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[Facts] Vyacheslav (ATTENTION MIKE!)
I see that Cyrillic spelling is listed Вячеслав for Russian and Ukrainian. This is correct for Russian, but in Ukrainian Vyacheslav is spelt В'ячеслав. It can also be spelt Вячеслав in Ukraine, but this is uncommon- this is mostly Russian speaking Vyacheslavs transferring Russian spelling to Ukrainian. – pronunciation here also more accurate than listed on site... it not pronounced with w and /ʈ͡ʂ/ is not a sound in standard UkrainianNo Ukrainian entry
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Vyacheslav (ATTENTION MIKE!)  ·  Anya Mel’nik or Mel’nyk  ·  3/8/2025, 12:01 PM
Re: Vyacheslav (ATTENTION MIKE!)  ·  Mike C  ·  3/10/2025, 9:12 AM