We have done an If/Then for a while...
If you've never played If/Then before, this what you do: Choose a name from the five provided as a FN for each family member. Then, according to what FN you chose, follow the instructions to find a middle name.
LN: A street name you know of.
FN: Andrew, Tyler, Jack, Derek or Erik.
If you chose
Andrew, MN is the name of your favourite singer.
If you chose
Tyler, MN is one syllable long.
If you chose
Jack, MN is a word name.
If you chose
Derek, MN is connected to nature in someway.
If you chose
Erik, MN is anything you want, but it must be kreativlee spelt.
FN: Jennifer, Piper, Faith, Delores or Jolie.
If you chose
Jennifer, MN is a variation of your own name - and if you're a boy, it's a girl's name that sounds something remotely like yours.
If you chose
Piper, MN is something else music related.
If you chose
Faith, MN is three syllables long.
If you chose
Delores, MN is a colour.
If you chose
Jolie, MN is the name of your favourite actress.
FN: Mark, Isiah, Felix, Graham or Archie.
If you chose
Mark, MN is Scottish.
If you chose
Isiah, MN is a fruit. (why not? ^ ^)
If you chose
Felix, MN is a male version of your name. Or, a male name that sounds remotely similar to your own name. If you're a boy yourself, choose a variation of your name.
If you chose
Graham, MN is Unisex.
If you chose
Archie, MN is the name of a king.
DD #1:
FN: Laura, McKenzie, Emily, Adamina or Shania.
If you chose
Laura, MN is the name of one of your friends. Failing that, someone you know. Failing that, someone you read about in a magazine! ;-)
If you chose
McKenzie, MN a boy's name that you secretly think would sound super-awesome on a girl.
If you chose
Emily, MN is some sort of flower.
If you chose
Adamina, MN is biblical.
If you chose
Shania, MN is any name that's appeared in a song.
DD #2
FN: Suzannah, Penelope, Josephine, Edith or Julie.
If you chose
Suzannah, MN is the name of your grandmother.
If you chose
Penelope, MN is a number.
If you chose
Josephine, MN is your favourite female video game character's name. (Or, at least, one you know of.)
If you chose
Edith, MN is over eight letters long.
If you chose
Julie, MN is a name you can't stand.
FN: Philip, Zachariah, Max, Bertram or Jaret.
If you chose
Philip, MN is a name that *used* to be exclusively male, but is now used more on girls.
If you chose
Zachariah, make up some sort of MN that doesn't have any vowels. (Or, alternatively, find one.)
If you chose
Max, MN is the name of your first boyfriend. If you haven't had one of those, choose any person you have the hots for.
If you chose
Bertram, MN begins with X.
If you chose
Jaret, good on you! You can choose any name you want. Anything. Oh, providing it has four syllables. ^ ^
Animal: Cat, Dog, Fish, Bird or Tortoise.
If you chose
Cat, it's name is an everyday object. (ex. Yoghurt Pot)
If you chose
Dog, it's name is a very typical dog's name (ex. Rover)
If you chose
Fish, it's name is a place name.
If you chose
Bird, it's name is a gemstone.
If you chose
Tortoise, it's name is a saint.
Hope you have fun! :-)
...watch this space...
This message was edited 3/30/2005, 9:29 AM