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[Opinions] Kendall
I've been crushing on Kendall. Can't decide wether I like it better for girls or boys.What do you think of Kendall and what sex do you prefer it on for the most part?
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It's okay on a boy. I don't like it on a girl and don't think it makes sense that it shifted to be more popular on girls, especially when the intuitive nicknames would be Ken or Kenny.
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It’s a guilty pleasure for me. Don’t like on a boy, but it’s fine on a girl
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A friend has a son named Kendall. IMO it's a surname and a place-name; two strikes and it should be out. Kenneth would have been preferable.
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I don't know it as a place nameI like Kenneth as well but I do think it's a rather different sound and demographic
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As a place name, it's Kendal; as a place name used as a fn for his son, my friend gave it an extra L. Sorry - should have mentioned that. Kendal is a very beautiful small town in the Lake District in England.
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It's a surname. Only a surname. It makes an awkward and uncomfortable fn for anyone, more so on a girl where it's actually cringy.
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Oof, I hate this name. I did know a brilliant Ukrainian-American girl in college named Kendall—I always thought she deserved a better name.
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I love it for both genders. Its prettier than it is handsome, but it would be so nice to see it on a boy.
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I prefer it on boys. The name is ok.
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I've mainly known it to be used on girls, but I know of one male Kendall. It's one of the names that I can find truly unisex, yet I do prefer it on boys! It's a very handsome-sounding name!
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It's ok for a boy
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I think it's fine, but I prefer Kimball. Seems kinda redneckish on a boy, but I do like it better as a masculine name.
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