Name List: To become legit

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Name M/F Remark
Amora f In US top 1000
Armani m / f In US top 1000, I’ve met one
Aubriana f Was in US top 1000
Aubrianna f Was in US top 1000, met one
Boston m Has been in US top 1000 for awhile
Cayla f Was in top 1000 for a good while
Collins f / m Is in the 300s in the US currently and seems to be rising steeply
Cunegunda f There are rulers with this name
Eboni f Charted for a bit, I’ve met one
Everest m / f In US top 1000, I’ve seen it enough to think of it as legit
Galilea f In US top 1000, has some history in Italy
Georgianna f On the charts a lot
Giana f I have seen it spelled like this, in US top 1000
Izaiah m In US top 1000
Jaina f I’ve met 2 of them
Jones m On the US charts in various time periods
Kadence f Was in US top 1000
Katalina f In US top 1000, seems even more common in other languages
Koda m In US top 1000, clearly has some history
Landry m In US top 1000, 5 famous people come up when I type it in Google
Langston m In US top 1000, Langston Hudges
Leora f Doesn’t seem like a far cry from Liora, I’ve met one
Mac m Tell me you haven’t heard it before
Marvel f Had a long run in the early 1900s
Marybelle f Seems like it would be a common combo, charted for a bit
Maxie m / f Seems like a common nickname for Maxine, charted for both genders for a long long time
Navy f / m In US top 1000
Ocie m / f Charted for a long time
Oswaldo m Spanish variant of Oswald, had been in the top 1000 for a bit
Princeton m In US top 1000
Rey m / f Has been on the US chart for awhile
Scarlette f In US top 1000
Sincere m / f In US top 1000, I’ve met one, needs definitions merged
Stormi f In US top 1000, 2 celebrities with the name
Sutton f / m In US top 1000, Sutton Foster
Treva f Charted for a long time
Treyvon m I’ve seen this spelling more than Trevon and yet Trevon is completely verified and this one isn’t
Wanesa f Polish form of Vanessa