[Facts] Dum dum di dum, dum dum di dum...
Ditto Nan's advice- BE CAREFUL!!! Just because all of us here at BtN are really, truely, fantastic in real life (we are aren't we?!)doesn't mean that your online sweetie is. I have heard of some pretty wonderful relationships developing on the 'net though. Oprah had a whold show on it one day. Good luck and Best Wishes!!
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My gift to you... (awwwwwww -gag-)  ·  Silver  ·  3/4/2002, 8:10 PM
Better bring a sweater...  ·  'Cole  ·  3/5/2002, 11:34 AM
DISNEY!!!! (more a special moment...)  ·  Silver  ·  3/5/2002, 10:22 PM
Dum dum di dum, dum dum di dum...  ·  'Cole  ·  3/6/2002, 7:56 PM
Well...  ·  Nanaea  ·  3/7/2002, 6:05 AM
Re: DISNEY!!!! (more a special moment...)  ·  Nanaea  ·  3/6/2002, 4:42 AM
lol, yes ye did Nan,  ·  Silver  ·  3/6/2002, 5:14 PM
Re: lol, yes ye did Nan,  ·  Nanaea  ·  3/6/2002, 5:32 PM