[Opinions] shayla
What about the name shayla?
what's your impression of it?
what's your impression of it?
I'd prefer just Shay, but it's a fine name.
The name Shayla is a girl's name of Irish and Arabic origin that means "fairy palace" or combines the meanings of "admirable" and "night or dark beauty". According to the internet...
It's a decent name; soft, pretty, not commonly heard.
I just think of the "my shayla" meme. I don't think the name is that bad, but it's not my style.
It looks fake and unconvincing. A merger of Sheila and Carola, perhaps, with a tweaked pronunciation?
I find it tacky and grating. Yuck.
I think it's attractive, though I wouldn't use it. It's not as pretty as Kayla but much nicer than Sheila.
I have met a girl called Šejla (prounouced shay-lah) and I think that her name is pretty :)
Shayla is okay, I prefer Šejla.
Shayla is okay, I prefer Šejla.
do you know its etymology?
Sadly I do not.