Yekristiniana's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Adéla f Karolina
Annelie f Noella, Padgette
Aoife f Veronique, Savannah
Aubree f
Aurora f
Benjamin m
Charlotte f
Ekaterina f Molly, Marie
Estelle f
Evelina f
Francesca f
Ireland f
Katrina f Luca, Mhairi, Eloise, Marlene, Adela
Kseniya f
Luca 1 f & m
Marie f & m
Marina f
Marlene f As a namesake. I'm thinking reverse as a middle name and use the middle as a first
Maxim m Sean, Shawn, Jackson
Mhairi f
Missy f
Nathaniel m
Noemi f Mara
Peninnah f
Phoenix m & f
Rebecca f
Rochelle f
Savannah f
Scarlett f
Schenley f & m
Véronique f
Vincent m