Name List: Greek / Roman dreams

Beautiful Greek & Roman names that I'm not brave enough to use
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Name M/F Rating
Alecto f
Antigone f
Apollo m
Archimedes m
Ariadne f
Artemisia f
Athena f
Calypso f
Circe f
Danaë f
Dido f
Echo f
Eris f
Eurydice f
Gaia f
Hero 1 f
Io f
Juno f
Medusa f
Megaera f
Melinoe f
Minerva f
Mnemosyne f
Nausicaa f
Nephele f
Odysseus m
Pandora f
Persephone f
Perseus m
Ptolemy m
Thalassa f
Thalia f
Tisiphone f