Name List: African/ Egyptian

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Amasis m Hellenized form of the ancient Egyptian name IaH-ms or I'h-ms meaning "son of Iah".
Ammon m Greek form of Egyptian Yamanu (see Amon).
Andretti m Caribbean. Likely a transferred use of the surname Andretti.
Behati f Possibly an Afrikaans variant of BEATA.
Bintanath f Means "daughter of Anat". She was the daughter of Ramses II and Isetnofret, later becoming a Great Royal Wife of her father following the death of Nefertari.
Eleni f The name of 15th C Eleni of Hadiya, empress consort and later queen mother of Ethiopia
Eyob m Ethiopian and Eritrean form of Job. It is the ancient Ethiopic language Geʽez translation of Job.
Gudit f Ge'ez form of Judith, from the Hebrew name Yehudit meaning "Jewish woman". Gudit was a Ethiopian falasha queen (flourished ca. 960)
Ife f / m West African. Means "love" in Yoruba.
Iset f Reconstructed Egyptian form of Isis.
Ismaïla m Western African form of Ismail (see Ishmael).
Iyasus m Form of Jesus used in Ethiopia. Also the name of a 1700 Ethiopian king.
Kamose m From Egyptian meaning "born of the soul",
Marial m This is a historical name of "Dinka" people in South Sudan in Africa.
Menes m Greek form of Egyptian mnj probably meaning "he who endures", derived from mn "to endure". Traditionally, Menes was the Egyptian pharaoh who first united Upper and Lower Egypt around the 31st century.
Meritites f Egyptian. " Beloved by her father". Born by many royal women.
Monica f Meaning unknown, most likely of North African or Phoenician origin.
Mpho m / f Means "gift" in Tswana and Sotho, a derivative of fa "to offer".
Neema f Swahili name meaning "divine grace", common in East Africa. As a Western African feminine name it allegedly means "born during prosperous times".
Neith f Greek form of Egyptian nt, possibly meaning 'dread waters', the name of an early Egyptian goddess of weaving, hunting and war.
Nneoma f Igbo. "Good mother"
Ntombi f Means "girl" in Zulu.
Ola 3 m / f From Yoruba ọlà meaning "wealth" or the related ọlá meaning "honour, respect". It is also a short form of names containing those elements.
Oluchi f Means "work of God" in Igbo.
Osei m / f Ghanaian, Akan meaning of royalty
Sabah f / m Means "morning" in Arabic and Turkish.
Saran f Means "joy" in Jula. Dyula, also known as Jula, is a Mande language spoken in Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, and Mali.
Selam f / m Means "peace" in Amharic.
Tendai m / f Means "be thankful" in Shona.
Thandiwe f Means "loving one" in Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele, from thanda "to love".