Emilie Patricia Age: 26
Occupation: Pediatrician (just finished university)
Hobbies: Cinema, movies, theater
Current children: none
Others living with you:
Emilie's fiancee,
Schuyler Patterson, aged 29, likes children and movies
Pets: none, but
Schuyler will adopt a puppy soon, most probably after
Emilie adopts the child.
Emilie is Catholic but
Schuyler is Protestant
Languages: Both speak ONLY English
Number of children: 1
Gender: Doesn't matter.
Emilie wants to be a surprise but
Schuyler wants a boy.
Age: maximum 1 year old
Nationality: Doesn't matter what country, but it should be English-speaking.
Language: Well, the couple wants a baby...
Religion: Catholic or Protestant.
Emilie would accept kids with pets, but only babies (in case of cats or dogs). Meanwhile,
Schuyler thinks is OK to raise a child with behavioral, emotional or physical problems, but not terminal.
Another preference the couple wants is that they would like to change the baby's name.