Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Type Surname (from location)
Usage Italian

Meaning & History

Original from Rome, Roman conquerors went to Iberia in about 140 B.C. and named a town in Iberia Fariza which was a tree. This town still exists today, and was also mentioned in the book 'El Cid'. The Sayagueses were the indigenous people of the region. As time went by the Muslims intermingled with the local continentals, having Muslims and Christians cross marriage. When the Castillians united the Christians they expelled the Muslims. Some of those from the region of Sayago who had adopted the surname of Fariza were Islamic and Christians, the Christians staying and the Islamics being expelled.
Added 1/12/2003 by anonymous
Edited 11/18/2006 by Mike C