Personal note: I am so very sorry that this round has taken so long in getting out. I've had a lot on my plate at home, and just haven't had much screen time. I will try and get another 2 rounds up (at least) this weekend!
Ok, the rules are pretty simple, I'll be providing two or more options, and you follow the "adventure" that suits you best. Each "adventure" will have it's own set of naming rules for that round. Stories are optional, but always enjoyed and encouraged :) Ages are optional, and you keep track of them yourself. I will not be killing off any family members in this game, but you may chose to do so yourself. I'll provide links to each previous round, so you can quickly find your family. You can chose to sign up and join at any time, just work your way to the current round.
Note: Just because your chose Adventure # in one round doesn't mean that you are stuck with that # for every other round. Each round you can chose your own adventure (hence, the name).
Sign Up: 1: 2: 3: 4:
DC = Darling Child, or a first generation child. All other children are second generation.
If you wish, you may have a couple split/divorce in any round. If they divorce in round 6, they can remarry in the next spouse round.
This is the first of 5 "Spouse" rounds. A "Spouse" can be a husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, or fiancé/fiancée. A "Spouse" doesn't have to be of the opposite gender. The choices are up to you.
After each spouse round there will be at least one child round. You may chose to have as many children marry as there are adventures, or as few as 0. Each child (twins/triplets being the exception) must use a different adventure to get married in. Twins/triplets may use the same adventure to get married in, or you may chose to split them up.
Please add 1 to 5 years to the ages of your current family
Adventure 1:
Your DC has met the love of his/her life. At least, that it what s/he thinks now. The relationship has been going on for the last 3 years, and has been very a rocky/on-again-off-again sort of relationship. However, the two of them have grown up tremendously in the last year, and they might actually have a chance. His/her Spouse is very fiery and also very earthy. It makes for an unusual combination at times.
Spouse: *a*f* *o*a*n _____ (19)His/her FN contains an "A" and then an "F", and his/her MN contains an "O" and then an "A" and ends in an "N". His/her surname is a word-name.
Adventure 2:
Your DC met an exchange student (from France) while a senior in high school. The two hit it off and became close friends, and then something more. The two are now engaged to be married, and planing on moving back to France to live. You are not pleased that your DC is moving so far away, but you are very happy that they are in a good, solid relationship.
Spouse: _____ _____ _____ (18)His/her FN is a jewel (this might help, and his/her MN is a name that is used both in French and English. His/her surname is from the following list:
Adventure 3:
Your not quite sure what to think about your DC's new spouse. His/her parents spent the first 5 years of his/her life in some crazy (but relatively harmless) cult. While they got out of it, they've held to some rather strange beliefs. For the most part, your DC's Spouse has given up most of the "craziness", but a little is so ingrained that it will most likely be forever a part of him/her.
Spouse: _____ _____ _____ (20)His/her FN is a unit/measurement of time, day of the week, month, or season (this can be in any language), and his/her MN is a surname from the following list: His/her surname is derived from a given name (ex: Alexander).
Adventure 4:
Your can't believe it, your DC is marrying somebody who is literally old enough to be their parent! To say that you disapprove of this relationship is the understatement of the year. What's worse, s/he is marrying an old (and now ex) family friend. This relationship has you so angry and you are almost irrational concerning anything regarding it.
Spouse: _____ _____ _____ (35)His/Her FN somehow ties into the Autumn season (months, plants, weather, holidays, etc.), and his/her MN can be found on the following list: His/her surname comes from the following list: