Okay, so everyone has their power. The abbreviated list is below including all the letters still available. The first step is to give yourself a name and a back story. Your entire name must reference your power. In your back story tells us about your power & yourself. You can be as detailed as possible. After you do that let me know if you want your significant other (let me know if you want male or female) to have the same power as you, if not give me another letter. As the game progresses you can have relationships with the other players too.
The Little Hyphen = absorption
Barbara = biological manipulation
HeidiAnn = clairvoyance
Darkest = duplication
Keepskuh = electrokinesis
Rachel = flying
Flute = geokinetic
Avalon = hydrokinetic
Wintertale = invisibility
Stephanie = jumper/teleportation
tiff107 = kinetic energy
miss_smiley = light manipulation
estel = magnetism
Sara Drake = omnilinguist
Array = generate earthquakes
Sarah Kate = regeneration
Callie - speed
Nikki = telekinetic
Kelseyyy = weather manipulation
Jade = Xray vision
Skye Morgan = sonic scream/yell
quigonjecca = communicate with animals/zoopathic