[Opinions] What names do you think should be retired? (2024 edition)
It's that time of the year again where I give you guys an opinion on hurricane names.
Also, I’m back! did you miss me? AHNP:Reloaded, AHNP, and AHNP:Deluge coming back REAL SOON!Last year I had a few people recommend that the WMO use random names instead. And while I kind of agree; would you rather have hurricanes use nice short and clean names like Hurricane Kay? or thrown out the window and use something like Hurricane Sbakjcenjwcjhevhjf? (try pronouncing that one)Anyways, that aside, what do you think names should be retired?
For my pick i would go for Helene and Milton, both devastating hurricanes which impacted my state badly.
They should be retired with Harper and Mason, respectively.
Any others you like to add? another basin, maybe? It’s your choice!

This message was edited 11/16/2024, 6:56 AM


I'm a South Carolina native, and I've been affected by many, many hurricanes in my life. I'm another person who doesn't care for giving hurricanes human names, because they can tarnish a person's name! I personally find the name Helene to be gorgeous, and I'm sad that it's ruined now. Maybe there could be a different way to identify them, somehow? I know that "1 of 2024" could be boring (and maybe confusing)...I'm not sure- I like Manipura's idea, though! Then again, people could just use the name on their babies, even if it's shared by the hurricane...teasing people are just immature. There are a few names that I dislike, and think they'd suit a hurricane: Hurricane Bolt, Hurricane Bramble, Hurricane Nyx, Hurricane Ultra (especially for a Cat. 5), Hurricane Vox, Hurricane Zax, Hurricane Dax, Hurricane Pax, Hurricane Jet, and (my favorite) Hurricane Pebble (that would be kind of humorous on a Cat. 5, don't you think?), for example!
For those of you who don't like "personal names" as names of tropical cyclones:If you will check the list of names for all basins on Wikipedia you will see that most of the names used in the Western North Pacific for tropical storms and typhoons are not human personal names but derived from a great variety of sources. For example, the second name on the list provided by Macau is Bebinca, which refers to a kind of milk pudding! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_cyclone_namingThe rationale for giving names to tropical cyclone systems is that there are often several active at the same time, and it is easier for human beings to not get confused about which storm is being referred to in official warnings and news reports if names are used rather than just numbers.By the way, Beryl will almost certainly also be retired because of its huge devastation in Grenada, the Grenadines, and St. Vincent. Off the top of my head I would replace Beryl, Helene, and Milton with Bernice, Heather, and Mason, but there would be many other good choices.

This message was edited 11/15/2024, 9:27 AM

Thanks for clarifying why personal names are used!
Where I live, there are no hurricanes. But surely humanising them is rather bizarre? If I ruled the world, they'd be 1 of 2024, 2 of 2024, 3 ... you get the idea!
I guess they could be named like farm animals? Every one born in the same year gets the same initial letter, and they are usually words or pop culture related. Hurricane Glitz, Hurricane Gambit, Hurricane Gumption, Hurricane Gonzo, Hurricane Golem...the 1st year would be A; I just thought of G words first.

This message was edited 11/12/2024, 7:40 PM

I'm still advocating for using names that aren't people names. Retire them all.Last year I suggested science terms and Latin genus names.This year, I'll suggest using words for tools and technologies (Seine, Tomahawk, Ramekin, Crankshaft, Caliper, Blockchain), or types of musical compositions (Sonata, Ballad, Shanty) or dances (Cha-Cha, Twist, Jig, Hokey-Pokey, Landler) I mean it wouldn't be that hard to come up with something other than human names!
And the original reason to use human names was ugly.
Nothing good comes of doing it.
So how about we just stop.It's just like how nobody but nobody wants to reset their clocks, and there's no good reason to do it, but the system never gets changed.

This message was edited 11/13/2024, 3:41 PM

I agree. Naming things that cause terrible devastation the same names as us is far from a good idea.
I don't know what WMO and AHNP mean.
World Meteorological Organization and Atlantic Hurricane Name Picking.
You were really looking for hurricane names. I'm sorry, I misunderstood the post.
Wouldn’t be the first time…
Let me try this again. Katrina, Sandy, and Irma.
I wish I could delete my post. I'm embarrassed.

This message was edited 11/12/2024, 4:09 PM

Doesn't have anything to do with hurricanes, but here are a few I think should be retired...Olivia
Lily and all Lily varieties
Isabelle and all other 'Belle' names
Gender neutral names