LN: Chen-Gopher
SO1: Vivia
Tamar Gopher
Age: 31
Occupation: School Therapist
Aria Noelle ChinAge: 30
Occupation: Make-Up Artist
Do you have any current children? No
Do you have any pets? A cocker-spaniel named Juju and a marbled salamander named
TabbyCurrent location: Quebec, Canada
How many children would you like to adopt (max.4)? Two, please.
What location would you like to adopt from? Either
China, Japan, NYC, Portugal, or Bolivia.
Preferred gender: Female
Preferres age range: 1-13
Continent/country you'd like to adopt from:
China, NYC, Bolivia, Portugal, Japan
Are you okay with adopting siblings? yes
Are you okay with adopting pregnant teens? yes
Are you okay with adopting a child with a disability? yes