No . . .
Kade is a spelling variation of Cade.
Please click here: Cade for the meaning and origin of this name.
If you have any documentary evidence to suggest an alternative derivation of the name Kade, please go to the main page and follow the "Submit a Name" link for details on how to share this information with the creator of this site.
Kade is a spelling variation of Cade.
Please click here: Cade for the meaning and origin of this name.
If you have any documentary evidence to suggest an alternative derivation of the name Kade, please go to the main page and follow the "Submit a Name" link for details on how to share this information with the creator of this site.
According to's Irish names section, it's NOO-uh-lah.
ROFL, Array, this is posted in the wrong place :-)
Hee--oops. Pretend it's one post up. ^-^;;;;;