Notable Writers

This list is comprised of some of the most recognizable names from the literary world. Included are novelists, poets, playwrights and essayists. However, those who are primarily considered to be philosophers or academic writers can be found on the lists of thinkers.
Aali1 playwright/poet1
Abasıyanık1 author1
Achebe1 author1
Adams2 authors2
Adichie1 author1
Adıvar1 author1
Ady1 poet1
Agee1 author1
Agnon1 author1
Aiken1 author/poet1
Aitmatov1 author1
Akhmatova1 poet1
Akın1 poet1
Akins1 playwright1
Akunin1 author1
Akutagawa1 author1
Alcott1 author1
Alegría1 author1
Aleichem1 author/playwright1
Aleixandre1 poet1
Alexie1 author/poet1
Alexievich1 author1
al-Hakami1 poet1
al-Hallaj1 poet1
Ali2 authors2
Alighieri1 poet1
Allen1 author/poet1
Allende1 author1
Allingham1 author1
al-Ramli1 author1
al-Tusi1 author1
Álvarez1 poet1
Amado1 author1
Amirejibi1 author1
Amis2 authors2
Andersen1 author1
Anderson1 author1
Andreas1 author1
Andreus1 author/poet1
Andrews1 author1
Andrić1 author1
Andronicus1 playwright1
Angelou1 poet1
Anslo1 author/playwright1
Apollinaire1 poet1
Appelfeld1 author1
Applegate1 author1
Aragon1 poet1
Aralica1 author1
Ardaziani1 author1
Arden1 playwright1
Ariosto1 poet1
Armitage1 author1
Arouet1 author1
Arriaga1 author1
Artaud1 author1
Asatiani1 poet1
Asher1 author1
Asimov1 author1
Asturias1 author1
Atwood1 author1
Austen1 author1
Auster1 author1
Azzopardi1 author1
Bach1 author1
Bachmann1 poet1
Baddiel1 author1
Bagnold1 author1
Bainbridge1 author1
Baldwin1 author1
Balota1 author1
Balzac1 author1
Banks1 author1
Banville1 author1
Bardugo1 author1
Barker2 authors2
Barnes1 author, 1 author/poet2
Barrett1 poet1
Barrie1 author1
Barry1 author1
Barthelme1 author1
Bataille1 author1
Batur1 author1
Baudelaire1 poet1
Baum1 author1
Bawden1 author1
Beaumarchais1 playwright1
Beckett1 playwright1
Beckman1 author1
Bécquer1 poet1
Bedford1 author1
Bellow1 author1
Benavente1 playwright1
Benchley1 author1
Bennett1 author/poet1
Benson1 author1
Berger2 authors2
Bernhard1 author1
Bernlef1 author/poet1
Bertin1 author1
Biegel1 author1
Bierce1 author1
Bilgin1 author1
Billington1 author1
Bjørnson1 poet1
Blackwood1 author1
Blake1 poet1
Blatty1 author1
Blixen1 author1
Blok1 poet1
Blume1 author1
Blyton1 author1
Boccaccio1 author1
Bodrožić1 author1
Bogan1 poet1
Boileau1 poet1
Böll1 author1
Bomans1 author1
Bonner1 author/playwright1
Bontemps1 author/poet1
Bordewijk1 author1
Borges1 author1
Bourdain1 author1
Bowen1 author1
Boyd1 author1
Boyden1 author1
Bradbury2 authors2
Braddon1 author1
Bradley1 author1
Braithwaite1 author/poet1
Brand1 author1
Brecht1 poet1
Bredero1 playwright/poet1
Bregman1 author/columnist1
Brešan1 author/playwright1
Breton1 author1
Breytenbach1 author1
Březina1 poet1
Bridge1 author1
Brink1 author1
Brlić1 author1
Brod1 author1
Brodsky1 poet1
Bromfield1 author1
Brontë3 authors3
Brooke1 poet1
Brookner1 author1
Brooks1 author, 1 author/poet2
Brown1 author1
Browning1 author, 2 poets3
Bruna1 author1
Buck1 author1
Buddingh'1 poet1
Bukowski1 author1
Bulgakov1 author1
Bunin1 author1
Burgess1 author1
Burnett1 author1
Burney1 author1
Burns1 poet1
Burroughs2 authors2
Bushnell1 author1
Butler1 author1
Byatt1 author1
Byron1 poet1
Caidin1 author1
Calderón1 playwright1
Calvino1 author1
Cameron1 author1
Campert1 author/poet1
Camus1 author, 1 poet2
Canetti1 author1
Cao1 author1
Čapek1 author1
Capote1 author1
Car1 author1
Carducci1 poet1
Carey1 author1
Carmiggelt1 author/poet1
Carnegie1 author1
Carpenter1 poet1
Carrington1 author1
Carroll1 author1
Carter1 author1
Cartland1 author1
Cartwright1 author1
Carver1 author1
Casanova1 author1
Cast1 author1
Castaneda1 author1
Cather1 author1
Cats1 poet1
Catullus1 poet1
Cela1 author1
Celan1 poet1
Céline1 author1
Cervantes1 author1
Chabon1 author1
Chainani1 author1
Chandler1 author1
Chantal1 author1
Charrière1 author1
Chaucer1 author1
Cheever1 author1
Chekhov1 author1
Cherryh1 author1
Chesterton1 author1
Chokheli1 author1
Christie1 author1
Chukovskaya1 author/poet1
Chukovsky1 author/poet1
Cinna1 poet1
Cioran1 essayist1
Clancy1 author1
Clare1 author1
Clark1 author1
Clarke1 author1
Claus1 author/poet1
Cleary1 author1
Clifton1 author/poet1
Cocteau1 author1
Cody1 author1
Coelho1 author1
Coetzee1 author1
Coleridge1 poet1
Collins2 authors2
Collodi1 author1
Colonna1 poet1
Conrad1 author1
Cookson1 author1
Cooper3 authors3
Corneille1 playwright1
Cornwell1 author1
Cortázar1 author1
Couperus1 author/poet1
Courlander1 author/playwright/poet1
Coward1 playwright1
Cowen1 poet1
Cowley1 author/poet1
Crichton1 author1
Cullen1 author/poet1
Cunningham1 author1
Cussler1 author1
Dahl2 authors2
Dangor1 author1
D'Annunzio1 poet1
Darío1 poet1
Daudet1 author1
Davies1 author1
Davtyan1 author1
Dazai1 author1
De Amicis1 author1
Deane1 author1
Deaver1 author1
de Beauvoir1 author1
de Bergerac1 author1
de Camões1 poet1
de Charrière1 author1
de Chateaubriand1 author1
de Cienfuegos1 poet1
de Cyrano1 author1
Dedić1 poet1
Deelder1 author/poet1
Defoe1 author1
de Herz1 playwright/poet1
Dekker1 author1
de la Barca1 playwright1
de la Cruz1 poet1
de La Fayette1 author1
de La Fontaine1 fabulist1
de Lamartine1 author1
de La Rochefoucauld1 author1
Deledda1 author1
DeLillo1 author1
de Lima1 author1
de Loo1 author1
Deloria1 author1
de Machaut1 poet1
de Maupassant1 author1
de Moor1 author/columnist1
de Musset1 playwright1
de Nostredame1 author1
de Pizan1 poet1
de Quevedo1 poet1
de Rabutin1 author1
Desai2 authors2
de Saint-Exupéry1 author1
Despréaux1 poet1
de Staël1 author1
de Troyes1 poet1
de Vega1 author1
Deveraux1 author1
de Winter1 author1
Dexter1 author1
Diaz1 author, 1 poet2
Dick1 author1
Dickens1 author1
Dickinson1 poet1
Diderot1 author1
Didion1 author1
Đikić1 author1
Dimitrova1 poet1
Doctorow1 author1
Dorrestein1 author1
Dorris1 author1
Dostoyevsky1 author1
Douglas1 author, 1 playwright/poet2
Douglass1 author1
Douwes1 author1
Doyle2 authors2
Dragt1 author1
Drakulić1 author1
Driest1 author1
Drndić1 author1
Dros1 author1
Du1 poet1
Duane1 author1
Ducasse1 poet1
Dumas2 authors2
du Maurier1 author1
Dunbar2 author/poets2
Duras1 author1
Durlacher1 author1
Durrell1 author1
Dürrenmatt1 playwright1
Eastman1 author1
Ebrahim1 playwright1
Echegaray1 playwright1
Eco1 author1
Edip1 author1
Egan1 author1
Ehrenburg1 author1
Eliot1 author, 1 poet2
Ellison1 author1
Elsschot1 author/poet1
Éluard1 poet1
Elytis1 poet1
Emerson1 author1
Emin1 author1
Eminescu1 poet1
Ende1 author1
Ennis1 author1
Enright1 author/poet1
Erdrich1 author/poet1
Ernaux1 author1
Eternijan1 poet1
Eugenides1 author1
Evanovich1 author1
Evaristo1 author1
Farrell1 author1
Fassbinder1 playwright1
Faulkner1 author1
Faulks1 author1
Fauset1 author/poet1
Feith1 poet1
Ferber1 author1
Ferić1 author1
Ferrante1 author1
Fikret1 poet1
Fischer1 author1
Fisher1 author1
Fitzgerald2 authors2
Flammarion1 author1
Flaubert1 author1
Fleming1 author1
Fletcher1 author1
Fleutiaux1 author1
Fløgstad1 author1
Flynn1 author1
Fo1 playwright1
Foer1 author1
Follett1 author1
Fonte1 author/poet1
Ford1 author1
Forster1 author1
Forsyth1 author1
Fosse1 author1
France1 poet1
Frank2 authors2
Franzen1 author1
Friedman1 author1
Frost1 author, 1 poet2
Fuentes1 author1
Fuller1 author1
Gaarder1 author1
Gaiman1 author1
Galdós1 author1
Galgut1 author1
Galsworthy1 author1
Gamsakhurdia1 author1
Ganjavi1 poet1
Gao1 author1
García1 author, 1 playwright2
Gardam1 author1
Gary1 author1
Gaskell1 author1
Gautier1 poet1
Gavran1 author1
Gazzo1 playwright1
Geffen1 author1
Geisel1 author1
Genet1 author1
George1 author, 1 poet2
Gerritsen1 author1
Gibran1 poet1
Gibson1 author1
Gide1 author1
Gilbert1 author1
Ginsberg1 poet1
Ginzburg1 author1
Giovanni1 author/poet1
Giphart1 author1
Gjellerup1 author1
Gladwell1 author1
Glasgow1 author1
Glaspell1 author/playwright1
Glück1 poet1
Godden1 author1
Goethe1 author1
Gogol1 playwright1
Goldfaden1 playwright/poet1
Golding1 author1
Goldoni1 playwright1
Goldsmith2 authors2
Golon1 author1
Gordimer1 author1
Gorky1 author1
Goscinny1 author1
Grafton1 author1
Graham2 authors2
Grahame1 author1
Grandes1 author1
Grass1 author1
Gray1 playwright1
Green1 author, 1 playwright2
Greene1 author1
Greer1 author1
Grenville1 author1
Grey1 author1
Grimm2 authors2
Grisham1 author1
Grunberg1 author1
Gundulić1 author1
Gunesekera1 author1
Gunn1 author/poet1
Güntekin1 author1
Gurira1 playwright1
Gurnah1 author1
Gürpınar1 author1
Gürsel1 author1
Haasse1 author1
Hacıbəyov1 playwright1
Haggard1 author1
Hálek1 poet1
Halévy1 author/playwright1
Haley1 author1
Hall1 author1
Hammett1 author1
Hamsun1 author1
Handke1 author1
Handler1 author1
Hansberry1 playwright1
Hardy1 author1
Harjo1 author/poet1
Harris1 author1
Hart1 author1
Hasdeu1 poet1
Hašek1 author1
Hastings1 author/poet1
Hauptmann1 playwright1
Havel1 author1
Hawthorne1 author1
Hayden1 essayist/poet1
Hazzard1 author1
Heaney1 poet1
Heidenstam1 poet1
Heine1 poet1
Heinlein1 author1
Heller2 authors2
Helvius1 poet1
Hemingway1 author1
Henkes1 author1
Henry1 author1
Herbert1 author1
Hermans1 author1
Hersey1 author1
Hesse1 author1
Heyduk1 poet1
Heyse1 author1
Higgins2 authors2
Highsmith1 author1
Highway1 author/playwright1
Hijuelos1 author1
Hill2 authors2
Hilton1 author, 1 blogger2
Hinton1 author1
Hirschbein1 author1
Hitrec1 author1
Hoag1 author1
Hoffmann1 author1
Hoffmeister1 author/poet1
Hogan1 poet1
Hölderlin1 poet1
Hollinghurst1 author1
Holmes1 playwright1
Hooft1 playwright/poet1
Hooker1 author1
Hope1 author1
Horowitz1 author1
Hosseini1 author1
Houellebecq1 author1
Hrabal1 author1
Hubbard1 author1
Hughes1 author/playwright, 1 author/playwright/poet2
Hugo1 author1
Hulme1 author1
Humphreys1 author1
Humphry1 author1
Hurston1 author1
Huxley1 author1
Huygens1 poet1
Huysmans1 author1
Hyland1 author1
Iashvili1 poet1
Ibsen1 playwright1
Ignatieff1 author1
Ihimaera1 author1
Ingalls1 author1
Ionesco1 playwright1
Iqbal1 poet1
Irving2 authors2
Ishiguro1 author1
Ivanković1 author1
Jackson2 authors2
Jakes1 author1
James5 authors5
Jami1 poet1
Jansson1 author1
Jelinek1 playwright1
Jennings1 author1
Jensen1 author1
Jepson1 author1
Jergović1 author1
Jhabvala1 author1
Jiménez1 poet1
Jin1 author1
Johnson2 authors, 1 poet, 2 author/poets, 2 playwright/poets7
Johnston1 author1
Jones2 authors2
Jonker1 poet1
Jonson1 playwright1
Jordan1 author1
Joyce1 author1
Jünger1 author1
Jurić1 author1
Juul1 author1
Kaalep1 poet1
Kadare1 author1
Kafka1 author1
Kaleb1 author1
Kane1 author1
Karlfeldt1 poet1
Kavafis1 poet1
Kawabata1 author1
Kazantzakis1 author1
Keane1 author1
Keats1 poet1
Kelman1 author1
Kemal1 author1
Keneally1 author1
Kennedy1 author1
Kenyon1 author1
Keret1 author1
Kermode1 author1
Kerouac1 author1
Kerr2 authors2
Kertész1 author1
Ketchum1 author1
Khayyám1 poet1
Khositashvili1 poet1
Khusrau1 poet1
Kimhi1 author1
King1 author1
Kingsolver1 author1
Kinnan1 author1
Kinsella2 authors, 1 poet3
Kipling1 author1
Klein1 author1
Knight1 author, 1 poet2
Komrij1 author/poet1
Koolhaas1 author1
Koontz1 author1
Korczak1 author1
Kovač1 author1
Kovačić1 author1
Kozak1 author1
Kozarac1 author1
Krantz1 author1
Krasiński1 poet1
Krėvė1 author/playwright/poet1
Kristóf1 author1
Krleža1 author1
Krmpotić1 author1
Kudirka1 poet1
Kuijer1 author1
Kumičić1 author1
Kundera1 author1
Kupala1 poet1
Kušan1 author1
Läckberg1 author1
Lackey1 author1
Ladan1 author1
LaDuke1 author1
Lagerkvist1 author1
Lagerlöf1 author1
Lahiri1 author1
Lardner1 author/columnist1
Lari1 poet1
Larsen1 author1
Larsson1 author1
Lawrence1 author1
Laxness1 author1
Lear1 poet1
Leblanc1 author1
le Carré1 author1
Le Clézio1 author1
Lee2 authors2
Le Guin1 author1
Lem1 author1
L'Engle1 author1
Lenz1 author1
Leon1 author1
Leopardi1 poet1
Lermontov1 author1
Leroux2 authors2
Leskovar1 author1
Lessing1 author, 1 playwright2
Levi1 author1
Levin1 playwright1
Lewis2 authors2
Li1 poet1
Ligotti1 author1
Lindgren1 author1
Lindsay1 poet1
Lippi1 author1
Lippman1 author1
Lipuš1 author, 1 poet2
Lively1 author1
Livius1 playwright1
Llosa1 author1
Locke1 author1
London1 author1
Longfellow1 poet1
Lorca1 playwright1
Lorde1 author/poet1
Lornsen1 author1
Lovecraft1 author1
Lovrak1 author1
Lowell1 poet1
Lowry1 author1
Loy1 author/poet1
Lu1 author1
Ludlum1 author1
Lugn1 poet1
Lulofs1 author1
Lurie1 author1
MacDonald1 author/poet1
MacLaverty1 author1
Maeterlinck1 playwright1
Mahfouz1 author1
Mailer1 author1
Makal1 poet1
Malamud1 author1
Malerman1 author1
Mallarmé1 poet1
Malot1 author1
Malouf1 author1
Malraux1 author1
Mankell1 author1
Mann1 author1
Mansfield1 author1
Mantel1 author1
Maracle1 author/poet1
Márai1 author1
Marinetti1 poet1
Marinković1 author1
Markish1 playwright/poet1
Marlowe1 playwright1
Marmon1 author1
Marquand1 author1
Márquez1 author1
Marsh1 author1
Martel1 author1
Martin1 author1
Martinson1 poet1
Masoch1 author1
Matanović1 author1
Matar1 author1
Matsuo1 poet1
Maugham1 author/playwright1
Mauriac1 author1
Maurois1 author1
May1 author1
Mayakovsky1 poet1
Mažuranić1 author1
McCabe1 author1
McCaffrey1 author1
McCarthy1 author1
McCourt1 author1
McCullough1 author1
McEwan1 author1
McGahern1 author1
McKay1 author/poet1
McMurtry1 author1
Melville1 author1
Mérimée1 author1
Metz1 author1
Meyer1 author1
Michener1 author1
Mickevičius1 author/playwright/poet1
Mickiewicz1 playwright/poet1
Middleton1 author1
Millay1 poet1
Miller1 author, 1 playwright, 1 playwright/poet3
Mills1 author1
Milne1 author1
Miłosz1 poet1
Milton1 poet1
Minco1 author1
Mirbeau1 author1
Mishima1 author1
Mistral2 poets2
Mistry1 author1
Mitchell2 authors2
Mo2 authors2
Modiano1 author1
Mol1 author1
Momaday1 author/poet1
Mommsen1 author1
Montaigne1 essayist1
Montale1 poet1
Montgomery1 author1
Moorcock1 author1
Moore2 authors, 1 poet3
Morante1 author1
Moravia1 author1
Morrison1 author1
Mowat1 author1
Mulisch1 author1
Müller2 authors2
Munro1 author1
Munsch1 author1
Murakami1 author1
Murdoch1 author1
Murphy1 author1
Musil1 author1
Nabokov1 author1
Nadiradze1 poet1
Naidu1 poet1
Na'ima1 author1
Naipaul1 author1
Nash1 poet1
Nava'i1 poet1
Nazor1 poet1
Nelson1 author/poet1
Němcová1 author1
Némirovsky1 author1
Nepos1 author1
Neruda1 poet1
Nesbit1 author/poet1
Nesbø1 author1
Newby1 author1
Nilssen1 author1
Nin1 author1
Noli1 author1
Norton1 author1
Nothomb1 author1
Novak2 authors2
Nugent1 author1
Nusret1 author1
Nys1 author1
Oates1 author1
Ó Cadhain1 author1
Ó Conaire1 author1
Ó Direáin1 poet1
Ōe1 author1
Ó Faoláin1 author1
Okri1 author1
Oldenhave1 author1
Oliver1 poet1
Ondaatje1 author1
O'Neill1 playwright1
Orbeliani1 author1
Orczy1 author/playwright1
Orwell1 author1
Ossowski1 author1
Oz1 author1
Palahniuk1 author1
Paley1 author1
Palmen1 author1
Pamuk1 author1
Paolini1 author1
Paretsky1 author1
Parun1 poet1
Pascal1 author1
Pasternak1 author1
Paterson1 author1
Paton1 author1
Patterson1 author1
Paul1 author/playwright1
Pavičić1 author1
Pavličić1 author1
Paz1 poet1
Pepys1 author1
Pérez1 author1
Peroci1 author1
Perrault1 author1
Perse1 poet1
Pessoa1 poet1
Peterson1 author1
Phillips2 authors2
Piasecki1 author1
Picoult1 author1
Pierre1 author1
Pilcher1 author1
Piñon1 author1
Pinter1 playwright1
Pirandello1 playwright1
Pirsig1 author1
Plath1 poet1
Plimpton1 author1
Poe1 author1
Polić1 author1
Pontoppidan1 author1
Pope1 poet1
Poquelin1 playwright1
Porter2 authors2
Potter1 author1
Pound1 poet1
Powers1 author1
Prado1 author/poet1
Pratchett1 author1
Prawer1 author1
Prévert1 poet1
Propertius1 poet1
Proulx1 author1
Proust1 author1
Prudhomme1 poet1
Pulci1 poet1
Pullman1 author1
Pushkin1 poet1
Puzo1 author1
Pym1 author1
Pynchon1 author1
Qazbegi1 author1
Qu1 poet1
Quasimodo1 poet1
Quinn1 author1
Rabelais1 author1
Racine1 playwright1
Radcliffe1 author1
Rand1 author1
Randall1 poet1
Rankin1 author1
Rawlings1 author1
Rawn1 author1
Razaf1 poet1
Reed1 poet, 1 author/poet2
Reeve1 author1
Reichs1 author1
Remarque1 author1
Renault1 author1
Rendell1 author1
Reve1 author/poet1
Rexroth1 poet1
Reymont1 author1
Rhys1 author1
Rice1 author1
Richler1 author1
Ridge1 author, 1 poet2
Riley1 author1
Rilke1 author/poet1
Rimbaud1 poet1
Rinehart1 author1
Riordan1 author1
Rivers1 author1
Roanhorse1 author1
Robbins1 author1
Roberts3 authors3
Robinson2 authors2
Roethke1 poet1
Rohan1 author1
Rolland1 playwright1
Rose1 author/poet1
Rossetti1 poet1
Roth3 authors3
Rothfuss1 author1
Rowling1 author1
Roy1 author1
Rubens1 author1
Rubinstein1 columnist1
Rumi1 poet1
Rushdie1 author1
Ruskin1 essayist1
Russo1 author1
Rustaveli1 poet1
Sabatini1 author1
Sachs1 poet1
Sade1 author1
Sagan1 author1
Said1 author1
Saintcrow1 author1
Salinger1 author1
Salomé1 author1
Sanchez1 author/poet1
Sand1 author1
Sandburg1 author/poet1
Sandemose1 author1
Sanderson1 author1
Sapkowski1 author1
Saramago1 author1
Sartre1 author1
Saunders2 authors2
Savičević1 author1
Sayers1 author/playwright/poet1
Scarry1 author1
Schiller1 playwright1
Schlegel1 poet1
Schmidt1 author1
Schnitzler1 playwright1
Schuyler1 author/columnist1
Scott2 authors2
Sebold1 author1
Seferis1 poet1
Šegedin1 author1
Seghers1 author1
Seidler1 playwright1
Seifert1 poet1
Seifullin1 author1
Selimović1 author1
Sendak1 author1
Šenoa1 author1
Serra1 author1
Sewell1 author1
Sexton1 poet1
Shafak1 author1
Shakespeare1 playwright/poet1
Shaw1 playwright1
Shazar1 author/poet1
Sheldon1 author1
Sheldrake1 author1
Shelley1 author, 1 poet2
Shepard1 playwright1
Shevchenko1 author/poet1
Shields1 author1
Shirazi1 poet1
Sholokhov1 author1
Sidney1 poet1
Sienkiewicz1 author1
Silko1 author1
Sillanpää1 author1
Simenon1 author1
Simon1 author, 1 author/playwright2
Sinclair1 author1
Singer1 author1
Singh1 author1
Škrinjarić1 author1
Slamnig1 author1
Sleeckx1 author1
Słowacki1 poet1
Small1 author1
Smiley1 author1
Smith5 authors5
Šnajder1 author1
Šojat1 author1
Šoljan1 author1
Solzhenitsyn1 author1
Song1 playwright1
Sontag1 author1
Soueif1 author1
Soyinka1 playwright1
Spark1 author1
Sparks1 author1
Spencer1 author, 1 poet2
Spenser1 poet1
Spillane1 author1
Spitteler1 poet1
Spyri1 author1
Srivastava1 author1
Stampa1 poet1
Steel1 author1
Stegner1 author1
Stein1 author1
Steinbeck1 author1
Steinhauer1 author1
Stevens1 poet1
Stevenson1 author1
Stine1 author1
Stoker1 author1
Storey1 author1