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[Facts] Ukraine name popularity data
Sorry about a post it is such late at night, but I found popularity data for Ukraine after so much searching.. have top 8 for each gender in years 1925-1995, and they have current data... I do not know exact year (probably 2013 because this is what their surnames had...) Mike will you see if we can use this data? Ridni let us use surname data so maybe they also would let us use forename data...
I know there is data now but it is just Lviv and Ridni has entire country statistics
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It's useful, but there are issues:
- only 8 names per year
- gaps in years
- no recent yearI think we should stick with the Lviv data (I don't want to have two sets for Ukraine).
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They DO have current data I think, it is just not on table on site. It let you search names and it show number of bearers so maybe they have popularity data also. "Gaps in years"? What does this mean? They have all years 1925-1995 on map, there is not gap.Also why not possible to merge 2 data sets? If you do not access any current data there why can not count the old years too? The years from this site's data do not conflict with 1925-1995, so why not have both in Ukraine popularity data?Just Lviv data is a bit of issue- Lviv is region with mostly Ukrainian ethnics and many parts of region have more Polish than Russian as second most ethnic group- it does not make data representing all of Ukraine well. It makes regions that are like Donetsk or Luhansk that have almost half Russian population in not good representation and it much more Ukrainian ethnic bias than normal data from whole country or Kyiv. (Kyiv data is good because Kyiv population is similar to all Ukraine population)For refrence:
Ukraine is 77% Ukrainian, 17% Russian (2001)
Lviv is 88% Ukrainian, 9% Russian (2001)
Kyiv is 82% Ukrainian, 13% Russian (2001) (Ukraine) (Lviv)

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If the current data is from 2013 as you say, then it's not that current. The gap I refer to is 1995 to 2013.In this case the two lists cannot be combined. The resulting graphs would show the ranking of a name from 1925 to 1995 in all of Ukraine, a gap of 13 years, then the ranking in just Lviv. I'm not comfortable presenting this.
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