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[Opinions] Rosemary, Ophelia, Lucinda
Three more names that are on my mind. I'm not seriously considering any of these, so feel free to tear them apart if you want to. Rosemary is very pretty to me, and I like the nicknames Rose and Ro. Ro in particular seems friendly and neat. Ophelia is a little out-there, but I like the sound of it. Lucinda is a name I can never decide on- do I like it, or do I dislike it? IDK. What do you think? "What matters most is how well you walk through the fire." -Charles Bukowski
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Rosemary is a favorite of mine. I think it's so lovely, and I love Rosie as a NN myself.Ophelia has never really appealed to me. I dislike the "Oaf" sound. It's an interesting choice though.Lucinda used to sound silly to me, but it's grown on me. It's starting to see the beauty in it.
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Rosemary is nice. I like the nicknames and herb association.
Ophelia is horrendous. All I can think of when I hesr it is fetishes ped_ophelia fec_ophelia
Lucinda is ok it sounds sort of mysterious
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Rosemary is gorgeous, I don't know how this name isn't more popular. It is so pretty. My name is Mary, if it wasn't Rosemary would probably be at the top of my list. I love all of the nickname options for this name too, Rose, Rosie, Ro, Romy, they are all lovely. Ophelia is a bit too over the top for me, I can't escape the Hamlet association. I don't feel Ofelia has the same problem, and I think it looks nicer too. Lucinda is pretty in a fairy-tale type of way, but it's too frilly for my taste, I prefer Lucia.
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Ophelia: LOVE
Rosemary- IDK, always preferred Rosemarie. I do like it quite a bit though
Lucinda sounds like a vileness to me.
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I find Ophelia over the top. Rosemary is very down to earth but also a pleasing plant and a mixture of two highly popular names, so it wins on all counts; I'd use Rosie as a nn, myself. Lucinda is a complicated way of having a Lucy daughter (which I'd be very glad to have). Eighteenth century, with frills. And I wanted to name a kitten Cindy once because of her naughty face, but she "had to" have an L name so she was Lucinda and that complicated the issue for me.
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Rosemary is the top of our list for Hypothetical Baby, and Ophelia is the name of our cat :D I love both of them, although Ophelia isn't one I'd necessarily use on a real child.Rose and Rosie are my favourite nicknames for Rosemary, and Molly-Rose if I were feeling ridiculous.Lucinda isn't one I've considered before, but I like Lucy and Lucia, and I like Miranda, Melinda and Belinda, so Lucinda is a good point. I might even run it past E.
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Rosemary - I know that most people in the world wouldn't have this assocation, but to me it's a serial killer name and it has a really creepy feel to it: - I agree with some of the other posters that it's too over the top. I imagine an Ophelia to be a loud and annoying high school drama teacher.Lucinda - Too frilly and flouncy. Lucy or Lucie is much better.
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I love Rosemary. Pretty and strong but accessible and humble. I like that it's a herb. I like the nn's Rose and Romy the most but Ro is great as well.I like Ophelia because I don't mind it when a name has a tragic, or even negative, association in literature. The only thing that stops me is the "feel ya" sound to it. I think I prefer Octavia for that reason. "O" names in general always have a sense of drama to them, I feel.Lucinda is great. It's black velvet, red lipstick, shiny hair. Vampy. Sexy and smart. Possibly a murderer. For that reason it'd be hard to meet a kid with the name but it has a great sound so the adjustment might be easy. I dislike Lucy; too many negative connotations.
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Lucinda is great.....Possibly a murderer. LMAO.
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Oh dear! lolHahah!! Whoops. I definitely didn't mean that murderers are great. I think characters, not little kids! lol
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I like Rosemary, it has a nice gardeny vibe to it and seems steady and friendly. Not wild about Ro, but I'd rather have that as an nn than Rosie.
Rox nailed it with Ophelia - no matter how you say it, it sounds like it's having a flounce.
Lucinda is too fancy for me. Much prefer Lucy.
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Rosemary: It's okay but kind of prim. I do like Rose and would rather use that for a first name and skip Rosemary. Ro just sounds like a random sound, not even half a name. I once babysat two little boys who had an uncle named Rory. They called him Ro Ro. (They also said car-car and ball-ball.)Ophelia is gross. It's so over the top drama-queen it's not even funny.Lucinda makes me think of a cartoon girl with a pair of magic tap-dancing shoes and a talking guinea pig.
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Rosemary is old fashioned imo, makes me think of that Simon & Garfunkle song. I don't think it'd be weird on a kid though, especially with all the available nns. Ophelia is one I've always found pretty, though I prefer the Spanish Ofelia, which sounds more magical to me (plus I like the spelling better and think it softens the association to the tragic character). Lucinda is gorgeous. I think it's sophisticated and glamorous, but it always has the highly approachable Lucy as a nn.
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Rosemary is meh to me. It's not bad, but I just don't like it a lot. I think it seems needlessly fussy--just Rose is so much better. Rosemary also makes me think of the herb, and I don't want to think of an herb when I hear a girl's name.Now Ophelia is pretty in a way, but it has, in my opinion, two problems---the association with the tragic "Hamlet" character and the fact that it sounds close to "I feel ya", LOL.Lucinda I really like and I think it's definitely the best one of the three.
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I love Rosemary! Romy is my favorite nickname for it. Ophelia is very pretty and I want to like Lucinda (it's a family name for me) but I've never warmed to it. It's kind of clunky and dowdy. I prefer all the other Luc names to Lucinda.

This message was edited 5/4/2014, 10:43 AM

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I love all of them! Lucinda currently appeals to me the most.
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I like Rosemary and Ophelia, but am very neutral towards Lucinda.
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