Sparrow is very sweet. I could even see it as a fn.
From your list, I love
Isla Sparrow. In general I don't like to see two nouns / words combined as they generally feel more like phrases than names. So
Sparrow Jade and especially
Winter Sparrow are non starters for me. I can't take the name
Calypso seriously and the connection with
Sparrow and Pirates make you look like a crazed movie fan.
I'm hesitant to suggest combinations. I've offered them in the past and gotten no response either way. I'm not sure you even read them. But for what it's worth:
Jada Sparrow (more subtle than
Jacinda SparrowNina SparrowViveca
Sparrow (nn Vivie?)
Esme SparrowFreya /
Freja SparrowLila SparrowLivia SparrowNatalie SparrowPhoebe SparrowImogen Sparrow
Sparrow Eliza (though Ms. K's character's name, the Pirates associaiton doesn't feels as strong with this one)
Sparrow KateSparrow NatalieSparrow Inez ("ee-NEZ")
Sparrow Liadan ("LEE-uh-dun")
Sparrow MaeveSparrow Andraste ("an-DRAS-tee")
Sparrow Ione ("EYE-uh-nee" or "EE-uh-nee")
Sparrow Phoebe
Happy hunting!