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[Games] ANN's KUY Congrats #1 (1/10)
Feel free to use different spellings and variants of names, and switch nicknames to full names or vise versa. Have fun!Dice: for how many children are in your initial family:1-3: 2 children
4-7: 3 children
8-10: 4 childrenFor the children's gender, even = girl, odd = boyFor the children's ages, roll the 10 sided die and add 5. The parents ages are up to you!Finally, use the namebanks to name your family!Boys: Albert, Alvar, Amaury, Andrei, Andrés, Arkady, Ashton, Atif, Austin, Alfonso, Bongani, Darius, Devanesh, Dmitry, Edmund, Elio, Esteban, Étienne, Farouk, George, Hugh, Ishaan, Isidro, João, James, Laurence, Lorenzo, Lucian, Luke, Magnus, Maël, Mateo, Matvei, Mthokozisi, Maxime, Mzi, Nathaniel, Nils, Nikolai, Olek, Oskar, Piotr, Ramón, Rami, Ryuji, Siddharth, Sota, Thaddeus, Thiago, Thibault, Valentin, Vivaan, Wilhelm, Yasuo.Girls: Aadhya, Agneta, Aiko, Astrid, Beatriz, Bianca, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Daria, Delphine, Ebba, Ece, Edith, Ekaterina, Elin, Elizaveta, Fadila, Florence, Ghadir, Hayley, Hedvig, Isabel, Ishani, Jade, Karolina, Krystyna, Lavinia, Leona, Lindiwe, Louise, Lyra, Maeko, Margarida, Margaux, Masantu, Matilde, Mira, Miu, Natsuki, Nayara, Nisha, Noor, Océane, Peyton, Pilar, Rosalind, Rosalía, Sindi, Sophie, Svea, Thérèse, Tova, Vega, Vivienne, Ximena, Yadira, Yulia, Yvette, Zosia.Last names: Al-Fahad, Almeida, Anderson, Aubert, Baker, Coppola, Davis, Domínguez, Gupta, Hansson, Ito, Jarmakani, Khanna, Korolev, Król, Lemoine, Lundberg, Marchand, Moretti, Mthembu, Pawłowski, Romanova, Sasaki, Santos, Sibiya, Tanaka, Walker, Wikström, Yadav, Zamora᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain" - Dolly Parton
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
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H: [39] Dimitry Andrei Korolev
W: [40] Ekaterina Yulia Korolev
S: [15] Nikolai Luka Korolev
D: [14] Catherine “Cat” Sophie Korolev
S: [7] Oskar Jakob Korolev
S: [6] Wilhelm Peter Korolev
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H: [34] Vivaan Thaddeus Romanova
W: [35] Mira Delphine [Walker] Romanova
S: [9] Nikolai Elio Romanova
S: [6] Lucian Maxime Romanova
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DH [40]: Darius Mateo Baker
DW [39]: Mira Yvette BakerDS1 [12]: Ashton Thaddeus Baker
DS2 [10]: Lorenzo Ryuji Baker
DD [10]: Daria Vivienne Baker
DS3 [6]: Oskar Edmund Baker
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DH: [41] Thaddeus James Walker
DW: [39] Rosalind Yvette (Marchand) WalkerDD: [14] Leona Vivienne Walker
DS: [12] Ashton Darius Walker
DD: [11] Elin Beatriz Walker
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DH [40]: Thiago Lorenzo Santos
DW [40]: Bianca Ximena (Domínguez) SantosDD [12]: Catalina Matilde Santos
DS [11]: Mateo Elio Santos
DD [10]: Isabel Rosalía Santos
DD [8]: Beatriz Sophie Santos
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The Lemoine-Zamora FamilyDH: João Elio Almeida Lemoine-Zamora (38)
DH: Amaury Lorenzo Lemoine-Zamora (37)DAS: Esteban Atif Lemoine-Zamora (15)
DAD: Océane Thérèse Lemoine-Zamora (11)
DS: Mzi Lemoine-Zamora (7)João and Amaury with Esteban, Océane, and Mzi

This message was edited 2/22/2025, 8:24 PM

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DH[37]: Edmund Laurence Davis
DW[36]: Yulia Elizaveta RomanovaDS1[14]: Nikolai Laurence Davis
DS2[11]: Olek James Davis
DS3[10]: Wilhelm George Davis
DD1[7]: Elizaveta Sophie “Veta” Davis
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DH [40] Hugh Laurence Albert Walker
DW [42] Zofia Océane "Zosia" Pawłowska-AubertDS [14] Edmund Valentin "Ed" Walker
DD [13] Rosalind Margaux "Rosy" Walker | Twin
DS [13] Wilhelm Thibault "Will" Walker | Twin
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DH: Thaddeus Luke Anderson "Tad" (41)
DW: Sophie Florence (Lundberg) Anderson (41)
DD: Lyra Rosalind Anderson (11)
DD: Catalina Jade Anderson "Catie" (8)
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DW(44): Tova Delphine Lemoine-Mthembu [bisexual, nonbinary; she/they/any]
DW(39): Margaux Lindiwe Lemoine-Mthembu [lesbian, cis; she/her]DS(14): Magnus Siddarth Lemoine-Mthembu [adopted]
DS(8): Thaddeus "Tad" Farouk Lemoine-Mthembu [adopted]

This message was edited 2/23/2025, 7:06 AM

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DH [36]: James Maxime Walker
DW [35]: Tova Hedvig (Lundberg) Walker DD [14]: Svea Florence Walker
DD [9]: Matilda Rosalind Walker
DS [6]: Andreas Maxime Walker
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Andrei Nikolai - 40
Mira Sophie - 35
Mateo Luke - 12
Maxime Elio - 10
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LN: LundbergDH[42]: George Ashton
DW[40]: Jade Louise [neé Walker]DS[12]: James Laurence "Jamie"
DD[10]: Catherine Louise "Cat"
DS/DS[8]: Edmund Valentin and Nathaniel Étienne "Ned and Nate"
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DH[41]: James Esteban Santos
DW[37]: Astrid Margaux Wikström Santos
-DS[6]: Luke Maxime Santos
-DS[4]: Oskar Hugh Santos
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DH [34] James Albert Walker
DW [34] Margaux Rosalind AubertDS [10] James Albert Walker II
DD [9] Sophie Catherine Walker
DS [8] Nathaniel George Walker
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DH [38] James Edmund Baker
DW [38] Sophie Vivienne Marchand BakerDS [15] Lucian Edmund Baker
DS [7] Magnus Nathaniel Baker
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H (47) Rami Farouk Al-Fahad
W (39) Rosalind Vivienne BakerD (13) Claudia Noor Al-Fahad
D (13) Sophie Fadila Al-Fahad
D (11) Lavinia Ghadir Al-Fahad
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H: Alfonso Farouk Moretti (50)
W: Mira Catherine Hansson (51)D: Lavinia Edith Moretti (20)
D: Rosalind Florence Moretti (16)
S: Thaddeus Albert Moretti (15)
S: Lucian Oskar Moretti (13)
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