m | Notable Athletes | |
Andy Goode | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Ebbie Goodfellow | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Michael Goodfellow | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Cuba Gooding, Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Daniel Goodman | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
John Goodman | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Scott Goodman | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gail Goodrich | m | Hall-of-Famers, Notable Athletes | |
Gordon Goodwin | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Charles Goodyear | m | Notable Scientists and Inventors | |
Mikhail Gorbachev | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Other Leaders | |
Gordian | m | Saints | |
Fortune Gordien | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gordon | m | Hurricanes and Tropical Storms | |
Claude Gordon | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Dan Gordon | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
David "Gordo" Gordon | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Joe Gordon | m | Hall-of-Famers, Most Valuable Players | |
Lalonde Gordon | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Al Gore | m | Nobel Prize Winners, Notable Politicians and Statespeople | |
Martin Gore | m | Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers | |
Şerif Gören | m | Notable Filmmakers | |
Gorgias | m | Notable Philosophers and Thinkers | |
Maxim Gorky | m | Notable Writers | |
Gorm the Old | m | Danish Kings and Queens | |
Reinaldo Gorno | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Sam Gorpley | m | Fictional Characters from Television | |
Dmitry Gorshkov | m | Olympic Medalists | |
John Gorton | m | Australian Prime Ministers | |
Vladimir Goryaev | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Leon "Goose" Goslin | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Ryan Gosling | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers | |
Richard "Goose" Gossage | m | Hall-of-Famers | |
Louis Gossett, Jr. | m | Notable Actors and Entertainers, Oscar Award Winners | |
Goswin | m | Saints | |
Gotarzes II | m | Persian and Iranian Kings and Queens | |
Toru Goto | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Gotthard of Hildesheim | m | Saints | |
Gottschalk | m | Saints | |
George Goulding | m | Olympic Medalists | |
Grantley Goulding | m | Olympic Medalists | |