[Facts] Re: Origin/meaning of a christian name
As a middle name, this is very likely to be a use of the surname Boar rather than a direct use of the word "boar". According to A Dictionary of English Surnames by Reaney & Wilson, Boar is an English surname, going back to the Old English word which yields the modern word "boar". It probably was originally a nickname for someone whose neighbors thought he looked like or acted like a boar. Perhaps you should look into records from East Sussex in the 1860s to find if there were any families with the surname Boar living there when your great-great-uncle was born.
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Origin/meaning of a christian name  ·  Shalena  ·  4/15/2008, 6:56 AM
Re: Origin/meaning of a christian name  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  4/15/2008, 10:35 AM
Boar christian name  ·  Shalena  ·  4/15/2008, 10:55 AM