[Opinions] Re: Leven
in reply to a message by Fleur
I'm not familiar with this at all, or with the actress you mention. My guess, at reading only the title of your post, was that it was masculine, and "leaven" was what first came to mind, followed by, Lev and Levi. Now that I know about the actress, I'm still struggling to think of it as feminine; neither look or sound leads me in that direction. I don't dislike it at all; just don't see it as feminine.
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Leven  ·  Fleur  ·  9/4/2012, 2:45 PM
Re: Leven  ·  PantheraVirgo  ·  9/4/2012, 6:57 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Tiggs  ·  9/4/2012, 3:58 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Bear  ·  9/4/2012, 3:48 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Fleur  ·  9/4/2012, 3:54 PM
Re: Leven  ·  Llewella  ·  9/4/2012, 3:16 PM