I think this is new, and it's actually more about genetics than naming, but I think we're still allowed to play it.
It's like congrats, actually it IS congrats, but with genetics thrown in as well. :) It is rather time consuming on my part, but I'll survive. It might take a couple of days for the next round though...:)
Fill out the form completely, otherwise it won't work. Use initials for SO1 and 2. Make sure I can tell what gender they are, whether you change the SO or I do. For the eye color, select Brown, Blue, or Green, whichever is closest. Last Name is your choice.
User Name:
Last Name:
SO1: E M
Eye Color:
Mother's Eye Color:
Father's Eye Color:
SO2: L D
Eye Color:
Mother's Eye Color:
Father's Eye Color:
[EDIT] There will be 5 rounds. I forgot to mention this!
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
This message was edited 7/24/2006, 10:32 AM